Metalico Camera Blog


October 18, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:09 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H410841-101924)

Description: While loading the barge and moving material on site at Metalico, excessive dust clouds were raised, conflicting with the standards outlined in Metalico’s Operating Permit, IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions. In the camera evidence below dust is visible beyond the site’s property line along the Ohio River and no dust control seems to occur during the barge loading process.

September 26, 2024

Entered by: Angelo Toranto

Time of Day: 8:45 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H408851-092624)

Description: From about 8:45 - 9:15 a.m. this morning I observed Metalico from across the river in Emsworth.  During that time, it was overcast and the shredder was operating.  Also during that time I observed that smoke emissions from the shredder crossed Metalico's property line as shown in the attached photos.

September 23, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:45 a.m. - 11:51 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H408536-092424)

Description: Excessive dust clouds were seen being raised by material moving operations at Metalico in violation of the site’s Operating Permit, IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions. In the camera evidence below dust is visible being raised by machinery and in the air above the Ohio River beyond Metalico’s property line.

September 13, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:10 p.m. - 2:20 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H407618-091424)

Description: Dust clouds were visible being generated by material handling operations at Metalico, often crossing the property line, conflicting with the safety standards outlined in IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling of Metalico’s Operating Permit. In the camera evidence below dust clouds are seen being generated on site, in the air above the facility and beyond the Metalico’s property line.

September 9, 2024 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:35 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H407352-091124)

Description: In violation of Metalico’s Operating Permit excessive bursts of smoke were visible coming from the metal shredder on site after being generated by a small explosion. In the camera evidence below smoke is visible beyond Metalico’s property line above the Ohio River.

ACHD Response: “An inspection of the video was performed and the incident was located in Metalico's self-reported list.An inspection of the complaint site was conducted. The smoke at the time of emissions was reported to be extinguisher exhaust.

Flame is seen at the shredder in a single frame at 11:36:54. Corrective actions were taken immediately.  Dust control measures were active and sufficient.The Department appreciates your diligence and thanks you for your concern.  Thank you again for submitting your concerns and using GovQA.This case has been closed. If you have questions or concerns, please respond with a message through this request.

September 9, 2024 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:50 a.m. - 1:50 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H407355-091124)

Description: Excessive dust clouds were visible in the air above the Ohio River and above Metalico’s industrial space after being raised by truck loading operations and other material handling operations in violation of the site’s Operating permit, IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling. In the three pieces of camera evidence below emissions are clear coming from the material moving process and in the air beyond Metalico’s property boundary as a consequence.

ACHD Response: “An inspection of the complaint site was conducted.  

No corroboration of your observations was found and no violations were observed.

Dust control measures were active and sufficient.

The Department appreciates your diligence and thanks you for your concern.  

Thank you again for submitting your concerns and using GovQA.

This case has been closed. If you have questions or concerns, please respond with a message through this request.

ACCAN Response: “ACCAN doesn’t expect you to use this complaint and the documentation submitted with it to apply sanctions on Metalico.  What we do expect is that you would agree that what we documented, particularly since it shows emissions crossing Metalico's property line (if that is the case), is concerning.  ACCAN also expects that you would discuss this complaint with Metalico and that you would monitor Metalico more frequently.  We even expect that you would do what EPA did in 2021. They went on, captured their own video of a pollution event and used that as the basis for a Notice of Violation that they issued to Metalico. The fact that your inspector did not observe a violation when they visited the site is irrelevant.  The documentation we submitted with this complaint is evidence of a pollution event on September 9, 2024 at 10:50, a.m., 1:59 a.m. and 1:44 p.m.”

August 21, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:40 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H405530-082224)

Description: As machinery performed barge loading operations on site at Metalico excessive dust was raised at least 14 times in the morning’s operations. Despite the fact that water was used to control dust, large clouds are still visible in the air above the Ohio River beyond Metalico’s property line as seen in the camera evidence below. This dust is a clear violation of IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling within the site’s Operating Permit.

ACHD Response: “An inspection of the complaint facility was conducted.  No corroboration of your observations was found and no violations were observed.

The video clips were not sufficient to impose sanctions upon the facility.

The Department appreciates your diligence and thanks you for your concern.  

Thank you again for submitting your concerns and using GovQA.

This case has been closed. If you have questions or concerns, please respond with a message through this request.

August 20, 2024 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 3:07 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H405525-082224)

Description: As operations slowed for the day at Metalico a dense cloud of dust was raised by material moving and handling operations in violation of Section IV of the site’s Operating Permit. In the camera evidence below a cloud of red dust is visible in the air above industrial space.

ACHD Response: “The video clip was reviewed.

The site was inspected.  

No violation was found.

The Department appreciates your diligence and thanks you for your concern.  

Thank you again for submitting your concerns and using GovQA.

This case has been closed. If you have questions or concerns, please respond with a message through this request.

August 20, 2024 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:15 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H405524-082224)

Description: A few excessive bursts of smoke came from the shredder at Metalico during their daily operation as seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below. Smoke emissions are seen in the air above the industrial yard after being generated by the shredder operation.  

ACHD Response: “An inspection of the complaint site was conducted.

No corroboration of your observations was found and no violations were observed.

The video clips were not sufficient to impose sanctions upon the facility.

The Department appreciates your diligence and thanks you for your concern.  

Thank you again for submitting your concerns and using GovQA.

This case has been closed. If you have questions or concerns, please respond with a message through this request.

August 16, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:43 a.m. - 7:52 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H404990-081724)

Description: The shredder at Metalico emitted excessive smoke a number of times in the morning hours of their operation in violation of the site’s operating permit. In the camera evidence below smoke emissions are seen being generated by the shredder, in the air above their industrial yard and beyond Metalico’s property boundary.

ACHD Response: “An inspection of the complaint facility was conducted.  No corroboration of your observations was found and no violations were observed.

The video clip was not sufficient to impose sanctions upon the facility.

The Department appreciates your diligence and thanks you for your concern.  

Thank you again for submitting your concerns and using GovQA.

This case has been closed. If you have questions or concerns, please respond with a message through this request.

August 14, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:20 a.m. 10:45 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H404870-081524)

Description: Despite the fact that water was continuously used to quell dust on site at Metalico excessive dust emissions are still visible being generated by material handling operations and crossing Metlico’s property line on many occasions. Within section IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling of Metalico’s operating permit it is noted that these emissions must be controlled to not excessively pollute the airshed.

ACHD Response: “An inspection of the complaint facility was conducted.  No corroboration of your observations was found and no violations were observed.

The video clip was not sufficient to impose sanctions upon the facility.

The Department appreciates your diligence and thanks you for your concern.  

Thank you again for submitting your concerns and using GovQA.

This case has been closed. If you have questions or concerns, please respond with a message through this request.

August 8, 2024

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:15 a.m. - 9:40 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H404134-080824)

Description: I observed Metalico in person from across the river in Emsworth from about 9:15 to 9:40 a.m. this morning.  Metalico's  shredder was operating during that time and, at times, the shredder produced smoke emissions that blew across Metalico's property line, as illustrated in the attached photos.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, ACHD received and reviewed your 08/08/24 “VE / FE “complaint, H404134-080824, from the Emsworth side of the river. Your complaint and five (5) photographs were shared and discussed Metalico, ACHD continues to monitor both sides of the river, thank you for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

July 24, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:40 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H403029-072624)

Description: Barge loading operations caused excessive dust clouds to be raised on Metalico’s site, often crossing the industry’s property line, despite the use of water to control the emissions. According to Metalico’s Operating Permit, section IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling, controlling these emissions is central to a well-regulated operation yet they are visible in the air above the Ohio River on numerous occasions, floating toward residential space. Smoke and dust emissions from metal recycling facilities have been shown to cause concentrations of metals in off-site ambient air which is a concern for barge and truck loading operations along the River.


July 22, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:25 a.m. - 8:35 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H402996-072524)

Description: The shredder at Metalico appeared to emit excessive smoke emissions multiple times during the site’s morning operations. In the camera evidence below smoke emissions are visible being generated by the shredder on site, floating in the air above the industrial yard and crossing Metalico’s property line, a violation as noted by Metalico’s Operating Permit.

July 17, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:35 p.m. - 3:10 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H402323-071824)

Description: As I viewed Metalico on camera on I watched as barge loading activity generated excessive dust through the afternoon often visible well beyond Metalico’s property line despite water being used to control emissions from the material handling process. In the two pieces of camera evidence excessive dust emissions are visibly raised on site and pushed beyond Metalico’s property line, a violation of section IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling within Metalico’s Operating Permit.

July 16, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:20 a.m. 10:55 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H402354-071824)

Description: Through Metlaico’s daily operations I noticed excessive dust emissions raised on multiple occasions crossing Metalico’s property line above the Ohio River. According to standardized safety procedures these emissions are noted as a violation in section IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling within Metalico’s Operating Permit. In the three pieces of camera evidence below dust emissions are visible being generated within the industrial yard from machinery, truck and wind and are seen beyond Metalico’s property line.

ACHD Response: “Thank you for submitting your Air Quality Complaint request for support on Reference Number:  H402354-071824

An inspection of the complaint facility was conducted.  No corroboration of your observations was found and no violations were observed.

The video clip was not sufficient to impose sanctions upon the facility.

The Department appreciates your diligence and thanks you for your concern.  

Thank you again for submitting your concerns and using GovQA.

July 10, 2024 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:00 p.m. - Ongoing

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust and smoke emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H401661-071024)

Description: VERY HEAVY ODOR AND MASSIVE DUST blowing across the river from Metalico. How is this company allowed to operate the shredder on an incredibly hot day with extreme winds blowing their filth around into the river and across the river into my neighborhood?

This is the 4th extreme wind day we’ve had in the past two months and every time, Metalico’s HUGE EXPOSED pile of shit blows all over the place  and the odor that comes from the shredder is overwhelming!  It’s permeating everywhere and causing severe headache and asthma symptoms.

Why can’t this company be forced to cap  the odors coming from the shredder and encapsulate the massive  piles of waste coming off the conveyor?? The pile just sits there and blows all over the place in winds like this.

The power is out in my neighborhood due to the wind and I have no fans and the heat is extreme. I can’t even open my windows to cool my home because of Metalico.

This is ridiculous. I guess in Allegheny county, the massive polluting industry’s rights are more important than a citizen’s  right to breath decent air. No wonder so many people I know are choosing to leave this filthy area.

July 10, 2024 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:35 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H401875-071324)

Description: Throughout the daily operations at Metalico as viewed on camera at excessive dust emissions were raised by many sources on several occasions often crossing the property line as visible in the camera evidence below. Toxic dust raised by machinery and wind is visible in the air after being generated by materials handling operations on site, a violation of Metalico’s Operating Permit according to section IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. Your complaint and attachments were shared and discussed with Metalico, they followed-up, commented and it was noted in complaint H401875-071324. Thank you for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

July 9, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H401547-070924)

Description: As I watched Metalico’s operations on camera at I noticed excess dust emission raised by operations on several occasions, activity which is regulated in Metalico’s Operating Permit, section IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling. In the camera evidence below dust is visible being generated by activity on Metalico’s site, in the air above the site as well as beyond their property line above the Ohio River.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. Your complaint and attachments were shared and discussed with Metalico, they followed-up, commented and it was noted in complaint H401547-070924. Thank you for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

July 8, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:10 p.m. - 2:40 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H401546-070924)

Description: Excessive dust was raised by operations at Metalico which were visible in the air and beyond the site’s property line on multiple occasions. This activity is regulated in section IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling within Metalico’s Operating Permit and is visible in the three pieces of camera evidence below and on camera at

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. Your complaint and attachments were shared and discussed with Metalico, they followed-up, commented and it was noted in complaint H401546-070924. Thank you for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

July 2, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:10 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H401222-070524)

Description: As I viewed Metalico on camera at I noticed that excessive dust emissions were generated on several occasions by trucks and machinery on Metalico’s site. These emissions are often visible crossing Metalico’s property line in the three pieces of camera evidence below and are regulated in section IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling of Metalico’s Operating Permit.  

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. Your complaint and attachments were shared and discussed with Metalico, they followed-up, commented and it was noted in H401222-070524. Thank you for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

June 24, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:55 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H400763-062824)

Description: When viewing Metalico’s operations on camera I watched as excessive dust was generated by activity on site on numerous occasions, much of which is visible in the air beyond Metalico’s property line above the Ohio RIver as seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below. Within section IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling of Metalico’s Operating Permit these emissions are noted as a violation.

June 21, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: All Day

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust and smoke emissions from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H400077-)

Description: In the words of an Emsworth Resident “Metalico was not operating the shredder today, only shuffling metal piles around the yard creating huge dust clouds.  Yet, as with a dead corpse rotting in the sun, it still smelled heavily ALL DAY LONG. The usual odor of hot melting plastic /rubber /metal car parts that steams off of their property on a 96 degree day with an air quality alert of orange. How nice it is to sit next to my mini-pool (because there’s no air conditioning inside) and sniff auto part chemicals baking in the heat. Good job on keeping up our ranking as one of the areas with the worst air quality in the country.

June 17, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: All Day

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive industrial odor from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H399531-061724)

Description: In the words of an Emsworth Resident “Extremely heavy and thick odors coming from the shredder and the massive pile of shredded waste sitting by the river.  It smells like I’m living next to a burning auto repair garage; hot/melted rubber, metal, electrical wire, gas etc.

The smell has been steadily getting worse as the heat continues to increase, like a pile of garbage sitting in the sun. I don’t have air conditioning in my home. It’s boiling hot inside so I’m trying to set up a pop-up pool in my yard yet it’s almost impossible to be outside. The smell is overwhelming and suffocating.

Why are they allowed to operate on heat warning days?? Why can’t you force them to deposit the shredded crap into box cars or containers so that it can be immediately covered or removed from the area instead of sitting like a pile of shit in the sun??

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, ACHD received and reviewed your 06/21/24 “Odor“ complaint and attachments, H400077-062124, from the Emsworth side of the river. Your complaint and attachments were shared and discussed Metalico, ACHD continues to monitor both sides of the river. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments, thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

June 12, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:37 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H399461-061424)

Description: As I viewed Metalico’s operations on camera at I watched as machinery raised dust from the large structure along the river which is visible beyond Metalico’s property line. These emissions are considered a violation according to section IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling in Metalico’s Operating Permit. In the camera evidence below these excessive dust emissions are visible in the air above the Ohio River.

June 7, 2024 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 3:00 p.m. - 3:40 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H398802-060824)

Description: While viewing Metalico’s operations on camera at I noticed excessive dust clouds raised by machinery operating on site on many occasions as well as by barge loading operations. Noted as a violation in section IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling in Metalico’s Operating Permit, dust is visible crossing their property line from materials handling activity and is seen in the air above the Ohio River in the camera evidence below. Despite water being used to control the dust, emissions are still visible in the air beyond Metalioc’s property line.

June 7, 2024 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:20 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H398801-060824)

Description: As I viewed Metalico’s operations on camera at I noticed dust raised from barge loading operations and from machinery operating on site. This dust often crosses Metalico’s property line as seen in the camera evidence below. These emissions are considered a violation according to section IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling in Metalico’s Operating Permit.

June 4, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 3:45 p.m. - 3:55 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H398787-060724)

Description: When watching Metalico’s operations on camera at I noticed a small piece of machinery maneuvering in the industrial space along the Ohio River where some material moving had occurred earlier in the day. In the camera evidence below dust emissions can be seen raised from the machinery moving material, crossing Metalico’s property line, noted as a violation in section IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling in Metlico’s Operating Permit.


June 3, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H398786-060724)

Description: While viewing Metalico on camera at I watched as dust emissions were raised by machinery operating around a scrap pile behind the shredder. In section IV. Site Level Terms and Conditions, Materials Handling in Metalico’s new Operating Permit it states that “The permittee shall not conduct, or allow to be conducted, any materials handling operation in such manner that emissions from such operation are visible at or beyond the property line.” In the two pieces of camera evidence below excessive dust emissions are visible beyond Metalico’s property line from materials handling operations and from an area where a scrap fire has started in the past.

May 31, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 3:35 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H398125-060124)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noticed excessive dust coming from operations in the main structure along the Ohio River that is part of Metalico’s facility. In the camera evidence below dust can be seen in the air above the Ohio River, crossing Metalico’s property line. Many other dust clouds are raised by machinery on site in the afternoon hours, some of which also clearly crosses Metalico’s property line and though it is not quite as excessive it normalizes a level of toxic air that is harmful to members of the local community.

May 23, 2024 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 3:40 p.m. -  4:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H397560-052524)

Description: While I viewed Metalico’s operations on camera at I watched an excessive amount of dust was raised by operations on site in the latter portion of the three o’clock hour as machinery was moving debris. In the camera evidence below heavy dust is captured crossing Metalico’s property line being pushed directly toward the Ohio River.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 05/25/24 “dust “complaint, H397560-052524, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 05/23/24. Your complaint and attachment were discussed with Metalico, the condensed speed of the attachment is not considered representative of the actual work taking place at the time of the complaint. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

May 23, 2024 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H397559-052524)

Description: As I watched Metalico’s operations on camera at I noticed heavy dust clouds raised by trucks and machinery driving through the site as well as dust raised by barge loading operations on multiple occasions during the morning’s operating hours. In the camera evidence below excessive dust can be seen being generated on site and crossing the Metalico’s property line including being visible in the air above the Ohio River.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two (2) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 05/25/24 “dust “complaint, H397559-052524, and reviewed the time stamp on the two (2) attachments dated 05/23/24. Your complaint and attachments were discussed with Metalico, thank you for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

May 22, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H397534-052424)

Description: When viewing Metalico’s operations at I watched as dust was raised on multiple occasions by trucks and machinery on site, primarily from barge loading, as well as the wind. In the two pieces of camera evidence below heavy dust emissions can be seen raised on the site and in the air beyond Metalico’s property line.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 05/24/24 “FE” dust complaint, H397534-052424, and reviewed the time stamp on the condensed video attachments dated 05/22/24. After the  review of the complaint and attachments, it was determined that it was wind and not due to equipment operating, thank you for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

ACCAN Response: “Here is an additional piece of camera evidence for you to review that clearly shows machinery raising dust from barge loading and other activity on site. Even if dust is raised by the wind it does not negate the fact that the excessive emissions were generated from Metalico's site and that that dust must also be mitigated through their efforts. Just because climate and environmental factors contribute to their operations does not mean that industries are not responsible for the management and cleanliness of their site, especially when a residential community is directly across the Ohio River. Thank you, Cecilia Muzika-Minteer”

May 20, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:25 p.m. - 3:05 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H397533-052424)

Description: As I watched Metalico’s operations on camera at I noticed dust clouds raised by machinery, trucks and wind on site on several occasions. In the three pieces of camera evidence below dust can be seen crossing Metlaico’s property line after being generated by operations on site.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 05/24/24 “FE” dust complaint, H397533-052424, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 05/20/24. After our review, we didn’t see much in these attachments to share with anyone, thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

ACCAN Response: “Did you not receive the three pieces of camera evidence that show dust clearly being raised on site? Two clips show heavy dust emissions being raised by vehicles along the river driving through the site and the other clips show dust being raised by machinery coming from the main structure along the Ohio River and it is visible above the river itself. Let me know if this is not the camera evidence you recieved.  If you find no reason to share these with anyone I find that quite concerning.  Thank you, Cecilia Muzika-Minteer”

May 14, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:50 a.m. -  9:55 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H396874-051824)

Description: When viewing Metalico’s operations on camera at I watched as excessive smoke came from the shredder in the morning crossing the property line. In the camera evidence below smoke can be seen separating from the plume and crossing Metalico’s property line.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 5/18/24 VE complaint, H396874-051824, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 5/14/24, the plume separation was reviewed. Your VE complaint has been shared and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”


May 7, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:30 a.m. -  9:40 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H395864-050824)

Description: As I viewed Metalico’s operations at I watched as heavy dust emissions were raised by machinery just after 9:30 a.m. and can be seen in the air in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

May 3, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:50 a.m. -  1:30 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H395862-050824)

Description: While observing Metalico’s operations on camera at I noticed several dust clouds raised by machinery and trucks on site. In the two pieces of camera evidence below dust emissions can be seen raised in the air beyond Metalico’s property line.

May 2, 2024 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:30 p.m. -  3:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H395430-050424)

Description: In the afternoon hours of Metalico’s operations I watched as excessive dust was raised on multiple occasions. As can be seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below, heavy dust is generated on site and often visible beyond Metalico’s property line.

May 2, 2024 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H395429-050424)

Description: When viewing Metalico’s operations on camera at I watched as excessive dust was raised by machinery activity on site. In the three pieces of camera evidence below heavy dust is visible in the air beyond Metalico’s property line after being generated by trucks and other machinery on Metlaico’s site.

May 1, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:00 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H395428-050424)

Description: As I watched Metlaico’s operations on camera at there was excessive dust raised by machinery on site on several occasions with the most excessive seen below. In the camera evidence below dust can clearly be seen crossing Metalico’s property line from a truck speeding through the site.


April 30, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H395427-050424)

Description: While I watched Metalico’s operatiaons on camera at I noticed several large dust clouds raised primarily from barge loading operations in the morning hours of operation. Dust can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line on a number of occasions in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

April 29, 2024 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:25 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H395426-050424)

Description: When watching Metalico’s operations on camera at I noted dust raised by trucks and machinery on several occasions generating dust clouds that can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

April 29, 2024 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H395425-050424)

Description: As I viewed Metalico’s operations on camera at I watched trucks and machinery repeatedly raise dust, both heavy and light, from both the large structure along the Ohio River and from the truck loading process. Below are two pieces of camera evidence showing dust being raised and clearly crossing Metalico’s property line.

April 23, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: All Day

Observation: In person by a resident across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H394342-042324)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident “First 4 photos are from 10:30am this morning and the remaining photos are from 3:50-3:57pm this afternoon.

Metalico’s “dust mitigation” is a joke. It was dusty and smelled horribly all day long. The water jets were on at times spraying but not on the piles they were working on. No one is there to move the water jets to the area being worked on. It’s a joke. What is Metalico doing to stop the heavy dust from the pile they dump into the barge? The dust flies up and out as soon as the load hits the barge. All that dust has been blowing across the river the entire day. I have to wash my windows again after just cleaning them two weeks ago because of all the dust. It, again, smelled heavily all day of hot/melty plastics /metal and rubber.

I also observed (over 10 separate instances) of scrap metal being thrown into the river because it bounced out of the barge. I was only able to capture one of these (see iphone video)

April 22, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: All Day

Observation: In person by a resident across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H394319-042324)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident “Massive amounts of dust coming from the front loader moving/dumping the processed pile by shredder as well as from the scrap being moved and dumped into a barge from the open building.  The photos were taken at 9:56am but the dust was like this ALL DAY LONG from both areas of Metalico. It smelled consistently all day long like burnt plastic/rubber, and car parts.

The noise from the loaders dumping the scrap metal into the metal barge was outrageous. It sounded like multiple car crashes every few seconds and lasted the entire day. Beyond extreme and severely nerve racking to have to hear this hour after hour. I had to wear ear plugs in my own home to try to cancel it out but could still feel the vibrations of the scrap hitting the metal barge.

The last photo is of a dump truck dumping a huge pile of scrap at 1:20am in the morning, waking me up.

Metalico’s actions have consistently gotten worse and have reverted back to exactly the same kind of bad behavior they did before ACHD got involved. It’s very disheartening that your dept doesn’t take this polluter seriously and forces the Emsworth community to continuously breathe in their toxic fumes and dust, and are forced to deal with the decimal-busting noise.

ACHD Response: Thank you for submitting your observations to the ACHD.


In response to this report, an inspection was performed this week.  

* Dust was seen, but only up to 20' from source, maximum.  No dust was observed at a property boundary.  

* Dust mitigation equipment and activities was observed.

* No odors were detected and no combustion sources were found.

* Noise complaints are not within the purview of the ACHD.  No instances above 90 dB were experienced during the inspection.  

The Department thanks you for your attention.

Resident Response: “Well, as per the photos sent with the complaint, the dust was, at multiple times throughout the day, crossing the property line leaving a film on the river and blowing into my neighborhood. When the dust is as bad as it was on that day, I can tell because I always end up having to wash my windows because so much has accumulated. That’s not normal.

I don’t understand how you can look at the photos and not see dust poring out and their pathetic “mitigation” efforts. Of course everything is going to be fine when an inspector is on their property….it’s when no one is watching that they slack off.

 As for not smelling the odor, your dept is well aware that the smell is bad on windy and hot weather days or when the pile has built up and been sitting there. Why do you even have an “odor” option on your complaint form when you do absolutely nothing about it and state “we can’t prove the odor is from them”.  Really? Figure it out! How do other health depts. source odors? Maybe get some monitoring equipment that stays on Metalico’s property.

I’m so discouraged and disgusted by your depts. inaction with this and how it’s continually harming my neighborhood. I guess our health isn’t a priority.

April 17, 2024 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H393976-041924)

Description: During the afternoon hours of Metalico’s operations I took note of several heavy clouds of dust raised by machinery and wind generated on Metalico’s site. In the three pieces of camera evidence below dust can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line.

April 17, 2024 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H394036-041924)

Description: As I watched Metalico’s operations on camera at I noted several bursts of smoke coming from the shredder on site and crossing Metalico’ property line in the morning and into the early afternoon. Smoke can be seen separating from the plume and floating in the air above the property line in the camera evidence below.

April 15, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:24 p.m.

Observation: In person by a resident across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust emissions raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H393521-041524)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident “Massive clouds of dust coming from the open-sided building as a loader dumps scrap into a dump truck. The clouds are floating across the river into my neighborhood.

Huge amounts of dust are created EVERY TIME that they dump/move/load scrap from this building, which happens at least once per day. They do zero to contain the dust and it just pours out of the building.

April 9, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 3:05 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H393370-041324)

Description: While I watched Metalico’s operations I noted several dust clouds raised by machinery in the afternoon hours which are visible in the air crossing Metlaico’s property line. In the piece of camera evidence below dust emissions are visible in the air above the Ohio River coming from machinery on Metlaico’s site.

April 4, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 3:13 p.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive industrial odor from Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H392606-040424)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident, “HEAVY and THICK odor of melting plastic, burnt rubber/metal coming from the shredder. It’s been smelling like this all day but it was so bad and heavy at 3:13pm that when I  opened my door to go on my porch, I was hit with such a strong wall of stench that instantly gave me a headache and left a horrible taste in my nose/throat.”

ACHD Response: “...just to follow-up with your "Odor" complaint, with the recent weather this week and the with the weather conditions today, this may have something to do with the odors you’re experiencing this afternoon. ACHD representatives will continue to monitor both sides of the river, if the odors continue, please continue to use GovQA, and file another complaint, thank you.”

March 20, 2024 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H391449-032124)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noticed dust clouds raised fairly consistently in the afternoon from barge loading, other activity by machinery and the wind. In the camera evidence below dust can be seen generated on Metalico’s property and raised in the air beyond Metalio’s property line.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three (3) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 03/21/24 “dust" complaint, H391449-032124, and reviewed the time stamp on the three (3) attachments dated 03/20/24. Your complaint and attachments were discussed Metalico, thank you for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

March 20, 2024 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:55 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H391448-032124)

Description: When watching Metalico’s operations on camera at there were dust clouds raised almost constantly through the morning hours primarily from barge loading but also other machinery operations on site. In the three pieces of camera evidence below dust can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line despite the use of water to temper emissions at times.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three (3) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 03/21/24 “dust" complaint, H391448-032124, and reviewed the time stamp on the three (3) attachments dated 03/20/24. Your complaint and attachments were discussed Metalico, thank you for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

March 19, 2024 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:50 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H391447-032124)

Description: Through the afternoon hours of operation at Metalico I noted dust raised by various sources on site, primarily a combination of machinery and the wind, and often the dust can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line such as in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two (2) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 03/21/24 “dust" complaint, H391447-032124, and reviewed the time stamp on the two (2) attachments dated 03/19/24. Your complaint and attachments were discussed with Metalico, thank you for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

March 19, 2024 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:10 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H391446-032124)

Description: While I watched Metalico’s operations on camera at there were dust clouds raised that were fairly heavy from truck loading, other machinery activity and the wind. In the two pieces of camera evidence below dust is visible crossing Metalico’s property line from varying activities on site.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two (2) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 03/21/24 “dust" complaint, H391446-032124, and reviewed the time stamp on the two (2) attachments dated 03/19/24. Your complaint and attachments were discussed with Metalico, thank you for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

March 18, 2024 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H391445-032124)

Description: When watching Metalico’s operations on camera at I noted dust clouds raised primarily during barge loading operations. Dust can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line above the Ohio River in the camera evidence below despite the use of water to temper the dust.

March 18, 2024 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:50 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H391444-032124)

Description: As I watched Metalico’s operations on camera at barge loading occurred throughout the morning hours of operation and even when water was used to quell the dust, clouds can still be seen in the air crossing Metalico’s property line as noted in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

March 5, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:20 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H390246-030724)

Description: When watching Metalico’s operations on camera at I noticed two heavier bursts of smoke suddenly came from the shredder in the afternoon. Though the sun was not in a convenient position, smoke can still be seen separating from the plume and crossing Metalico’s property line in the camera evidence below.

February 29, 2024 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:29 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Explosion from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H389596-022924)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident “Yet another massive, house-jarring explosion at the shredder. Very forceful impact and scared the hell out of me. My sister is working from home today and was completely interrupted by the shock of the explosion. Her quote:  “thank god it didn’t happen when I was on a phone or zoom meeting”. This is absolutely outrageous! ACHD does NOTHING to curb Metalico’s disruptive nuisance operations. They’re allowed to freely disrupt the lively-hoods of Allegheny county residents  without repercussions.

February 29, 2024 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:34 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Explosion from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H390164-030624)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noticed a sudden heavy burst of smoke come from the shredder on site at 8:48 a.m. In the camera evidence below smoke can be seen in the air separating from the plume and crossing Metalico’s property line.

February 19, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:34 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Explosion from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H388557-021924)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident “Another massive explosion at the shredder that violently shook my home and windows and scared the hell out of me. This is ridiculous. The explosions have steadily been increasing again to be a multiple times per week occurrence just like before. What they are doing to “mitigate” them IS NOT WORKING!

They also had an open fire going in a barrel behind the shredder this morning. Their history of causing multiple major fire events makes this extremely troubling. I thought they were fined before for having open burning??

ACHD Response: thank you for using GovQA, your Emsworth complaint (H388557-021924) was reviewed and shared. ACHD is aware of the incident that you reported and shared in your complaint, Metalico self-reported the incident as it happened, your complaint was submitted shortly after ACHD received Metalico’s self-report (SRI) incident. SRI numbers are issued for tracking as they investigate the incident for a root cause, very similar to breakdowns. The February 19, 2024, incident was discussed with Metalico regarding their investigation and root cause, a corrective action followed shortly after their investigation. ACHD representatives followed-up and visited your site Wednesday, February 21, 2024, you were not home when they stopped, please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

February 15, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika Minteer

Time of Day: 1:20 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H388542-021724)

Description: While I watched Metalico’s operations at wind and operations on site raise dust in the afternoon hours on several occasions. Dust clearly crosses the property line and even when water is used to quell the dust it does little to stop it from being raised throughout the entire site as seen in the camera evidence below. Though emissions can also be seen coming from other sites and unknown sources, dust is also visibly coming directly from Metlaico’s site.

February 14, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika Minteer

Time of Day: 11:25 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H388541-021724)

Description: When watching Metalico’s operations on camera at I watched machinery participating in barge loading operations raise dust clouds on site which crossed Metalico’s property line, as can be seen in the camera evidence below.

February 9, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika Minteer

Time of Day: 7:00 a.m. - 11:25 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H387993-021024)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noted smoke separate from the plume as the metal shredder operated through the morning. In the three pieces of camera evidence below smoke can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line.

February 8, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:10 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Explosion from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H387832-020824)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident ”Another Huge explosion at the shredder this morning. The percussion from this explosion shook my bed and woke me up at 7:10am. This is ridiculous. Metalico has been saying for years that they would take care of this problem and they haven’t. It still keeps happening on a regular basis and the force of these explosions continues to damage my home.”

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, your Emsworth complaint (H387832-020824) was reviewed and shared. ACHD is aware of the incident that you reported and shared in your complaint, Metalico self-reported the incident shortly after it happened, your complaint was submitted approximately the same time that ACHD received Metalico’s self-report (SRI) incident. SRI numbers are issued for tracking as they investigate the incident for a root cause, very similar to breakdowns. The February 08, 2024, incident was discussed with Metalico regarding their investigation and root cause. The shredder was brought back online shortly after they found the cause and after they reinspected the unit and material. ACHD representatives followed-up and visited your site Friday, February 09, 2024, you were not home when they stopped, please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

February 6, 2024 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:55 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Explosion from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H387560-020624)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident, “Massive Explosion at the shredder. This was a huge one that shook my entire home and scared the hell out of me and my cat. My windows literally rattled in their frames.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, your Emsworth complaint (H387560-020624)was reviewed and shared. ACHD is aware of the incidents that you reported andshared in your complaint, Metalico self-reported the incidents as theyhappened, your complaint(s) were submitted shortly after ACHD receivedMetalico’s self-report (SRI) incidents. SRI numbers are issued for tracking asthey investigate the incident for a root cause, very similar to breakdowns. Therecent incidents were discussed with Metalico regarding their investigation androot cause. ACHD representatives followed-up and visited your site earlyFriday, February 09, 2024, you were not home when they stopped, please let usknow if you have any questions. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

February 6, 2024 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika Minteer

Time of Day: 7:12 a.m. - 7:20 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H387992-021024)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I noted a few heavy bursts of smoke come from the shredder between 7:12 a.m. and 7:20 a.m. Two bursts of smoke are followed by a more sudden burst and the smoke can be seen in the air above Metalico’s property line in the camera evidence below.

February 1, 2024

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:42 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number:H387174-020124)

Description: I observed Metalico from across the river in Emsworth from about 9:42 - 10:00 a.m this morning.  The sky was overcast at that time and the shredder was operating.  During that time the shredder frequently produced excessive smoke emissions as shown in the attached photos.  At times those emissions produced a haze over the site

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your seven (7) photographs taken from the Emsworth side of the river, thank you for sharing.  ACHD reviewed your 2/01/24 VE / FE complaint, H387174-020124, and reviewed the seven (7) attachments that you snapped early Thursday morning from  09:42–10:00 AM, dated February 1, 2024. Your complaint and photographs were shared and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for sharing and using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

January 31, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika Minteer

Time of Day: 9:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H387320-020424)

Description: As I watched Metalico’s operations on camera at I noted smoke bursts coming from the shredder through the latter part of the morning hours of operation. Smoke can be seen separating from the plume and crossing Metalico’s property line both across the river and to the southeast in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

January 25, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika Minteer

Time of Day: 10:15 a.m. - Ongoing

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive industrial odor from Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H386508-012524)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident, “Extremely Heavy Odor (10 out of 10) coming from the shredder operation. It smells like hot melting electrical wires, plastics. It’s been bad off and on all week long but today it’s overwhelming.  I opened my back door and was hit with a wall of odor so strong that I almost passed out. It’s so heavy today that it’s seeping into my home and is leaving a horrible taste in my mouth and on my lips. The fog makes it difficult to take photos.

January 18, 2024 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:40 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H385926-011924)

Description: I observed Metalico from across the river in Emsworth from about 9:40 - 10:00 AM on 9/18/24.  During that time, the sky was overcast, the shredder was operating and for several minutes it was producing visible smoke emissions as illustrated in the attached photos.

January 18, 2024 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 6:15 a.m. - 7:30 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H385979-012024)

Description: As I watched Metalico’s operations on camera at I noted activity that created what appear to be steam and smoke from the shredder, and the area surrounding it, in the 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. hours. Below is a piece of camera evidence that shows the event though it is challenging to distinguish because of the atmospheric conditions.

January 15, 2024

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H385978-012024)

Description: While watching Metalico’s operations on camera at I noted excessive dust raised by both machinery operating within the main structure along the river and machinery loading the barge. Dust can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line along the Ohio River in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

January 4, 2024

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:50 a.m. -10:05 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Industrial odor complaint at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H384737-010424)

Description: I observed Metalico from across the river in Emsworth from about 9:50 - 10:05 a.m.  today.  During that time Metalico's shredder was operating and, at times, it was producing excessive smoke emissions, as illustrated in the attached photos.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your five (5) continuous snapshot photographs taken from the Emsworth side of the river, thank you for sharing.  ACHD reviewed your 1/04/24 VE / FE complaint, H384737-010424, and reviewed your five (5) attachments. Unfortunately, ACHD representatives were not on site to witness the operation at the time of your photographs; we did not receive your complaint until 14:02 hrs., you see, ACHD representatives were on site watching the operations from 13:30 – 16:00 hrs., had we known, we would’ve shared the complaint with Metalico and discussed. At least this is a timely complaint that ACHD can respond in a timely manner, not something that is two (2) weeks old before anyone reports it or sees it. Your photographs and complaint will be shared and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

ACCAN Response: Thank you for responding to my complaint.   We understand your preference to get complaints at the time we observe pollution events.  We would prefer to do that also; however, sometimes we can't do that.  One reason is that some of us find it very difficult to submit a complaint using GovQA on our phones. That is a problem for me and that is why I submit my complaint when I get back to my computer.  Another problem is that currently there is a technical problem with ACCAN's Metalico BreatheCam and we can't access video footage until days after it was recorded.  In any case, the documentation that we are submitting with our complaints is valid and accurately illustrates the dust and smoke emissions that Metalico continues to produce.

December 28, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:55 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Industrial odor complaint at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number:)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth Resident, “Heavy /Thick odor of hot, melting plastic, rubber, car parts. Wind is blowing SW across the island towards my house. It’s been on and off all morning with 11:55am being the strongest smell. Interestingly, it didn’t smell at all when they were  shut down for Christmas Eve/Day but started smelling again when they started operations on Tuesday.”

December 6, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H383933-122223)

Description: As I watched Metalico’s daily operations on I noted dust being raised from barge loading activating taking place in the main structure along the river. Heavy dust can be seen looming over the river and in the air beyond Metalico’s property line in the camera evidence below.

December 5, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H383932-122223)

Description: While watching Metalico’s operations on I noted heavy dust being raised by machinery loading the barge on the Ohio River. The operations took place in the main structure along the river bank little to nothing was done to quell the dust. Dust clouds can be seen in the air above the river, beyond Metalico’s property line,  in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

November 17, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:10 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive industrial odor from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H381368-111723)

Description: HEAVY odor of melting plastics/metal coming from the shredder. There’s also an enormous pile of shredded debris sitting on the lot.

I noticed it immediately as I got out of my car from a grocery store trip. (11:10am) Very windy today. Level 3 but is varying  to level 4 when the wind starts gusting. Periods of of thick emissions. Wind is SSW

No odor detected from 9-10am.

ACHD Response: thank you for using GovQA. ACHD reviewed your 10/26/23 “Odor” and VE / FE complaint, H379734-102623. We understand there has been issues with odor, though odor is very discretionary when comes to detecting, and documenting the strength or source. An odor complaint is more difficult to confirm, it’s not as easy as taken a photograph for VE OR FE. The four (4) photographs that were attached were reviewed and shared with Metalico.

Observation                Time                Odor                Minutes of Odor

Location                Interval        Strength        Detected @ Each Strength

If for any reason the wind shifts while you’re onsite please indicate the shift, and please note if the odor changes, (0=NONE, 1=SLIGHT, 2=MODERATE, 3= STRONG, 4=VERY STRONG), please note the duration of change for each strength, very seldom a 3 or 4 is observed during odor observations, especially for any length of time. Time of day, wind direction and outside temperature is very important when reporting odor for any length of time, or it’s just another photograph. Please let us know if you have any questions, 0-10 odor scale is not used, thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

November 14, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:45 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H381784-112523)

Description: While watching Metalico’s daily operations on camera at I noted several heavy bursts of smoke separate from the plume leaving the metal shredder and cross Metalico’s property line. In the three pieces of camera evidence below smoke is visible in the air beyond the site’s boundary.

November 13, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H381420-111823)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I witnessed smoke bursts come from the metal shredder on site through the 11am and 12pm hours. Excessive smoke can be seen in the air and crossing Metalico’s property line in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

November 6, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H380951-111323)

Description: Through the late morning and early afternoon hours of Metlaico’s operations I noted dust clouds raised by machinery and operations on site. In the two pieces of camera evidence below dust can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line due to both machinery operations and the wind.

November 2, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:35 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H380950-111323)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I witnessed excessive dust raised by truck loading operations. The dust clouds raised by operations in the camera evidence below shows the dust emissions crossing Metalico’s property line in the air above the river.

October 26, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:47 a.m. - Ongoing

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke and heavy industrial odor from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H379734-)

Description: Since 11:47am and continuous to filing this complaint, there’s been a heavy odor (9 out of 10) of hot melting plastic, vinyl , metal, and oil. There have been periods of heavy cream colored smoke coming from the shredder. (Not steam).

Today was the only day this week that I’m able to mow my lawn.  For the past 2 hrs I’ve been forced to breathe in the fumes that Metalico is belching out. I’ve watched, for 2 hrs, the heavy emissions coming from the shredder annd the wind blowing all that pollution across the river. I  am now severely wheezing and having to use my inhaler, have a horrible headache, and have the taste of metal/melted plastic in my mouth and all through my nose.  There are no trains going by, and the smell is identical, (though less intense,) to what it smelled like when they had their most recent fire.

The heavier the emissions were over that 2 hrs, the stronger the smell became

October 12, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H379622-102523)

Description: During the early afternoon hours of operation, as seen on camera at, machinery operations and truck loading operations at Metalico raised dust clouds which crossed Metalico’s property line as seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

October 11, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H379621-102523)

Description: While I was watching Metalico on camera at I noted dust being raised by operations on site including truck loading, driving and other machinery operations. Dust can be seen being raised and crossing Metalico’s property line in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

October 10, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H379620-102523)

Description: When watching Metalico’s operations at I witnessed dust clouds raised primarily from the activity of truck loading on site but also from vehicles driving and other machinery operating. As seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below dust can be seen crossing Metlaico’s property line.

October 9, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H379618-102523)

Description: As I watch Metalico on camera at I noted several bursts of smoke coming from the shredder in the afternoon hours of operation. In the two pieces of camera evidence below smoke can be seen separating from the plume and crossing Metalico’s property line.

October 5, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:45 p.m. - 2:10 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H378881-101623)

Description: During the afternoon hours of operation I noted excessive dust raised primarily by vehicles driving through the site on multiple occasions. Below are two examples of dust raised which can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line.


October 4, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:55 p.m. - 2:40 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H378880-101623)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I witnessed several dust clouds raised on site from operations. The dust clouds noted cross Metalico’s property line as can be seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

October 2, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:24 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust from operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H378879-101623)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I noted a large dust cloud raised by vehicles on site. The dust cloud can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line and hanging in the air in the camera evidence below.

September 16, 2023

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 10:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Large industrial fire in a scrap pile at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H376226-091623)

Description: Having heard that there was another fire at Metalico that started, I believe, sometime after 9:00 p.m., I went to Emsworth to view it from across the river from Metalico.  The fire was producing a very large plume of smoke  that was blowing upriver (see attached photos).  I could smell odor from the fire (burning plastic, rubber, etc.); however, upriver communities are probably being affected more, since the smoke is blowing in that direction.  I was in Emsworth observing the fire from about 10:00 - 10:30 PM.  The fire was ongoing when I left and I assume it will take a long time to get under control.  I assume this fire is in Metalico's scrap pile, just like the April 14, 2021 fire there which took over 6 hours to get under control.  I don't know what is in Metalico fire prevention plan,  that we were told they have, but whatever is in there obviously was not enough to prevent or quickly put out this fire.  The community needs assurances that this type of event, which can blow toxic smoke into the community will not continue to happen. Additional SmellPGH screenshots, one at 3:39 a.m. and one at 6:50 a.m. showing downwind effects of Metalico fire.   Many report burning plastic, burning tire and chemical smells that are typical of how residents describe emission odors from Metalico.  Some also describe health effects from the odors.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, complaint #H376226-091623, and for the six (6) attachments that include your three (3) videos of the incident Saturday evening at Metalico, September 16, 2023. ACHD met with Metalico’s management, it’s not clear what the root cause was, the facility was idle, the hot spot was reported by their weekend security guard. The timeline is as follows, 911 call made, Neville Island Volunteer Fire Department arrived at the site at 8:55 PM, Metalico personnel arrived on site at 8:52 PM. The flames above the loose material pile were suppressed within the first 30 minutes and the fire was totally extinguished by 10:00 PM, using only water as the cooling agent. The Fire Companies at the site, continued to water down the material from 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM. At 11:00 PM the Fire Departments started to demobilize their units and at 12:00 AM the last Fire Company, Neville Township Volunteer Fire Department left the site, and a Fire Watch was set by Metalico personnel. When the root cause analysis is complete, a corrective action plan will be developed as per Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

September 7, 2023

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number:H375288-090723)

Description: I observed Metalico from across the river in Emsworth from about 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. this morning.  During that entire time Metalico's shredder produced excessive emissions that  frequently crossed their property line as illustrated in the attached photos.  The sky was overcast during the time that I was observing Metalico.

August 24, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number:H375229-090723)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noted several bursts of smoke come from the shredder on site specifically during the last hour of daily operations. Smoke can be seen separating from the plume and crossing Metalico’s property line in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

August 24, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number:H373917-082423)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident “Extremely HEAVY odor of melting plastics/metal/wiring coming from the shredder operating at Metalico. So bad and thick that you you can taste it on your lips and cannot be outside for more than a few minutes without getting a headache. It’s also so bad that you can smell it from the far end of my home on the Rt. 65 side. I had two carpenters working on installing a door to my home and they were overwhelmed as well by the smell. This has been happening all day since they started operating this morning. Also periods of HEAVY emissions, NOT steam.”

August 22, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from barge loading at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H374824-090423)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I watched dust be raised by machinery loading the barge, though they were using water to attempt to control the dust, during the morning hours of operation. Dust can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line in the camera evidence below.

August 21, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from barge loading at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H374823-090423)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noted dust clouds raised from barge loading activity in the afternoon hours of operation. Dust can be seen in the air above the river and crossing Metalico’s property line, despite almost constant watering of the scrap pile, in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

August 21, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive industrial odor from operations and excessive dust at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H373568-082123)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident “Metalico has been operating the shredder ALL DAY. It smelled thick with the odor of melting plastic/metal/ wiring. They’re also loading a barge and, AGAIN, they’re spewing dust all through the air, onto the surface of the river, and all over my neighborhood. There’s a thick layer of it still covering the water surface and there’s a thick layer all over my pool cover. Their “dust mitigation” efforts are a sick joke. Today is a code orange air quality day…. yet Metalico is allowed to operate like this??? I guess in Allegheny county, “code orange” warning is a nice sound bite for the news to let the people of Allegheny county think their health dept cares about the air quality. So sick of nothing being done.

August 8, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from barge loading at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H373582-082223)

Description: As I watched Metalico’s operations I noted heavy dust being raised by machinery loading the barge despite almost constant watering. Dust can be seen being raised in the air and crossing Metalico’s property line along the Ohio river into a residential neighborhood as can be seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

August 4, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:35 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H372955-081623)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I noted a large burst of smoke come from the shredder on site and cross Metalico’s property line. Smoke is visible in the air separating from the plume as can be seen in the camera evidence below.

August 3, 2023

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 10:50 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H371737-080423)

Description: I observed Metalico from about 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on August 3, 2023 from across the river in Emsworth.  During that time Metalico's shredder was operating and during much of the time it was producing excessive smoke emissions as shown in the attached photos.

ACHD Response: Angelo, thank you for using GovQA, we received your six (6) photographs taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 8/04/23 VE complaint, H371737-080423, and we reviewed the six (6) attachments taken while you were onsite, 8/03/23 between 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM. Your VE complaint has been reviewed, shared, and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

August 1, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from barge loading at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H372954-081623)

Description: As I watched Metalico’s operations on I noted dust clouds being raised from barge loading operations on site in the afternoon, much of which can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line as shown in the camera evidence below.



July 31, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from barge loading at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H372953-081623)

Description: As I watched Metalico’s operations on I witnessed dust being raised during the afternoon hours of operation from barge loading and noted dust consistently crossing Metalico’s property line as can be seen in the camera evidence below.

July 31, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:40 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised from barge loading at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H372952-081623)

Description: While watching Metalico’s operations at I noted dust being raised from barge loading operations during the morning hours, much of which crosses Metalico’s property line and is pushed into and across the Ohio River. Below are three pieces of camera evidence showing the dust being raised as noted.

July 6, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:50 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H368147-070723)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noted a large burst of smoke that crossed Metalico’s property line. Below the camera evidence shows smoke forcefully coming from the shredder and separating from the plume.

June 30, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:12 p.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth by a resident

Type of Complaint: Excessive industrial odor from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H367439-063023)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident, “Massive explosion at the shredder accompanied with huge plumes of emissions. It was so loud and so percussive that I heard and felt it as I was vacuuming my home. It ratted my window.”

June 30, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive industrial odor from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H367435-063023)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident, “​​Extremely heavy/thick odor of burnt plastics and metal coming from the shredder all morning long. Bad enough where it leaves an acrid, metalic taste in your nose/throat. First noticed the odor at 10am and lasted well over 2 hrs. Also a lot of cream-colored smoke coming from the shredder. It’s been like this for the past few days but was unable to capture photos due to the haze from the wildfires.

How are they allowed to operate the shredder (and contribute to the already dangerous air quality) on red alert days??!!”

June 26, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:15 a.m. -  9:05 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H367119-062823)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at there were several bursts of smoke that came from the shredder and crossed Metalico’s property line throughout the morning. It is overcast through some of the morning and smoke can be seen separating from the plume in the camera evidence below.

June 23, 2023

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 12:12 p.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H366342-062323)

Description: While I observed Metalico from about 12:00 - 12:12 p.m. today from across the river in Emsworth, their shredder was operating and often producing excessive smoke emissions, as shown in the attached photos.  The sky was mostly overcast during that time.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your five (5) photographs taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 6/23/23 VE complaint, H366342-062323, and we reviewed the five (5) attachments taken while you were onsite, 6/23/23 between noon – 12:12 PM. Your VE complaint has been reviewed, will be shared, and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

June 20, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:30 p.m.- 3:00 pm.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H366152-062223)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noted dust being raised while machinery loaded the barge. Light dust can be seen in the air above the river crossing Metalico’s property line in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “... thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 6/22/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H366152-062223, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 6/20/23. Your “Dust” complaint has been reviewed and shared with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

June 9, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:00 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H364883-061123)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at excessive dust was raised by machinery near the shredder. The large dust cloud can be seen in the air as well as crossing Metalico’s property line in the camera evidence attached.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your one (1) attachment from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 6/11/23 Dust complaint, H364883-061123, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 6/09/23. Your Dust complaint has been reviewed, shared, and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”


June 8, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:20 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H364882-061123)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noted an excessive amount of dust emissions raised near the shredder on site through the day. In the three pieces of camera evidence attached dust can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line and hanging in the air above the site and the river.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your four (4) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 6/11/23 Dust complaint, H364882-061123, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 6/08/23. Your Dust complaint has been reviewed, shared, and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

June 8, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 8:40 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number:H364716-060823)

Description: I observed Metalico from across the river in Emsworth from about 8:40 - 9:15 a.m. this morning. While I was observing Metalico, its shredder was operating and at times producing excessive smoke emissions as shown in the attached photos.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your five (5) photographs taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 6/08/23 VE complaint, H364716-060823, and we reviewed the five (5) attachments taken while you were onsite 6/08/23. Your VE complaint has been reviewed, shared, and will be discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

June 7, 2023 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 3:03 p.m.

Observation: In person by a resident across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised by operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H364558-060723)

Description: In the words of the resident “heavy dust coming from the barge when Metalico dumps loads from the shredding pile. The dust cloud is so thick that it lands on the surface of the river leaving a grimy streak that floats down river with the current. The loader, at least 4 times today that I saw, misses the barge and flings pieces of this stuff directly into the river, creating a huge splash but it’s very hard to capture with my camera.

This too, has been happening all day long when they load a barge. The dust coming from them is extremely disturbing considering the poor air quality alerts we’ve been having.  Their paltry water hose only aims at the pile they’re loading. There’s zero dust mitigation when the trucks drive in the area, or when the load lands in the barge. There’s also zero dust mitigation INSIDE the open building when trucks load, dump, or move scrap.”

June 7, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:51 p.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emission from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H364558-060723)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident “heavy, opaque emissions coming from the shredder. Heavy emissions, like this, have been happening regularly throughout the day since the shredder started at 7am.”

June 7, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised by operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H364881-061123)

Description: Throughout the morning hours excessive dust was raised by machinery on site at Metalico primarily from loading the barge which I witnessed while watching Metalico at Dust can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line and in the air above the river as visible in the three pieces of camera evidence below. While a watering truck was used to quell the dust clouds, little is actually controlled and emissions continue to be pushed toward residences across the river.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three (3) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 6/11/23 Dust complaint regarding the barge loading, H364881-061123, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 6/07/23. Your Dust complaint has been reviewed, shared, and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

June 6, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:18 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised by operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H364421-060623)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I noted a significant dust cloud raised by a truck driving through the site. As noted in the camera evidence below, the dust crosses Metalico’s property line and can be seen in the air.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your one (1) attachment from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 6/06/23 Dust complaint of the water truck, H364421-060623, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 6/06/23. Your Dust complaint has been reviewed, shared, and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

June 5, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised by operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H364445-060723)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I witnessed several dust clouds raised by machinery operating on site especially during the afternoon hours. Clouds were raised that cross Metalico’s property line and can be seen in the air coming from loading and moving operations near the shredder as visible in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two (2) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 6/07/23 FE / Dust complaint, H364445-060723, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 6/05/23. Your FE / Dust complaint has been reviewed, shared, and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

June 2, 2023

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 10:40 a.m. - 10:55 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H363962-060223)

Description: I observed Metalico from about 10:40 - 10:55 a.m. this morning from across the river in Emsworth. During much of that time, Metalico's shredder was producing excessive smoke emissions that were separating from the plume. Examples of these emissions are included in the attached photos.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your five (5) photographs taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 6/02/23 VE complaint, H363962-060223, and we reviewed the five (5) attachments taken while you were onsite 6/02/23 between 10:40 - 10:45 AM. Your VE complaint has been reviewed, shared, and was discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

May 31, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:15 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised by operations at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H364018-060323)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noted several larger clouds of dust raised by trucks and machinery due to operations on site. Dust is often visible beyond Metalico’s property line as seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your four (4) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 6/03/23 Dust complaint, H364018-060323, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 5/31/23. Your Dust complaint has been reviewed, shared, and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

May 26, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:40 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised while loading trucks at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H363721-053123)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I noted dust clouds being raised during the truck loading process some of which can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line. Through the day dust is raised during this process as well as by machinery, trucks and the wind. Three pieces of camera evidence of the dust emissions can be seen in examples below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your four (4) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 5/31/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H363721-053123, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 5/26/23 and noted that the Shredder was not operating. Your “Dust” complaint has been reviewed, shared, and was discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

May 19, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H363717-053123)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at there were several bursts of smoke that came from the shredder on site and crossed Metalico’s property line. It was overcast through much of the day and the smoke can be seen separating from the plume on many occasions, such as in the camera evidence below.

May 17, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H363716-053123)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I noted clouds of dust consistently being raised by machinery loading the barge on site. Clouds are pushed across and into the river as visible in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

May 11, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Heavy industrial odor from Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H361535-051123)

Description: I observed Metalico from across the river in Emsworth today from around 9:30 - 9:45 a.m.  The weather was clear, the temperature was around 60 and the shredder was operating the entire time.  As soon as I got there I smelled a horrible odor that remained strong the entire time that I was there.  It smelled like burning plastic and rubber, irritated my mouth, gave me a headache and was so strong that I could taste it on my lips and in my mouth.  This odor was the odor that I typically smell when the shredder is operating.

May 11, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:30 a.m.-Ongoing

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Heavy industrial odor from Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H369417-051123)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident “I’ve been working in my yard, directly across the river from Metalico, for the past 1 1/2 hours. Metalico has been  operating the shredder the entire time while outside. The smell has been consistent and heavy during that entire time. I had to stop working in my yard because the odor was getting so strong that the back of nose/throat were burning. I’ve had an awful metalic/plastic taste in my mouth and on my lips. The smell caused a headache that I still have.”

April 27, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:30 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number:)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I noted a large dust cloud raised by a vehicle driving through the site during morning operations. As can be seen in the camera evidence below dust crosses the property line when the vehicle drives through.

April 25, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:40 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number:H360121-042723)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at there were several notable bursts of smoke that came from the shredder on site and crossed Metalico’s property line, as can be seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

April 21, 2023 – Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:45 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H359585-042323)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I noted a few dust clouds of concern raised by machinery operating on site during the afternoon. In the camera evidence below dust clouds can be seen being formed on Metalico’s site and crossing their property line.

April 21, 2023 – Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H359584-042323)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noted several frequent smoke bursts come from the shredder throughout the afternoon hours of operation. Much of the emissions can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line in the camera evidence below.

April 21, 2023 – Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H359583-042323)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I witnessed multiple bursts of smoke come from the shredder throughout the morning, most of which can be seen separating from the plume and crossing Metalico’s property line in various directions, including across the river toward residential neighborhoods. Below are three pieces of camera evidence displaying the type of emissions that were visible.

April 17, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H359395-042023)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noted several bursts of smoke come from the shredder on site. Emissions can be seen crossing Metalico’s property line in the three pieces of camera evidence below, often blowing into residential neighborhoods across the river.

April 14, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:55 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive dust raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H359095-041823)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I witnessed dust being raised at an almost constant rate while loading the barge. Due to the barges' locations dust often blows into and across the river crossing Metalico’s property line as can be noted in the two pieces of camera evidence below.ACHD ACHD Response: “thank you for using GovQA, we received your two (2) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 4/18/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H359095-041823, regarding barge loading and equipment movement, the time stamp on the two (2) attachments dated 4/14/23 were noted. Your “Dust” complaint has been reviewed, shared, and will be discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

April 13, 2023 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:50 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H358928-041523)

Description: While watching Metalico’s operations on camera at I observed multiple bursts of smoke come from the shredder on site. As can be seen in the camera evidence below smoke separates from the plume and crosses Metalico’s property line.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three (3) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 4/15/23 VE complaint, H358928-041523, and reviewed the time stamp on the three (3) attachments, early afternoon, dated 4/13/23.  Your VE complaint has been reviewed by ACHD; with the plumes shown in the attachments, we would not consider or view this as a VE complaint, especially viewing from the Emsworth side. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

April 13, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:20 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H358924-041423)

Description: As I observed Metalico on camera at I noted excessive dust being raised almost continuously, flowing into and across the river, while loading the barge. Seen in the four pieces of camera evidence below are multiple dust clouds raised primarily by machinery on site which often cross Metalico’s property line. As can also be seen in the camera evidence often little is done to quell the dust and when something is done it is insufficient as dust can still be seen in the air from operations on site.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your four (4) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 4/14/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H358924-041423, regarding barge loading and equipment movement (dust) from the scrap side. ACHD reviewed the time stamp on the four (4) attachments dated 4/13/23. Your “Dust” complaint has been reviewed, shared, and will be discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality”

April 13, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:40 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive industrial odor complaint

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H58768-041323)

Description: I was in Emsworth across the river from Metalico from 9:30 - 9:45 AM today. During that time the shredder was operating and for a short period of time produced excessive smoke emissions  as illustrated in the photos below.  During the time that I was there I smelled the odor of burning rubber and plastic that I often smell when the shredder is running. From about 9:40 - 9:45 AM the odor was strong.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two (2) photographs taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 4/13/23 “Odor” complaint, H358768-041323, and reviewed your attachments. We understand  that the reason the photographs were taken were to verify that you were onsite, the shredder was running with a slight separation from the plume, though the plume had a down river direction and didn’t appear to be crossing the river in your direction. Odor?







Minutes of Odor

Detected @ Each Strength




 If for any reason the wind shifts while you’re onsite please indicate the shift, and please note if the odor changes, (0=NONE, 1=SLIGHT, 2=MODERATE, 3= STRONG, 4=VERY STRONG), please note the duration of change for each strength.

Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

April 11, 2023 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:00 p.m.- 2:00 p.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H358728-041323)

Description: Throughout the day dust was raised by machinery loading the barge, much of which goes into and across the river crossing Metalico’s property line. Dust is also raised by other operations on site and there is very little done to quell the excessive dust. Below are two pieces of camera evidence from the 1 p.m. of the barge being loaded and, though sunlight obscures it at times, dust can be seen almost constantly being raised in the air from the loading process.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two (2) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 4/13/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H358728-041323, regarding barge loading, and reviewed the time stamp on the two (2) attachments dated 4/11/23. Your “Dust” complaint has been reviewed, shared, and will be discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

April 11, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:52 a.m. - Ongoing

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H358546-041223)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth respident “This is the 4th time this year that Metalico has been loading a barge /moving piles in areas where there was zero mitigation of dust. (I haven’t had time or was unable to catch previous violations.) There’s dust blowing from all three major work areas as well as dust that flies up when it lands in the barge. The dust from the barge was so bad, and with wind,  it coated the surface of the river to the left of the barge.  (The water is clear to on the right side of the barge.) The excavator also flung pieces of the pile into the river but I was unable to photograph it. This activity has only been increasing and there was the usual odor of hot plastics that wafted through the air as the wind blew.” Below are three images of the event.

ACHD Response: thank you for using GovQA, your Emsworth photographs were viewed for FE “Dust” and your complaint (H358546-041223) was reviewed and shared. ACHD representatives followed-up and scheduled an onsite meeting with Metalico. Your photographs were shared and discussed during our onsite meeting with Metalico, please let us know if you see any changes. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

April 11, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.

Observation: On camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H358731-041323)

Description: As I observed Metalico on camera on I noted small and large dust clouds raised by machinery loading the barge during operations. Much of the dust raised crosses the property line going into and across the river as can be seen in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three (3) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 4/13/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H358731-041323, regarding barge loading and equipment movement (dust) from the scrap side. ACHD reviewed the time stamp on the three (3) attachments dated 4/11/23. Your “Dust” complaint has been reviewed, shared, and will be discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

April 10, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:50 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H358724-041323)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noted several bursts of smoke that occurred during the time noted above which came from the shredder and crossed Metlaico’s property line. As can be seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below smoke is visible separating from the plume in bursts.

ACHD Reponse: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two (2) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 4/13/23 VE / FE complaint, H358724-041323, and reviewed the time stamp on the two (2) attachments dated 4/10/23. Your VE/FE complaint has been reviewed, shared, and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

April 5, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H358151-040823)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noted several clouds of dust raised on site by both machinery and the wind. While there are emissions in the air from unknown sources dust can still clearly be seen coming from Metalico’s property. Dust crosses Metalico’s property line on multiple occasions as can be seen documented in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Reponse: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two (2) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 4/08/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H358151-040823, and reviewed the time stamp on the two (2) attachments dated 4/05/23. Your “Dust” complaint has been reviewed, shared, and will be discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

April 5, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H358150-040823)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I witnessed multiple clouds of smoke come from the shredder during the morning hours of operation. Smoke can be seen separating from the plume and crossing Metalico’s property line in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Reponse: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three (3) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 4/08/23 VE / FE complaint, H358150-040823, and reviewed the time stamp on the three (3) attachments dated 4/05/23. Your VE/FE complaint has been reviewed, shared, and will be discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

April 4, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:55 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H357835-040623)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noted multiple dust clouds raised primarily by machinery and vehicles operating on site. Though the dust clouds are not as heavy as many that generate from the site’s operations, dust still often crosses Metalico’s property line, going into and across the river, as can be seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Reponse: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three (3) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 4/06/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H357835-040623, and reviewed the time stamp on the three (3) attachments dated 4/04/23. Your “Dust” complaint has been reviewed, shared, and will be discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

March 31, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H357551-040323)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noted multiple bursts of smoke that came from the shredder on site in the morning hours and crossed Metalico’s property line as can be seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Reponse: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two (2) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 4/03/23 VE complaint, H357551-040323, and reviewed the time stamp on the two (2) attachments dated 3/31/23. Your VE complaint has been reviewed, shared, and will be discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

March 30, 2023

Entered by: Angleo Taranto

Time of Day:  9:35 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.

Observation:  In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Industrial Odor Complaint

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes (Reference Number: H357293-033023)

Description: While observing Metalico from across the river in Emsworth, their shredder was running and I smelled the odor of burning rubber/plastic. I was there from about 9:35 - 9:50 AM this morning.  I am attaching photos only to verify that the shredder was operating while I was there.  This is an odor complaint.  There was no perceptible wind and the temperature was around 30 degrees.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two (2) photographs taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 3/30/23 “Odor” complaint, H357293-033023, and reviewed your attachments. As you stated, the only reason the photographs were taken was to verify that you were onsite, plus show that the shredder was on and running. After reviewing your photographs, ACHD feels that your photographs show the shredder was operating properly and that the wind wasn’t in your direction for the 15 minutes you were onsite. ACHD feels that your associating odor with the shredder operating, this is all discretionary, please submit an odor complaint based on reason, this may not be the source. As requested before, if you’re going to submit an odor complaint, please take the time to submit the proper information, very seldom odor stays constant, especially outdoors.







Minutes of Odor

Detected @ Each Strength




 If for any reason the wind shifts while you’re onsite please indicate the shift, and please note if the odor changes, (0=NONE, 1=SLIGHT, 2=MODERATE, 3= STRONG, 4=VERY STRONG), please note the duration of change for each strength.

Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

ACCAN Response: “I find your response extremely dismissive of my experience of smelling odor when the Metalico shredder is running, an odor that I have long associated with Metalico, based on the many times I have observed Metalico's operations. These are my reasons for submitting this odor complaint.  Do you have an online form for providing the information that you are requesting or would I have to develop my own form to submit with complaints.”

March 29, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H357420-040123)

Description: As I watched Metalico on camera at I noted several heavy clouds of dust that were raised by machinery, the water truck and wind. Though emissions of unknown sources can be seen in the air dust can clearly be seen coming from Metlaico’s property and crossing their property line. Below is a piece of camera evidence showing the worst of the dust raised in the afternoon.

March 29, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:10 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H357419-040123)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I witnessed multiple dust clouds raised by machinery, wind and the water truck on site throughout the day, especially while loading the barge. As can be seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below, dust often crosses Metalico’s property line and can be seen in the air.  

ACHD Reponse: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three (3) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 4/01/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H357419-040123, and reviewed the time stamp on the three (3) attachments dated 3/29/23. Your “Dust” complaint has been reviewed, shared, and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

March 22, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:50 p.m. - 2:10 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H357418-040123)

Description: As I observed Metalico on camera at there were several large dust clouds raised on site by machinery, the water truck and wind, much of which crosses Metalico’s property line as can be seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 03/23/23 VE / FE complaint, H356346-032323, and reviewed the time stamp on the three attachments dated 03/21/23, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

March 21, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H356346-032323)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I noted multiple bursts of smoke that came from the shredder on site and crossed the property line during the afternoon hours. As can be seen in the camera evidence below, though the sun is not always in an ideal position, smoke is still visible separating from the plume and going beyond the property line on site.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 03/23/23 VE / FE complaint, H356346-032323, and reviewed the time stamp on the three attachments dated 03/21/23, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

March 20, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H356345-032323)

Description: As I observed Metalico on camera at there were several dust clouds raised on site, of varying density, in the afternoon by machinery and the water truck which crossed the property line as can be seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three (3) attachments from the ACCAN camera taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 3/23/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H356345-032323, and reviewed the three (3) attachments taken 3/20/23. Your “Dust” complaint has been reviewed, shared, and will be discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

March 16, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:25 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H355761-031723)

Description: As observed while watching Metalico on camera at, machinery raises multiple dust clouds on site throughout the day. Though often dust is light it still crosses the property line and goes into the river as can be seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 03/17/23 DUST complaint, H355761-031723, and reviewed the time stamp on the two attachments dated 03/16/23, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed, no issues. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

March 15, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:26 p.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Explosion from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H355435-031523)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident, “MASSIVE explosion at the shredder that shook my  house and windows. Scared the hell out of me. A lot of emissions coming out the shredder.”

March 14, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Angleo Taranto

Time of Day:  1:15 p.m. - 1;20 P.M.

Observation:  In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Dust raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes (Reference Number: H355368-031523)

Description: I observed Metalico in person from across the river in Emsworth yesterday from about 1:15 - 1:20 PM.  At that time, they were loading a barge from a pile of metal. They were not wetting down the pile; therefore, the loading process was producing dust emissions that were blowing into the river, as illustrated in the attached photos.  The weather was overcast at the time.

ACHD Response:  “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two (2) attachments from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 3/15/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H355368-031523, and reviewed the two (2) phonographs taken 3/14/23. Your “Dust” complaint has been reviewed, shared, and will be discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

March 14, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:40 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H355401-031523)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at machinery loading the barge with material raised excessive dust clouds throughout the day, especially in the morning hours. As can be seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below, dust crosses the property line on site almost continuously at times and very little to nothing is done to control it.

ACHD Reponse: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 03/15/23 DUST complaint, H355401-031523, and reviewed the time stamp on the three attachments dated 03/14/23, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

March 13, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H355393-031523)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observed multiple bursts of smoke come from the shredder on site in the late 7 a.m. hour. The smoke crosses the property line on site and though there is also steam visible, smoke can also be seen separating from the plume in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 03/15/23 VE / FE complaint, H355393-031523, and reviewed the time stamp on the two attachments dated 03/13/23, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

March 10, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:54 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Brief explosion from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H355152-031323)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there was a brief but clear explosion from the shredder on site. As can be seen in the piece of camera evidence, it shows that at times volatile substances are not removed from objects, such as vehicles, to be shredded.

March 9, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:20 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H355151-031323)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I observed a few bursts of smoke come from the shredder on site during the 2 p.m. hour. Though the sun is in an inconvenient location, smoke is still visible crossing the property line in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

March 7, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H354771-030923)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were several dust clouds raised, primarily while loading the barge on site. Though effort is made to deter the dust by using the water truck, it does not completely stop the issue and dust that originates on site continues to cross the property line. Below are two pieces of camera evidence of dust clouds for the time referenced.

March 6, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:10 a.m. - 7:30 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H354770-030923)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I observed a period in which multiple bursts of smoke came from the shredder on site and, as can be seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below, occasionally crosses the property line.

March 1, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:25 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H354152-030323)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were several dust clouds raised by machinery, wind and the water truck operating on site from 11:25 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Dust crosses the property line as can be seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

February 23, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:40 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H353160-022423)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I observed multiple bursts of smoke separate from the plume coming from the shredder on site. Though the sun is in an inconvenient location in the afternoon, smoke can still be seen in the plume and often crossing the property line on site, as visible in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three (3) attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 2/24/23 VE / FE complaint, H353160-022423, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 2/23/23. ACHD representatives were onsite early Friday afternoon, 2/24/23, and did not witness anything in person. VE readings using Method 9 cannot be read or determined from the Emsworth side of the river due to the sun location during the hours of (11:45 – 14:45 hrs.), especially from the ACCAN camera lens. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”


February 23, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Angleo Taranto

Time of Day:  9:00 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.

Observation:  In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive industrial odor from Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes (Reference Number: H353036-022323)

Description: I observed Metalico from about 9:38 - 9:58 a.m. from across the river in Emsworth.  I would rate the odor strength as "2  -  Moderate".  The odor, which smelled like burning rubber and plastic, persisted during the entire time that I was observing Metalico.  The smoke emissions from the shredder were light as illustrated in the attached photos.  The wind was blowing directly across the river from Metalico to Emsworth where I was during the entire time that I was observing Metalico.  The temperature at that time was 58 degrees.

February 20, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H352849-022223)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there was a period in the morning when an excessive amount of dust was raised by machinery operating on site. The dust clouds cross the river and little is done to control it, as can be seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two (2) attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 2/22/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H352849-022223, and reviewed the time stamp on the (2) attachments dated 2/20/23. Your “Dust” complaint has been reviewed, shared, and will be discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

February 17, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:30 a.m. - 11:55 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H352567-021923)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observed multiple dust clouds raised by machinery operating on site in the morning hours. As can be seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below, dust crosses the river and blows into a residential neighborhood.

ACHD Response: “... thank you for using GovQA, we received your two (2) attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 2/19/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H352567-021923, and reviewed the time stamp on the (2) attachments dated 2/17/23. After reviewing the two (2) short attachments and the speed of the attachments shown  in your “Dust” complaint, ACHD finds it to be light and insignificant, not as reported, though, they will be shared with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

February 16, 2023

Entered by: Angleo Taranto

Time of Day:  9:00 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.

Observation:  In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive industrial odor from Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes (Reference Number: H352379-021623)

Description: I observed Metalico from across the river in Emsworth from about 9:00 - 9:25 a.m.  The shredder was operating and producing a plume with relatively light smoke emissions. The sky was overcast the entire time that I was there.  While I was there, I smelled the odor that is typically produced when Metalico's shredder is operating - the odor of burning plastic and rubber.  I am attaching photos of the plume coming from the shredder to verify that I was there in person and that the shredder was operating when I was smelling the odor.  As I indicated, the smoke emissions were relatively light, so I am not attaching  the photos  to document excessive smoke emissions.  My complaint is an odor complaint.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three (3) photographs taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 2/16/23 VE “Odor” complaint, H352379-021623, and we reviewed the three (3) attachments taken while you were onsite 2/16/23. As you stated, the plumes were very light, though you associated the plumes and shredder with odor that you detected while onsite. How would you rate the odor from the ACHD scale 0-4? Possibly you can give us more feedback with the information that ACHD provides below, 0=NONE, 1=SLIGHT, 2=MODERATE, 3=STRONG, & 4=VERY STRONG. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

February 15, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H352566-021923)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple dust clouds raised by both machinery loading the barge and wind on site in the afternoon, some of which is visible crossing the property line on site, including the river while loading the barge. Though the sun interferes with the camera quality and emissions from other sites can be seen in the air, dust is still clearly visible coming from the site. Below are three pieces of camera evidence showing dust coming from operations on site.

February 15, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:30 a.m. - 11:59 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H352565-021923)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there was dust raised almost continuously on site throughout the morning from loading the barge. Much of the dust crosses the property line on site, including the river, going directly into a residential neighborhood. Though emissions can be seen coming from unknown sources off camera, dust can clearly be seen coming directly from Metalico. Below are five pieces of camera evidence showing the incident described.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your five (5) attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 2/19/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H352565-021923, and reviewed the time stamp on the (5) attachments that ranged from 07:49 hrs., to 11:58 hrs., dated 2/15/23. Your “Dust” complaint has been reviewed, shared, and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

February 14, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:00 p.m,. - 2:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H352382-021623)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observed multiple dust clouds raised by machinery throughout the day. Though much of the dust is light and stays within the property’s parameters, some also can be seen crossing the property line. Though the position of the sun is not ideal dust can clearly be seen being raised at Metalico and leaving the property in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two (2) attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 2/16/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H352382-021623, and reviewed the time stamp on the (2) attachments dated 2/14/23. As stated in your complaint, the dust is light and the sun angel is not there to be read on the Emsworth side of the river, especially with the glare through the lens of the ACCAN camera. Your “Dust” complaint has been shared and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

February 13, 2023 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H352363-021623)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were several dust clouds raised by both machinery and wind in the later afternoon hours. Though there is a glare on the camera, dust can still clearly be seen in the air originating on Metalico’s site. Some of this dust can also be seen beyond the property line on site in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three (3) attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 2/16/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H352363-021623, and reviewed the time stamp on the (3) attachments dated 2/13/23. Your late afternoon “Dust” complaint has been shared and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

February 13, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H352360-021623)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple dust clouds raised on site by machinery operating on site and the wind in the early afternoon hours. While not all of the dust during windy conditions is raised at Metalico, the camera evidence clearly shows dust coming from the site and leaving the property. Though the sun’s position causes a glare, dust can still clearly be seen in the air originating from Metalico in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three (3) attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 2/16/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H352360-021623, and reviewed the time stamp on the (3) attachments dated 2/13/23. Your “Dust” complaint has been shared and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

February 13, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H352353-021623)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple bursts of smoke that came from the shredder on site during the afternoon hours of operation. The smoke can be seen separating from the plume and floating across the property line, including the River, and into the residential neighborhood. Though there is a glare on the camera that may enhance smoke emissions, they can still be clearly seen crossing the property line on multiple occasions as seen in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Reponse: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 2/16/23 VE / FE complaint, H352353-021623, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 2/13/23 at 13:00 hrs., Method 9 should be read in person on the Metalico side of the river. Your complaint has been reviewed and shared with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

February 9, 2023

Entered by: Angleo Taranto

Time of Day:  9:20 a.m. - 9:40 a.m.

Observation:  In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes (Reference Number: H351585-020923)

Description: I observed Metalico from across the river in Emsworth from about 9:20 - 9:40 a.m.  During that time the shredder was operating and producing excessive smoke emissions that frequently crossed their downriver property line, as illustrated in the attached photos.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your six (6) photographs taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 2/09/23 VE complaint, H351585-020923, and reviewed the six (6) attachments taken while you were onsite 2/09/23, the complaint was shared and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

February 8, 2023

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  9:10 - 9:50 a.m.

Observation:  In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes (Reference Number. H351481-020823)

Description: I observed Metalico in-person from across the river in Emsworth from about 9:10 - 9:50 a.m.  During that entire time the shredder at Metalico was operating and was frequently producing smoke emissions that were separating from the plume, as illustrated in the photos below.  The sky was overcast at the time.

ACHD Response:  Angelo, thank you for using GovQA, we received your six (6) photographs taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 2/08/23 VE complaint, H351481-020823, and reviewed the six (6) attachments taken while you were onsite 2/08/23, the complaint will be shared and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

February 2, 2023 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H351103-020523)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I witnessed multiple opaque bursts of smoke come from the shredder on site. In the two pieces of camera evidence below one can observe the smoke emissions crossing the property line and river though the sun’s position may be exaggerating the emissions visibility.

February 2, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:50 - 10:05 a.m.

Observation: In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Dust emissions from Metalico operations

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H350952-020223)

Description: I observed Metalico from across the river in Emsworth from about 9:50 to 10:05 a.m.  During that time a thick dust cloud was raised when a truck dumped it contents and the dust was visible at and beyond Metalico's property line (see photos below).

ACHD Response:  Angelo, thank you for using GovQA, we received your three (3) photographs taken from the Emsworth side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 2/02/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H350952-020223, and reviewed the three (3) attachments taken while you were onsite 2/02/23, the complaint has been shared and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

February 2, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:50 - 10:05 a.m.

Observation: In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Smoke emissions and strong odor from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H350951-020223)

Description:  I observed Metalico from across the river in Emsworth from about 9:50 - 10:05 a.m.  During that time the shredder was operating and I observed smoke emissions coming from the shredder.  I also experienced a very strong odor, the type of odor that residents typically smell when the shredder is operating.  It smelled like burning rubber and plastic.   Below are photos that I took while I  was there.        

ACHD Response:  “... thank you for using GovQA, your four (4) still photographs of the Metalico operations taken while onsite 2/02/23, were reviewed for VE and discussed with our ACHD Air Quality group. Odor is questionable and what we viewed in your photographs is a good example of steam, even in the separation of the plumes.  Thank you again for using GovQA and for the real-time photographs taken from the Emsworth side of the river, ACHD Air Quality.”

ACCAN response to ACHD's response:  “I find your response troubling.  You don't explain why you find my report of odor "questionable".  Our experience, over the years, is that there aren't always large plumes of emissions coming from the shredder when we or residents experience strong odors; however,  the shredder is running whenever there are these strong odors.  Residents are the most experienced when it comes to these odors, because they have had to endure them for years.  There is no doubt in their minds that the odor is coming from Metalico.


January 31, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:20 a.m. - 7:40 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H350880-020223)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I witnessed multiple bursts of opaque smoke come from the shredder on site during the 7 a.m. hour. The bursts cross the site’s property line to the west as can be seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

January 13, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:55 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H349208-011723)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I observed a burst of opaque smoke come from the shredder on site at approximately 8:55 a.m. Though this burst of smoke emissions is relatively short, about two minutes, it demonstrates that materials are sometimes put through the shredder that create problematic emissions that are not contained by the shredder. Below is camera evidence of the emissions noted.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 1/17/23 VE / FE complaint, H349208-011723, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 1/13/23. After the ACHD review of the ACCAN camera attachment, as shown, it’s been determined that there are no real-time evidence of problematic emissions leaving the shredder as stated in your complaint. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

January 11, 2023

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:45 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H349036-011323)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observed multiple bursts of opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder on site in the afternoon during which time the weather varied as did the opacity of the smoke emissions. During times it was overcast smoke can be seen separating from the plume and occasionally crossing the property line on site. Below are three examples of camera evidence from the time noted.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 1/13/23 VE / FE complaint, H349036-011323, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 1/11/23, the complaint has been reviewed and shared with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

January 9, 2023 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:54 p.m.

Observation: In person by resident in Emsworth across the river from Metalico

Type of Complaint: Excessive odor from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes, by Emsworth resident (Reference Number: H348564-010923)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident “I opened my back door and was instantly hit with a wall of intense foul odors. It smelled like burning hoses, oil, rubber, and plastic. It was so strong and overwhelming that I instantly got a headache and my lungs/throat started to burn. It instantly left a foul metalic taste on my lips, in my nose and throat. I literally felt like I was going to pass out. If this had happened in the summer and I had my windows open, I would have had to evacuate my home. There’s  been heavy emissions all day and the wind is visibly carrying the smog across the river into my neighborhood.  This has been happening a lot over the past few months but I haven’t had the time to file a complaint. It’s also unusual because the odor is normally not this bad in the winter.”

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, your Emsworth photographs were reviewed for VE and your complaints were discussed. ACHD representatives followed-up the next day and scheduled an onsite meeting with Metalico’s upper management, Wednesday morning, 1/11/2023. Tuesday 1/10/23, ACHD representatives investigated both sides of the river for “Odor” and for “Visible / Fugitive Emissions”. ACHD Air Quality Representatives followed-up and discussed all complaints with Metalico, your photographs were reviewed and discussed during our onsite meeting. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality. JRB”

January 9, 2023 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:45 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust raised at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H348892-011223)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there was dust raised by machinery operating within the open building along the Ohio River. The dust is pushed across the river as can be seen in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 1/12/23 FE “Dust” complaint, H348892-011223, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 1/9/23, the complaint has been reviewed and shared with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

December 29, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:45 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H347312-010223)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observed a burst of opaque smoke come from the shredder on site and blow north across the Ohio River and into a residential area. Though the sun is not in the ideal place, excessive smoke emissions can still be distinguished from steam in the camera evidence below.

December 28, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H347155-122922)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there was a period of excessive opaque smoke emissions from approximately 11:45 a.m. until 1:45 p.m. During the time noted, multiple bursts of smoke can be seen separating from the plume, floating both across the Ohio River and to the southeast. In total, during the time noted, there is approximately 40 minutes worth of visible opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder. Four examples of emissions can be seen in the clips below.

ACHD Response: “... thank you for using GovQA, we received your four attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 12/29/22 VE / FE complaint, H347155-122922, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 12/28/22. ACHD representatives were onsite earlier in the day, 12/28/22, and did not see what was depicted by the ACCAN camera attachments, taken from the Emsworth side of the river, while they were onsite. VE readings cannot be read or determined during that time of day (11:45 – 13:45 hrs.), especially from the ACCAN camera lens. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

December 22, 2022

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:35- 9:50 a.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H346690-122622)

Description: I was observing Metalico from a location in Emsworth across the river from about 9:35-9:50 a.m. on Thursday, December 22nd.  The sky was overcast.  During that time I observed what appeared to be smoke emissions separating from the plume coming from the shredder.  This may have been condensed water vapor given the temperature but I am sending  along  for your evaluation. The attached photos seem to show such a definitive separation from the plume that I suspect was smoke emissions that were separating.

ACHD Response:  “....thank you for using GovQA, your three (3) still photographs of the Metalico operations taken while you were onsite in Emsworth, 12/22/22, were reviewed for VE and discussed with our ACHD Air Quality group. We agree with your interpretation of the plumes in your photographs, what we viewed in your photographs is a good example of steam (water vapor), even in the separation of the plumes.  Thank you again for using GovQA and for the real-time photographs taken from the Emsworth side of the river, ACHD Air Quality.


December 21, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H346668-122322)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at excessive opaque smoke emissions came from the shredder on site in the afternoon for approximately twenty-five minutes of the time referenced. Though the angle of the sun is not ideal, smoke can still be seen separating from the plume and crossing the property line to the north and north west as seen in the two examples below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your four early morning attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 12/23/22 VE / FE complaint, H346666-122322, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 12/21/22. The complaint has been reviewed and discussed with our ACHD Air Quality group, given the temperature and what we viewed in the attachments from the ACCAN camera, it’s our belief that it’s nothing but steam (water vapor), even in the separation of the plumes. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

December 21, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H346666-122322)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at multiple bursts of opaque smoke emissions came from the shredder on site. Though some of these operations occurred before sunrise, smoke can be seen separating from the plume and crossing the property line for over half of the hour-long time referenced. Below are four examples of the emissions seen, primarily traveling southeast.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your four early morning attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 12/23/22 VE / FE complaint, H346666-122322, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 12/21/22. The complaint has been reviewed and discussed with our ACHD Air Quality group, given the temperature and what we viewed in the attachments from the ACCAN camera, it’s our belief that it’s nothing but steam (water vapor), even in the separation of the plumes. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

December 16, 2022 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H346102-121922)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at heavy opaque bursts of smoke came from the shredder consistently through the early afternoon. As seen in the two pieces camera evidence below smoke crosses the property line on site often and it is overcast throughout the day.

December 16, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H346100-121922)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple bursts of smoke that came from the shredder on site during the noted morning hours. As smoke is seen separating from the plume it often crosses the property line on site as seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

December 16, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H346095-121922)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at smoke emissions coming from the shredder on site were heavy and sustained during the morning hours. Smoke often crosses the site’s property line when separating from the plume as can be seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

December 14, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:45 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H345950-121622)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there was dust visible in the air for a twenty minute long period around 9:00 a.m. Multiple vehicles and pieces of machinery can be seen raising the dust at the side of Metalico’s site, potentially pushing dust across the property line as can be seen in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...Thank you for using GovQA, we received your complaints and multiple attachments from 12/14/2022 from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 12/14/2022 VE, FE, and dust complaint, complaint numbers (H345950-121622) and (H345943-121322). The complaint has been reviewed, recorded, and shared with Metalico. Follow up inspections will be conducted as the Neville Island is monitored multiple times weekly by ACHD. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.


December 13, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H345949-121622)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at excessive smoke emissions came from the shredder in sporadic bursts throughout the hour and a half long period from 7:00 a.m. until 8:30 a.m. The emissions are opaque and it is overcast during the time noted as can be seen in the piece of camera evidence below.

November 23, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H343223-112522)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple bursts of smoke that came from the shredder on site throughout the afternoon. Opaque smoke blows both upstream and downstream when separating from the plume as can be seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/25/22 VE / FE complaint, H343223-112522, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 11/23/22, the complaint has been reviewed and shared with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

November 23, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H343222-112522)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at bursts of opaque smoke came from the shredder for extensive periods of time in the morning hours. Smoke can often be seen crossing the property line on site in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/25/22 VE / FE complaint, H343222-112522, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 11/23/22, the complaint has been reviewed and shared with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

November 22, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H343138-112322)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple bursts of opaque smoke emissions that came from the shredder on site throughout the day. Smoke emissions can be seen occasionally crossing the site’s property line after separating from the plume in pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/23/22 VE / FE complaint, H343138-112322, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 11/22/22, the complaint has been reviewed and shared with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

November 21, 2022 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H343137-112322)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at dust was continuously raised by machinery loading the barge from approximately 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. most of which is pushed across the river and into a residential neighborhood. Later in the afternoon dust can also be seen being raised by machinery and throughout the day there does not seem to be a water truck operating. Below are two pieces of camera evidence showing the dust raised during the time noted.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/23/22 DUST complaint, H343137-112322, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 11/21/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed, unfortunately with the sun and reflection off the river, the shots were drowned out. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

November 21, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:20 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H343136-112322)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at dust was raised continuously between approximately 10:20 a.m. until after 12:00 p.m. by machinery loading a barge. The dust is pushed across the river and into the residential community and the piles of material from which they were loading were not being wet down. Below are four examples of the dust raised during the time noted.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your four attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/23/22 DUST complaint, H343136-112322, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 11/21/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed, this view is basically the same view as seen in your H343135-112322 complaint. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

November 21, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H343135-112322)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there was a period in the morning hours in which multiple opaque bursts of smoke came from the shredder on site. Smoke can be seen separating from the plume and occasionally crossing the property line on site in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/23/22 VE complaint, H343135-112322, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 11/21/22. What ACHD reviewed, seemed to be dust and not opacity VE as reported. This complaint has been reviewed and shared with Metalico, thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

November 16, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H342536-111822)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there was an hour and a half long period during which multiple bursts of opaque smoke came from the shredder at Metalico. Through the time mentioned it is overcast and smoke can be seen separating from the plume and crossing the property line for the site as seen in the camera evidence on site.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/18/22 VE / FE complaint, H342536-111822, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 11/16/22, the complaint has been reviewed and shared with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

November 10, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:40 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H341498-111122)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were numerous bursts of opaque smoke emissions that came from the shredder on site throughout the morning hours. Smoke can be seen separating from the plume and often crossing the property line on site in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/11/22 VE / FE complaint, H341498-111022, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 11/10/22, the complaint has been reviewed and shared with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

November 10, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H341495-111122)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were dust clouds of various sizes raised consistently throughout the morning hours and little to nothing was done to control the dust. Dust clouds are created primarily by machinery operating on site and it can occasionally be seen crossing the property line as visible in the four pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your four attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/11/22 DUST complaint, H341495-111122, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 11/10/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

November 9, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H341494-111122)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple dust clouds raised by machinery operating on site, the water truck, and the wind. Below are three pieces of camera evidence showing dust being raised and occasionally crossing the property line on site.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/11/22 DUST complaint, H341494-111122, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 11/09/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

November 8, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H341471-111022)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at dust clouds were raised throughout the afternoon. Little was done to control the dust as can be seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/10/22 DUST complaint, H341471-111022, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 11/08/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

November 8, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H341461-111022)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were numerous dust clouds raised by various pieces of machinery operating on site throughout the morning hours. Below are three pieces of camera evidence as examples of the dust seen during the time noted.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/10/22 DUST complaint, H341461-111022, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 11/08/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

November 7, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H341452-111022)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple dust clouds of various sizes raised by machinery operating on site and very little was done to control the dust. Below are two examples of the dust seen during the period noted.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/10/22 DUST complaint, H341452-111022, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 11/07/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

November 7, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H341437-111022)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there was a ninety minute period in which multiple bursts of opaque smoke emissions can be seen coming from the shredder on site. The opacity of the emissions varies but smoke can be seen separating from the plume and often crossing the property line in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/10/22 VE / FE complaint, H341437-111022, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 11/07/22, the complaint has been reviewed and shared with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

November 4, 2022 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:26 p.m. - ongoing

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive odor and emissions from Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number:)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident “Continuous/ongoing since last complaint. Extremely overpowering odor of hot plastics/wiring/metal and even heavier emission clouds that can visibly be seen  crossing the river heading into Emsworth with the wind.

Odor is so overwhelming that it’s leaving a dirty metalic taste on my lips as I try to rake the leaves in my yard. Today is my only free day to get yard work done and AGAIN, the filth from Metalico is forcing me, (and my neighbors), out of my own yard.

November 4, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:05 p.m. - ongoing

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive odor and emissions from Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes, by resident (Reference Number: H340593-110422)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident “Heavy odor (burning/melting hot plastics, wires, etc.) and opaque emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico. The odor has lasted now for a solid 10 min. and is making it difficult to work in my yard without wheezing. Also causing a severe headache.

November 4, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H340980-110722)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple bursts of opaque smoke emissions that came from the shredder on site during the morning hours. Smoke can be seen separating from the plume and often crossing the property line for the site in the four pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your four attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/07/22 VE / FE complaint, H340980-110722, and reviewed the time stamp on the four attachments dated 11/04/22. ACHD reviewed the attachments for VE, it was determined that the majority of what was represented in the attachments was mainly steam. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality

October 31, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H340383-110322)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple bursts of smoke seen separating from the plume coming from the shredder on site. As can be seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below, the smoke emissions often cross the site’s property line and it is generally overcast throughout the day.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 11/03/22 VE / FE complaint, H340383-110322, and reviewed the time stamp on the three attachments dated 10/31/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality

October 25, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H339187-102622)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were several dust clouds raised on site throughout the afternoon by machinery, the water truck, and the wind. In the camera evidence below dust is visible being pushed toward the river and the water truck is not seen intervening on several occasions.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/26/22 DUST complaint, H339187-102622, and reviewed the time stamp on the three attachments dated 10/25/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

October 24, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H339177-102622)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I witnessed multiple dust clouds raised by machinery operating on site. Dust can be seen crossing the property line and on occasions when scrap is being loaded onto trucks there is little to no intervention from the water truck.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/26/22 DUST complaint, H339177-102622, and reviewed the time stamp on the three attachments dated 10/24/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

October 21, 2022 - Complaint #4

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 5:55 p.m. - 6:05 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H338755-102422)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there was an odd colored plume of smoke emissions that rose from the shredder just prior to 6 p.m. The burst of smoke emissions can be seen crossing the property line in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/24/22 VE / FE complaint, H338755-102422, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 10/21/22 at 6:00 PM, the complaint has been reviewed and shared with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality

October 21, 2022 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H338754-102422)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were opaque bursts of smoke that came from the shredder during the afternoon hours. In the two pieces of camera evidence seen below one can see the opacity of the smoke emissions varies and smoke occasionally crosses the site’s property line.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/24/22 VE / FE complaint, H338754-102422, and reviewed the time stamp on the two attachments dated 10/21/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality

October 21, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H338748-102422)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at various pieces of machinery, the water truck and the wind all raised dust clouds on site throughout the day. The dust often crosses the river as can be seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/24/22 DUST complaint, H338748-102422, and reviewed the time stamp on the two attachments dated 10/21/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

October 21, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H338745-102422)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I witnessed multiple bursts of smoke, which varied in opacity, coming from the shredder on site through the morning hours, much of which was overcast. Often the opaque smoke emissions cross the site's property line as can be seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “... thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/24/22 VE / FE complaint, H338745-102422, and reviewed the time stamp on the two attachments dated 10/21/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality

October 20, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H338609-102122)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were dust clouds raised by machinery operating on site both outside and seemingly from within the main structure along the riverbank. The dust that is raised is carried across the river and into a residential neighborhood as can be seen in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/21/22 DUST complaint, H338609-102122, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 10/20/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

October 18, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:15 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H338415-102022)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were dust clouds raised on site by various pieces of machinery and the water truck. Dust crosses the property line in the camera evidence seen below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/20/22 DUST complaint, H338415-102022, and reviewed the time stamp on the two attachments dated 10/18/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

October 17, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H338409-102022)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were dust clouds raised on site by multiple pieces of machinery, the water truck and the wind throughout the afternoon. One several occasions dust crosses the property line, as can be seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/20/22 DUST complaint, H338409-102022, and reviewed the time stamp on the three attachments dated 10/17/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

October 17, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H338274-101922)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple dust clouds raised by various pieces of machinery, the water truck, and the wind operating on site during the morning operating hours. Dust can often be seen crossing the property line in the four pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your four attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/19/22 DUST complaint, H338274-101922, and reviewed the time stamp on the four attachments dated 10/17/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

October 15, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H337835-101722)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were several dust clouds raised by both machinery and the water truck operating on site. As can be seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below dust also crosses the property line.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/17/22 DUST complaint, H337835-101722, and reviewed the time stamp on the two attachments dated 10/15/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

October 14, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H337832-101722)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple dust clouds raised on site throughout the afternoon hours. Dust clouds were raised by machinery operating within one of Metalico’s main structures along the Ohio River, as can be seen in one of the examples below. Dust was also raised by other pieces of machinery operating on site, the water truck, and heavy gusts of wind. On several occasions the dust can be seen crossing the property line on site. Below are three pieces of evidence showing the varying incidents in which dust was raised.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/17/22 DUST complaint, H337832-101722, and reviewed the time stamp on the three attachments dated 10/14/22. ACHD reviewed the attachments showing Metalico operating equipment and machinery along the Ohio River, as well as them operating inside their open face building, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

October 12, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H337637-101422)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were several large dust clouds raised by both machinery and the water truck operating on site. Below is a piece of camera evidence showing dust raised during the time frame noted.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/14/22 DUST complaint, H337637-101422, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 10/12/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

October 12, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H337626-101422)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there was a period over two hours in the morning while machinery was loading the barge and there does not seem to be a water truck watering the pile to keep dust from being raised. Below are pieces of camera evidence from near the beginning and end of the incident.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/14/22 DUST complaint, H337626-101422, and reviewed the time stamp on the two attachments dated 10/12/22, when Metalico was loading the barge, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

October 11, 2022 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H337283-101222)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I observed multiple bursts of opaque smoke come from the shredder on site through the 2 p.m. hour. As can be seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below some of the smoke emitted from the shredder is visible crossing the property line on site.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/12/22 VE / FE complaint, H337283-101222, and reviewed the time stamp on the three attachments dated 10/11/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality

October 11, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H337279-101222)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were several dust clouds of various sizes raised on site through the 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. hours, many of which crossed the site’s property line. Below are multiple pieces of camera evidence showing dust being raised by both machinery and the water truck operating on site.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your four attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/12/22 DUST complaint, H337279-101222, and reviewed the time stamp on the four attachments dated 10/11/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

October 11, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:05 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H337273-101222)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there was a dust cloud raised on site by either the machinery or the water truck. Below is a piece of camera evidence of the incident.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/12/22 DUST complaint, H337273-101222, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 10/11/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

October 10, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:15 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H337271-101222)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were dust clouds raised by both machinery and the water truck operating on site. Below is camera evidence of the incident.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/12/22 DUST complaint, H337271-101222, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 10/10/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

October 10, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H337267-101222)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I observed multiple bursts of opaque smoke come from the shredder on site through the morning hours. The opacity of the smoke emissions vary but they consistently occur throughout this several hour period. Below are two pieces of camera evidence, one from the 8 a.m. hour and one from the 11 a.m. hour, as examples of some of the smoke emissions seen.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/12/22 VE / FE complaint, H337267-101222, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 10/10/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality

October 7, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:30 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H336893-101122)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observed multiple bursts of opaque smoke that came from the shredder on site, some of which is visible crossing the site’s property line. Below is camera evidence showing the bursts of smoke from the shredder.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/11/22 VE / FE complaint, H336893-101122, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 10/07/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality ”

October 7, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Observation: In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number:H336753-100722)

Description:  I observed Metalico from across the river  in Emsworth.  During the time I was there, the sky was overcast and the shredder at Metalico was producing excessive smoke emissions. The photos below show examples of these emissions.

ACHD Response:    “Angelo, thank you for using GovQA, we received your six still photograph attachments taken from the Emsworth location. ACHD reviewed your 10/07/22 complaint, H336753-100722, and reviewed your comments regarding “VE” visible emissions. The photographs were reviewed and noted that the stills were uploaded 10/07/22. The photographs were discussed with Metalico prior to completing and closing this complaint. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

October 6, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.; 2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H336791-100822)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were bursts of opaque smoke emissions that came from the shredder on site throughout the day. Two examples of such emissions can be seen below in the camera evidence, some of which crosses the property line.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/08/22 VE / FE complaint, H336791-100822, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 10/06/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality

October 5, 2022 – Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:40 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H336771-100722)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were dust clouds raised by both the water truck and machinery operating on site. The dust that is raised seems to go across the river into a residential neighborhood as can be seen by the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/07/22 DUST complaint, H336771-100722, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 10/05/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

October 5, 2022 – Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:15 p.m. – 1:50 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H336790-100822)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at smoke emissions came from the shredder on site throughout the day with a particularly heavy period from approximately 12:15 p.m. to 1:50 p.m. The opacity of the bursts of smoke vary and much of them are visible crossing the property line. Below are two pieces of camera evidence of the beginning and end of the time frame referenced.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 10/08/22 VE / FE complaint, H336790-100822, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 10/05/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality


September 29, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:20 a.m. - 10:30 a.m

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H335757-093022)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there was a period in which excessive opaque smoke emissions came from the shredder on site. Through the time mentioned it was overcast as can be seen in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 9/30/22 VE / FE complaint, H335757-093022, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 9/29/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

September 26, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H335620-092922)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were dust clouds raised on multiple occasions throughout the day. Dust crosses the property line by both machinery and the water truck operating on site as can be seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 9/29/22 DUST complaint, H335620-092922, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 9/26/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

September 21, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H334838-092322)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple bursts of opaque smoke that came from the shredder on site during the period noted. It was overcast through much of the day and below are two pieces of camera evidence as examples of the smoke emissions seen during the time referenced.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 9/23/22 VE / FE complaint, H334838-092322, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 9/21/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

September 15, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H333714-091622)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple small dust clouds raised by operations on site through the late morning and early afternoon. While not all of the dust clouds were significant a few larger dust clouds were also raised during the time frame. Below are two pieces of camera evidence showing dust being raised by various machinery and a vehicle that seems to be a water truck.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 9/16/22 dust complaint, H333714-091622, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 9/15/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

September 14, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:10 a.m. - 10:20 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H333707-091622)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there was a dust cloud raised by machinery and a vehicle, which appears to be a water truck, operating on site. Below is camera evidence that shows dust being raised by machinery before the truck also raises dust.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 9/16/22 dust complaint, H333707-091622, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 9/14/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.


September 8, 2022 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H332665-090922)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were dust clouds raised by machinery operating on site in the early 6 p.m. hour and there was little done to control the dust clouds. Below is camera evidence displaying some of the dust raised during the event.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 9/09/22 dust complaint, H332665-090922, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 9/08/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

September 8, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:00 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H332601-090922)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple dust clouds raised by vehicles and machinery operating on site through the day, especially the afternoon. Below are two pieces of camera evidence showing the dust raised in the time referenced and the action, or lack of action, taken to control the dust.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 9/09/22 dust complaint, H332601-090922, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 9/09/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

September 8, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:10 a.m. - 11:20 a.m

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H332595-090922)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were several large bursts of smoke that vary in opacity that came from the shredder on site and blew southeast across Metalico’s property line. Below is camera evidence of the incident.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 9/09/22 VE / FE complaint, H332595-090922, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 9/08/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.


September 2, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H331665-090522)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were multiple dust clouds raised throughout the day from various pieces of machinery operating on site. The dust that is raised is often visible beyond the property line and little to nothing is often done to diminish or control the dust emissions. Below are two pieces of camera evidence showing some of the dust that was raised.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 9/05/22 dust complaint, H331665-090522, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 9/02/22, the compliant has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

September 1, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:40 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H331607-090222)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were dust clouds raised by the water truck operating on site. Though the vehicle's purpose is to water-down piles to prevent dust from being raised by the site's operations, it nonetheless raises dust while operating. Below are two pieces of camera evidence showing the operation and dust clouds raised.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 9/02/22 dust complaint, H331607-090222, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 9/01/22. I do want to remind you that the enhanced speed of the ACCAN Camera is not true video and doesn’t capture the true extent of what is being reviewed in real time. The vehicle that you reported as creating the dust, is the water truck doing its job, please review the speed of the vehicle (water truck) in your attachment as the vehicle travels from one side of the facility to the other side. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

        ACCAN Response: “Hello and thank you for the response. The speed of the water truck is not what the complaint is about and furthermore the enhanced speed of the camera simply speeds up what one is viewing and does not change the intensity of what is being viewed.  Just as the waves from passing boats in the camera evidence is sped-up and not intensified, so the same can be said about smoke and dust. The speed of the camera does not change the density or intensity of dust and smoke, just the amount of time it is being viewed. The resident who lives with this camera has reiterated that this matches their lived experience. Furthermore, though the water truck may be doing its job that does not preclude it from also raising dust which can be a violation. The CREATE Lab camera system takes a still photograph every five seconds that is then stitched together to create what one views.  The same description is used by the EPA in their Notice of Violation in October 2021. This is why I consistently reference this as "camera evidence" and not "video evidence" in the complaints I submit. Additionally, if it is preferred, in the future I will send individual still shots of dust or smoke to accompany the camera evidence submitted.

September 1, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:40 a.m. - 12:00 p.m

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H331601-090222)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there were several very large bursts of opaque smoke emissions that came from the shredder for almost fifteen minutes straight. Heavier smoke emissions were seen at multiple points throughout the day as well and in the noted incident the smoke blew southeast and was visible across Metalico’s property line. Below is the camera evidence showing the emissions that came from the metal shredder.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 9/02/22 VE / FE complaint, H331601-090222, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 9/01/22, the compliant has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

August 31, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. and 1:40 p.m

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H331596-090222)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were several times throughout the day when significant dust clouds were raised by machinery, as well as the water truck, operating on site. Below are two pieces of camera evidence showing the dust that was raised through the early afternoon and the dust crossing Metalico’s property line.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 9/02/22 dust complaint, H331596-090222, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 8/31/22. I do want to remind you that the enhanced speed of the ACCAN Camera is not true video and doesn’t capture the true extent of what is being reviewed in real time, please review the speed of the passing boat in your attachment. Also, one of the vehicles that you reported as creating the dust, is the water truck doing its job, please review the speed of the vehicle (water truck) in your attachment as the vehicle travels from one side of the facility to the other side. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

August 30, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H331197-083122)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were excessive emissions from the shredder throughout the day, including during the 8 a.m. hour as well as the period from 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. during which opaque smoke emissions came from the shredder for approximately fifteen minutes. Similar smoke emissions were seen coming from the shredder at approximately 12:00 p.m. as well. It is overcast through the time referenced and emissions blow both southeast as can be seen in the three pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/31/22 dust complaint, H331197-083122, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 8/30/22. After reviewing the attachments, we see dust at first and we see the water truck coming through and watering. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

August 29, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:30 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H331175-083122)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at, dust was raised by machinery operating on site and was carried southeast. Below is camera evidence showing the event.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/31/22 dust complaint, H331175-083122, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 8/29/22. After reviewing the attachment, we see dust, for a short period of time, on the Neville Metals side of the facility. The dust complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

August 26, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H330838-082922)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there was a period in which dust clouds were raised on site due to inaction in wetting the piles as trucks were being loaded. Below are two pieces of camera evidence showing the dust raised during the noted time.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/29/22 dust complaint, H330838-082922, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 8/26/22. After reviewing the attachments, we see dust at first and we see the water truck coming through and parked at the dock area. The dust complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

August 24, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H330355-082522)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were two incidents of excessive smoke emissions coming from the shredder on site – once at approximately 11:00 a.m. and yet again just after 12:00 p.m. The latter incident seems to have blown smoke across the river and into the residential neighborhood. Both incidents can be seen be captured on camera below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/25/22 VE / FE complaint, H330355-082522, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 8/24/22, the compliant has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

August 24, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised and smoke emissions from the shredder on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H330350-082522)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there was a large dust cloud raised by a vehicle operating on site. The vehicle seems to be a water truck but it raised dust while driving through the site nonetheless. Below is camera evidence showing the event.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/25/22 dust complaint, H330350-082522, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 8/24/22. After reviewing the attachment, we see dust at first and we see the water truck coming through watering the facility. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

August 22, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H330346-082522)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there was a 45-minute period during which there was approximately 20 minutes of excessive smoke emissions coming from the shredder on site. It was overcast during the time noted and emissions primarily blew east and southeast. Below is camera evidence of emissions seen during the time.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/25/22 VE complaint, H330346-082522, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachment dated 8/22/22, the compliant has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

August 19, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H329514-082222)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there was an extended period in which dust clouds were raised by various pieces of machinery and vehicles operating on site and there was little done to control the dust being raised – ​​the pile from which the truck was being loaded was not wetted down. Below are three pieces of camera evidence showing the dust clouds seen coming from Metalico during the time.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/22/22 dust complaint, H329514-082222, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachments dated 8/19/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

August 18, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H329269-081922)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there was a one hour period in which multiple dust clouds were raised by machinery operating on site and little to nothing was done to wet down the pile(s) from which the dust came. Below are three examples of the dust clouds seen coming from Metalico during the time.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/19/22 dust complaint, H329269-081922, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachments dated 8/18/22, the complaint has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

August 16, 2022 - Complaint #4

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:45 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H328947-081822)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there was a large opaque burst of smoke that came from the metal shredder on site at approximately 2:45 p.m. It is overcast during the time referenced and the smoke blows northwest, potentially across Metalico’s property line. Camera evidence of the incident can be seen below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/18/22 VE/FE complaint, H328947-081822, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 8/16/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

August 16, 2022 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:50 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H328941-081822)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I witnessed two dust clouds raised by machinery and vehicles on site at approximately 1:50 p.m. and again at 1:54 p.m. It is overcast during the time and the dust blows across the river, north and northwest. The dust clouds can be seen in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “... thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/18/22 dust complaint, H328941-081822, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 8/16/22. After reviewing the attachment, we see dust at first and we see the water truck coming through watering on the shredder side. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

August 16, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H328937-081822)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there was a thirty minute period that contained approximately twelve minutes of opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder on site. During this time it is mostly overcast and the smoke blows northwest, potentially across Metalico’s property line. Three pieces of camera evidence showing the event can be seen below.

ACHD Reponse: “... thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/18/22 VE/FE complaint, H328937-081822, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 8/16/22, the compliant has been reviewed. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

August 16, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:50 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H328924-081822)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at there was a large dust cloud raised by a vehicle on site at approximately 7:50 a.m. The dust blew north and northwest across the river. The event can be seen in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/18/22 dust complaint, H328924-081822, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 8/16/22, the compliant has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”


August 15, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:30 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H328914-081822)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there was a ten minute period in which multiple dust clouds were raised by various pieces of machinery on both sides of Metalico’s site along the Ohio River. Below is camera evidence showing the event.

ACHD Response: “thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/18/22 dust complaint, H328914-081822, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 8/15/22, the compliant has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

August 12, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H328218-081522)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there were numerous dust clouds raised on site. Through the two hour period referenced, multiple clouds were raised by activity on site, as can be seen in the two pieces of camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/15/22 dust complaint, H328218-081522, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 8/12/22, the compliant has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

August 10, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H327959-081222)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I witnessed excessive amounts of dust being raised on site, especially between approximately 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. Though the water truck is operating during the time noted, it is stationary, applying water to one spot. An example of the dust is seen in the camera evidence below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/12/22 DUST complaint, H327959-081222, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 8/10/22, the compliant has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

August 9, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H327687-081122)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observed a period of excessive opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder on site. Through the time of the incident it was overcast and the visible smoke blew southeast. Below is an example of the emissions seen during this time frame.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/11/22 complaint, H327687-081122, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 8/09/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

August 3, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:25 p.m. - 12:35 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H327071-080522)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observed dust being created by various vehicles on site throughout the day. During the period seen on camera below, dust is raised by multiple vehicles going both upstream and downstream from the site.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/05/22 dust complaint, H327071-080522, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 8/03/22. After reviewing the attachment, we see dust at first and we see the water truck following. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

August 1, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:20 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H326745-080322)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observed a large opaque burst of smoke rise from the shredder on site. It is overcast through the event and there is also a spike in an air quality monitor in Emsworth that occurs simultaneously.  

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera and the snapshot from the Emsworth monitor. ACHD reviewed your 8/03/22 complaint, H326745-080322, and reviewed the time stamp on the ACCAN attachment dated 8/01/22, as well as the snapshot data from the Emsworth monitor. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

July 29, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:30 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H326437-080122)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I witnessed a two hour period of excessive emissions coming from the shredder on site. During the time noted, it is often overcast and the opacity of smoke emissions vary. On a few occasions the emissions seem to cross the site’s property line as can be seen in the three examples below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 8/01/22 complaint, H326437-080122, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 7/29/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

July 27, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: ​​H326077-072922)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at there was a period of excessive emissions in which smoke from the shredder on site crossed the property line blowing northwest. The day was overcast as can be seen in the example below of emissions during the noted time frame.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 7/29/22 complaint, H326077-072922, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 7/27/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

July 26, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H325770-072722)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I witnessed a period in which multiple dust clouds were raised on site. During the time it is mostly overcast and the dust clouds blow northwest. Below are two examples of the dust clouds seen.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 7/27/22 dust complaint, H325770-072722, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 7/26/22. I do want to remind you that the enhanced speed of the ACCAN Camera is not true video and doesn’t capture the true extent of what is being reviewed in real time, please review the speed of the passing boat in your attachment. Also, the vehicle that you reported as creating the dust, is the water truck doing its job, please review the speed of the vehicle (water truck) in your attachment as the vehicle travels from one side of the facility to the other side. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.


July 21, 2022

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: In person from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H324928-072122)

Description: I observed Metalico in person from across the river in Emsworth from about 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.  The shredder was running and often producing visible smoke emissions as shown in the photos below.  The wind was blowing into Emsworth for much of the time and there was an industrial smell blowing from Metalico.  It irritated my throat so much that I had to put on a mask.

ACHD Response:  Angelo, thank you for using GovQA, we received your five still photograph attachments taken from the Emsworth location. ACHD reviewed your 7/21/22 complaint, H324928-072122, and reviewed your comments regarding odor, as well as VE/FE. The photographs were reviewed and noted that the stills were uploaded 7/21/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

July 20, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H325052-072222)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observed heavy smoke emissions through the 12 p.m. hour with approximately fourteen minutes of opaque smoke seen coming from the shredder during the time. Below is an example of the emissions seen during the time frame.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 7/22/22 complaint, H325052-072222, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 7/20/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.


July 20, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H325051-072222)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observe opaque smoke emissions from the shredder on site throughout the majority of the day with fourteen minutes of opaque smoke emissions during the 8 a.m. hour, twenty-seven minutes during the 9 a.m. hour and twenty-one minutes during the 10 a.m. hour. The heavy smoke emissions from the shredder during the late 10 a.m. and early 11 a.m. hour align with a spike in the PM 2.5 data from the Emsworth RAMP monitor. Below are three examples of the emissions seen during this time frame.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera and the monitor snapshot. ACHD reviewed your 7/22/22 complaint, H325051-072222, and reviewed the time stamp on the ACCAN attachments dated 7/20/22, as well as the snapshot of the monitor. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

July 19, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:45 a.m. - 8:50 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H324691-072022)

Description: When watching Metalico at I observed a burst of opaque smoke emissions that came from the shredder beginning at approximately 8:45 a.m. The emissions blew to the southeast. Below is camera evidence of the incident.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 7/20/22 complaint, H324691-072022, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 7/19/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

July 18, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 4:55 p.m. and 6:10 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H324687-072022)

Description: When watching Metalico on I observed two separate bursts of opaque smoke emissions seemingly coming from the shredder on site. These bursts occurred after normal operating hours, while there was very little activity on site, and while it was overcast. Below are the two bursts observed.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 7/20/22 complaint, H324687-072022, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 7/18/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

July 18, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H324680-072022)

Description: When watching Metalico on I observed a period of excessive opaque smoke emissions from the shredder on site. Through the one hour period there was a minimum of twenty-three minutes of smoke emissions. The observation was made while it was overcast and below are two examples of the emissions seen during this time frame.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 7/20/22 complaint, H324680-072022, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 7/18/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

July 15, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:30 a.m. (and throughout the day)

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H324316-071822)

Description: Throughout the day as Metalico operated vehicles moving scrap, there was little to nothing done by water trucks on site to keep dust from being raised by activity. This can be seen at many points through the day, both in the morning and afternoon. One example from the morning hours is below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 7/18/22 dust complaint, H324316-071822, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachment dated 7/15/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

July 12, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:40 a.m. - 8:10 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds raised on site at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H323823-071422)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observed a period where several dust clouds were raised due to operations on the southeast side of the site. Below are two examples of the dust raised during this period.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 7/14/22 dust complaint, H323823-071422, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 7/12/22. After reviewing the attachments, we see dust at first and we see the water truck coming through. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

July 12, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H323816-071422)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observed an extended period, for some of which it was overcast, when multiple bursts of opaque smoke rose from the shredder on site. Through the 7 a.m. hour four bursts of smoke produced approximately twelve minutes of smoke emissions and through the 8 a.m. hour six bursts also produced approximately twelve minutes of emissions. Below are three examples of the smoke emissions seen during this period.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 7/14/22 complaint, H323816-071422, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachments dated 7/12/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

July 5, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:45 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H322568-070622)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observed a thirty minute period during which there was over twenty minutes of opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder on site. Through the time referenced it is overcast and the majority of emissions flow northwest, some of which seems to cross Metalico’s property line. Below are three examples of the emissions seen during this time.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your three attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 7/06/22 VE complaint, H322568-070622, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachments dated 7/05/22, the compliant has been reviewed and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

June 29, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H322169-070122)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observed a thirty-minute period of almost continuous light opaque smoke emissions rising from the shredder on site. In the thirty-minute period there are approximately twenty-minutes of smoke emissions coming from the shredder. Below are two examples of the emissions from this time frame.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 7/01/22 VE/FE complaint, H322169-070122, and reviewed the time stamps on the two attachments dated 6/29/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

June 28, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:55 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds from Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H321707-062922)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I observed dust clouds being raised on site though the water truck seemed to be operating. Below is an example of a dust cloud being raised on the east side of the site and extending over Metalico’s property line.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 6/29/22 dust complaint, H321707-062922, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachment dated 6/28/22. We see the dust that you were referring to, the water truck on the Neville Metal side may have kicked up the dust while it was watering the Neville Metal side, thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

June 28, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H321700-062922)

Description: When watching Metalico on camera at I observed an extended period of excessive smoke emissions from the shredder on site. Through the nine o’clock hour there was approximately 20 minutes of opaque smoke emissions and through the ten o’clock hour there was approximately 17 minutes of smoke emissions. Below are a few examples of the type of emissions seen through this period.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 6/29/22 VE/FE complaint, H321700-062922, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachments dated 6/28/22, thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

June 23, 2022

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Very excessive smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H320845-062322)

Description: I observed Metalico in person from across the river in Emsworth from about 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. this morning.  During that time the shredder was operating and producing some smoke emissions.  From about 9:58 - 10:00 a.m. the shredder produced extremely heavy smoke emissions.  I have been certified as a smoke reader in the past and know the difference between steam and smoke.  As you can see in the photos below, the smoke at times shows a clear separation from the plume and is, at times, 100% opaque.

ACHD Response (received on 8/4/22):  Angelo, thank you for using GovQA, we received your eight still photograph attachments taken from the Emsworth location. ACHD reviewed your 6/23/22 complaint, H320845-062322, and reviewed your comments regarding “VE” visible emissions. The photographs were reviewed and noted that the stills were uploaded 6/23/22. The photographs were discussed with Metalico prior to completing and closing this complaint. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

June 22, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H321249-062722)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera at I witnessed a period of excessive emissions from approximately 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. during which there was at least seventeen minutes of opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder on site. The emissions later in the hour also correlate with a spike in the PM 2.5 readings at the Emsworth ramp monitor. Below is an image of the data correlating with the spike and a video showing the type of smoke emissions seen during the time frame.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera and the data from the Emsworth PM monitor. ACHD reviewed your 6/27/22 complaint, H321249-062722, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachments dated 6/22/22, thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

June 20, 2022 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds from Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H320757-062322)

Description: While watching Metalico on video at I observed dust being raised on site throughout the day despite the water truck operating. Dust is raised on different parts of the site, both to the west and east of the shredder and is visible beyond Metalico’s property line. Below are two examples of the variety of dust clouds raised through the 2:00 p.m. hour.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 6/23/22 dust complaint, H320757-062322, and reviewed the time stamps on the two attachments dated 6/20/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

June 20, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H320749-062322)

Description: While watching Metalico on video at I observed an extended period of sustained smoke emissions coming from the shredder on site. Through the hour, from 2:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. there are more than ten minutes of opaque smoke emissions coming from multiple bursts of smoke. It is overcast throughout the period observed and below is an example of emissions seen from 2:51 p.m. to 2:55 p.m.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 6/23/22 VE / FE complaint, H320749-062322, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachment dated 6/20/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

June 20, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:50 a.m. - 10:55 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H320746-062322)

Description: While watching Metalico on I observed an odd colored plume of smoke come from the shredder on site from approximately 10:51 a.m. to 10:54 a.m. This plume was observed while it was overcast and the smoke blew southeast.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, ACHD reviewed your 6/23/22 complaint, H320746-062322, your complaint states that you observed an odd colored plume while watching the ACCAN camera 6/20/22. ACHD reviewed the 6/20/22 attachment and the timestamp, the attachment was discussed with Metalico prior to completing and closing this complaint. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

June 14, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H319962-061822)

Description: While watching Metalico on I observed an extended period of heavy opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder from approximately 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m while it was overcast. Below is an example of the smoke emissions blowing southeast potentially across Metalico’s property line.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 6/18/22 VE / FE complaint, H319962-061822, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachment dated 6/14/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

June 6, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:00 a.m. (Ongoing)

Observation: In person from across the river in Emsworth by resident

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions and heavy odors from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H317954-060622)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident, “Cream colored emissions coming from the shredder and lingering around the shredder for extended periods of time. Smells like burning piles of plastics/metal/rubber. The smell is overwhelming and overpowering today. I had to stop working in my yard because it’s so bad that you can’t be outside continually breathing it in. Causing headache, nausea, and leaves an acrid metalic taste on your lips and in your nose. My neighbor had to bring her kids inside the house because the smell is so strong.  (It’s interesting that there was zero smell this weekend when they weren’t operating) The wind is blowing today and it’s pushing all that toxic air into my neighborhood. Again, Metalico is directly impacting my community’s daily activities in an extreme and negative way. Why are they allowed to continually … all over our rights and be the neighbor from hell? None of the other businesses on Neville Island impact us to the point where we have to literally stop our daily   activities and hide inside our homes until the smell goes away. Why should we be forced to rearrange our lives for this filthy, irresponsible, polluter-business who can’t seem to get their shit together to mitigate the mess they create daily? What if it was your kid who you had to drag inside because the odor is too toxic to breathe?

June 2, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H317772-060422)

Description: When watching Metalico on video at there were frequent bursts of opaque smoke from the shredder on site. Through the 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. hours there were approximately twelve minutes per hour of opaque smoke emissions and through the 11:00 a.m. hour there were almost twenty minutes of heavy smoke emissions and it was overcast the majority of the day. Below is camera evidence displaying what these emissions look like.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 6/04/22 complaint,H317772-060422, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachments dated 6/02/22.Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

May 26, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:33 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Bursts of opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H316805-052722)

Description:  I observed the operation of Metalico’s shredder in person from across the river in Emsworth.  During this time I saw the shredder produce several bursts of opaque smoke emissions as shown in the photos below.  Some of these emissions drifted toward the property line.

ACHD Responses: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your complaint and the four (4) photograph attachments taken from the Emsworth’s side of the river. ACHD reviewed your 5/27/22 complaint, H316805-052722, and reviewed the four (4) photograph attachments for VE. The photographs that were reviewed by ACHD, were dated 5/26/22, it would be helpful if the photographs had an actual time stamp. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

“Thank you for your response.  On my computer, I can see a timestamp.  When I bring up a photo,                 there is an “i” symbol in the top right side of the photo that includes file information, including a time                 stamp.  Using the last digit of each photo, the respective times are: (1)  9:36 a.m.; (2) 9:59 a.m. (3) 9:46         a.m.; and (4)  9:46 a.m.”

May 26, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H316776-052722)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera from I observed several heavy periods of opaque smoke emissions from the shredder on site from approximately 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Below are two examples of bursts of smoke emissions that occurred during this time frame.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 5/27/22 complaint, H316776-052722, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachments dated 5/26/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

May 25, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:45 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H316761-052722)

Description: While watching Metalico on camera from there were excessive opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder. The smoke from the shredder seems to blow across the property line and into residential areas. There were many bursts of smoke that occurred during the morning hours and below is an example of one of the heavier periods of emissions.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 5/27/22 complaint, H316761-052722, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachment dated 5/25/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

May 23, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy and consistent emissions from the shredder at Metalico throughout the day

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H316338-052522)

Description: When viewing Metalico on camera at there were multiple periods of heavy opaque emissions throughout the day. Below is an example of excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico from 9:02 a.m. to 9:06 a.m. Though this is an example of a heavier burst of smoke, throughout the hour, and much of the day, lighter smoke emissions were visible and sustained.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 5/25/22 complaint, H316338-052522, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachment dated 5/23/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

May 20, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy and consistent emissions from the shredder at Metalico throughout the day

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H316074-052422)

Description: When viewing Metalico on camera from there were excessive emissions throughout the day, particularly during the 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., and 1:00 p.m. hours. Through many of the hours it was fairly overcast and the opaque smoke emissions were both heavy and sustained. During the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. hours there were at least five bursts of smoke during each respective hour that add up to at least fifteen minutes per hour of heavy smoke emissions. During the 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. hours there are several periods of heavy emissions, two of which can be seen in the examples of emissions below. Two examples are also shown from the morning hours.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 5/24/22 complaint, H316074-052422, and reviewed the morning and afternoon attachments that were time stamp dated, 5/20/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

May 20, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m.

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Heavy odors and emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H315695-052022)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident “Metalico’s shredder belched out these heavy cream-colored emissions at 12:08pm and a few minutes later the wind blew an incredibly overwhelming odor of hot, melting plastics/metal/garbage into my home. It’s been ongoing both with emissions and sickening odors ever since then. The odor is so bad today that I’ve had to cancel a planned visit of some friends because I don’t want them getting sick by the smell while sitting on my porch.” Below is an image of the event.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, your five (5) photographs of the Metalico operations taken Friday 5/20/22, at your Emsworth location, were reviewed for VE and discussed with our ACHD Air Quality group and Metalico. Your complaint and photographs were not the only ones that ACHD received Friday 5/20/22. Thank you again for using GovQA and for the real-time photographs taken from your Emsworth side of the river, ACHD Air Quality.

May 19, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Excessive emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H315717-052122)

Description: Through the day there were excessive emissions that occurred in short bursts coming from the shredder at Metalico. One of the most sustained periods of opaque emissions that occurred while it was fairly overcast, from 2:04 p.m. to 2:08 p.m. is shown below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 5/21/22 complaint, H315717-052122, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachment dated 5/19/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

May 19, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:20 - 9:50 a.m.

Observation: In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Almost continuous smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H315606-051922 )

Description:  I observed Metalico in person from across the river in Emsworth from 9:20 - 9:50 a.m. when the sky was overcast.  During that time the shredder was producing almost continuous opaque smoke emissions that often created a haze over the site as shown in the photos below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, and for the seven (7) photographs of the Metalico operations, taken while you were onsite in Emsworth Thursday morning, 5/19/22. The photographs were reviewed for VE and discussed with our ACHD Air Quality group and shared with Metalico. Thank you for the photographs and again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

May 18, 2022 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Almost continuous emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H315716-052122)

Description: Through almost the entire day there were emissions, which included heavy and sustained smoke, coming from the shredder at Metalico. There are many overcast periods through the day and smoke bursts occur consistently correlating with a spike in the air quality monitor across the river from the site. Below are three pieces of camera evidence showing what the bursts of smoke from the shredder look like through the time frame mentioned and an image of the air quality monitor data from Avalon.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 5/21/22 complaint, H315716-052122, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachments dated 5/18/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

May 18, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:00 a.m. (continuous throughout the day)

Observation: In person across the river in Emsworth by Emsworth Resident

Type of Complaint: Extreme Noise Complaint

Submitted to ACHD: No

Description: In the words of the Emsworth Resident, “Metalico is using two loaders to dump heavy metal scrap 20+ feet into a metal barge. The noise has been constant for hours and it’s deafening. It travels straight through the walls of my home and sounds like heavy cars are being dropped/crushed next to my window.   The vibration from the metal dumps hitting the metal barge causes my entire home to shake. It’s like mini-earthquakes every few minutes. I’m literally wearing earplugs in my own home and can feel the vibration through my feet. My home is less than 1,400 feet away and directly across the river. The open-sided “building” acts like an amplifier in the valley and directs that noise straight into my RESIDENTIAL community. Metalico is BEYOND a “nuisance” company and a poor neighbor.  The families, ( no toddlers are napping through this…), and people who work from home, (can’t make phone calls when it sounds like WW III outside), are being forced to endure eardrum-shattering noises that are WAY above what is an acceptable and safe decibel level for hours on end. They are invading and destroying our homes, our health, our livelihoods, and quality of life. This is not right.  COMPANIES LIKE THIS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO OPERATE SO CLOSE TO A RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD!!!” The camera evidence below shows the activity on site during the time of the complaint including the barge being loaded and materials being moved constantly.

May 18, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.

Observation: In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Frequent opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H315514-051822)

Description: I observed Metalico in person from across the river in Emsworth from approximately 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. today.  During that time the shredder was often producing opaque smoke emissions and those emissions were often creating a haze over the site (as shown in the photos below).  The operation of the shredder and the emissions were also producing an industrial odor.

ACHD Responses: “...thank you for using GovQA, the eight (8) photographs of the Metalico operations taken while you were onsite in Emsworth 5/18/22, were reviewed for VE and discussed with our ACHD Air Quality group. As you are aware , I was on both sides of the river viewing the Metalico operations that morning, we met on the Emsworth side, while onsite, I spoke with a couple of your colleagues regarding odor and the photographing of VE. ACHD does not read from a camera, enlarging (enhancing) photographs does not support what we actually see in person. Industrial odors were also mentioned in this complaint, industrial odors may be coming from Neville Island, but not necessarily coming from Metalico as suggested. Thank you for using GovQA and for the photographs, ACHD reviews the photographs to determine possible operation problems, if determined, it’s discussed with Metalico. Thank you again, ACHD Air Quality.”

“Thank you for responding to my complaint.  I am puzzled by your comments concerning the                         photographic data that we submit.  Back in January you were questioning the validity of the CREATE                 lab camera data,  When we asked about that we were told to submit our questions through the GovQA                 system which we did on 3/4/22 (Ref. # H303880-030422).  We never received any response to the                questions that we submitted.  In the case of in person photographs, our experience differs from yours.                  We believe that the photographs we take of Metalico’s operations do support what we actually see in                 person.”

“Concerning odors, when we were there on May 18th we were smelling different  types of odors, not just the typical odor that [Emsworth resident] smells when the Metalico shredder is operating.  While you may not have the documentation to cite Metalico for an odor complaint, we think you should respect the years-long observations of residents. Whether you intend it or not, your statement about odor supports what Metalico has been saying for years, i.e., that what we see and smell couldn’t be coming from their operation.  Residents have for years reported the smell of burning plastic and rubber when Metalico’s shredder is operating.  They are there every day, so we believe what they believe, i.e., that they can trust what they see and smell.  In addition to that, on the day of the April 14, 2021 Metalico fire, residents from the larger community reported smelling burning plastic and rubber.  There was even a resident about five miles away that reported smelling burning plastic and rubber. There is no denying the source of the smoke that carried the odor into the community that day. The material that was burning at Metalico that day was material that they put through their shredder.  For us, this creates a link between what residents were smelling that day and what they have been smelling for years when Metalico’s shredder operates.  So, yes, there are other industrial odors that come from Neville Island that don’t come from Metalico,  but the odor that comes from the operation of the shredder at Metalico is distinctive and the residents know the difference.”

May 11 & 12

May 10, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Numerous bursts of smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H314764-051322)

Description: Over a two hour long period there were numerous bursts of opaque emissions from the shredder at Metalico. From 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. there were at least seven bursts and from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. another seven, a total of five of which were sustained for five or more minutes. Below are three examples of the emissions over this extended period of time.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 5/13/22 complaint, H314764-051322, and reviewed the time stamps on the attachments dated 5/10/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

May 5, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:20 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H313755-050722)

Description: The shredder at Metalico emitted a heavy burst of emissions that crossed the site’s property line and blew into residential areas during the afternoon’s operations. It was overcast during the time when the polluting event occurred from approximately 2:18 p.m. to 2:28 p.m.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 5/07/22 complaint, H313755-050722, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 5/05/22. After review of the 5/07/22 complaint and  the 5/05/22 attachment, VE/FE could not be determined nor the fact that anything was leaving property boundaries as mentioned in the complaint. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

April 21, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:10 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H312225-042722)

Description: At 9:10 a.m. there is a large burst of heavy emissions from the shredder at Metalico that blows across the site’s property line. There are consistent emissions through the day and it is fairly overcast.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 4/27/22 complaint, H312225-042722, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 4/21/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

April 20, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H312221-042722)

Description: Through the day there were bursts of emissions from the shredder at Metalico with the heaviest occurring at 12:30 p.m. as seen in the camera evidence below. The burst crosses Metalico’s property line and blow into residential areas.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera. ACHD reviewed your 4/27/22 complaint, H312221-042722, and reviewed the time stamp on the attachment dated 4/20/22. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

April 15, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Heavy and thick odor and emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H310513-041522)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident, “Again today, for a solid two hours so far, Metalico has been belching out noxious fumes from the shredder operation.  It smells like someone dumped car parts, vinyl seating, tires, electrical wire and oil into a barrel and lit it on fire. The smell is overwhelming and, again, it makes it impossible to work outside in my yard. The odor is causing headaches, dizziness, and it leaves a foul metalic/motor oil type taste on the lips and in the throat. The heavy winds are blowing the odor directly across the river into my neighborhood.” Below is camera evidence that shows the shredder operating at 11:00 a.m. during the time of the complaint.

April 14, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muizka-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy and consistent emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H310859-041822)

Description: Through the afternoon there were consistent heavy emissions from the shredder at Metalico, much of which crossed the site’s property line. Below is camera evidence that shows opaque emissions blowing from the shredder, some of which blow across the river and into residential areas.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA. We received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera, ACHD reviewed the time stamp on the attachments, complaint H310859-041822 was received 4/18/22 and the attachments were from 4/14/22. Your complaint and attachments were reviewed for VE by our ACHD Air Quality group and discussed. Our ACHD Air Quality representatives continue to monitor the Metalico facility, in person, from both sides of the river each week. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

April 13, 2022 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Large dust clouds at Metalico’s site

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H310853-041822)

Description: Throughout the day dust blew through the air at Metalico’s site. The worst offense was at 2:00 p.m. though throughout the two o’clock hour there was a significant amount of dust that seemed to blow into residential areas.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA. We received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera, ACHD reviewed the time stamp on the attachments, complaint H310853-041822 was received 4/18/22 and the attachments were from 4/13/22. Your complaint and attachments were reviewed for (dust) FE by our ACHD Air Quality group and discussed. Our ACHD Air Quality representatives continue to monitor the Metalico facility, in person, from both sides of the river each week. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

April 13, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Heavy and thick odor of burning plastic/metal/rubber/car parts/electrical wire

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H310159-041322)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident, “EXTREMELY HEAVY AND THICK odor of burning plastic, metal, rubber, car parts, electrical wire. Etc.  It smells so… bad outside that I literally got dizzy and started sweating after breathing it in for less than a minute. It was like being trapped in a closed garage with a car running and a barrel of trash being lit on fire. I can’t do yard work in my own… yard because the smell is so overwhelming that I’m forced to stay in my home with all the windows/doors sealed. THIS HAS BEEN HAPPENING FOR MORE THAN 4 YEARS!  My neighbors and I have been filing complaints about this odor for MORE THAN 4 YEARS, yet NOTHING IS DONE!!! WHAT the hell are we being forced to breathe in? WHY does this odor give my community severe headaches and dizziness? WHY does this odor leave a sick oily metalic taste on our lips and in our throats????? Metalico feeds that shredder with unregulated, unchecked, unwatched trash for eight hours a day WITHOUT ANY KIND OF CAPTURE OF THE ENSUING EMISSIONS OR ANY KIND OF PREVENTION OF THOSE EMISSIONS FROM TRAVELING ACROSS THE RIVER INTO A RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD WITH FAMILIES AND CHILDREN! THIS  SMELL IS COMING FROM METALICO’S SHREDDER!!!!  My neighborhood does not experience this odor when they are not operating AND THERE IS NOTHING ELSE NEAR US THAT WOULD CAUSE THIS ODOR!!!! Every single time the wind blows across Metalico towards our neighborhood the smell intensifies. I don’t understand why the “Health” dept. continually IGNORES my neighborhoods complaints and concerns and gives lip service about “Discussing the complaint with Metalico”. THIS HAS DONE NOTHING to stop Metalico. Your dept. has been “talking” to them for 4 years and they still CONSISTENTLY KEEP doing the same thing!   Not only have the explosions and heavy emissions increased in the past year, but worst, and most frightening, of all, is that the “bad air” days have increased and gotten far worse since my community started submitting claims to your dept. ????? WHY IS YOUR DEPT NOT DOING MORE TO FIND OUT WHAT METALICO IS EMITTING TO CAUSE THESE ODORS THAT ARE MAKING MY COMMUNITY SICK??? WHY ISN’T THERE A COUNTY AIR MONITOR DOWNWIND OF METALICO??? Emsworth IS a part of Allegheny County, correct??!”

April 13, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:30 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy and consistent emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H310850-041822)

Description: Throughout the day there were consistent bursts of opaque emissions from the shredder at Metalico, often blowing across Metalico’s property line. The most sustained period of emissions is shown in the video below from the mid-ten o’clock hour though there are also bursts of emissions that are heavy and sustained through the nine o’clock hour. The day was fairly overcast so emissions can be seen more clearly.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA. We received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera, ACHD reviewed the time stamp on the attachment, complaint H310850-041822 was received 4/18/22 and the attachment was from 4/13/22. Your complaint and attachment were reviewed for VE by our ACHD Air Quality group and discussed. Our ACHD Air Quality representatives continue to monitor the Metalico facility, in person, from both sides of the river each week. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

April 12, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:45 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy and consistent emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H310326-041422)

Description: Throughout the morning and afternoon there were consistent heavy opaque emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico. Heavy bursts of opaque emissions occur over twenty times through the morning hours. During the afternoon the emission crossed the western property line at Metalico several times, including in the camera evidence shown below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA. We received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera, ACHD reviewed the time stamps on the attachments, complaint H310318-041422, received 4/14/22, attachment(s) 4/11/22, and complaint H310326-041422, received 4/14/22, attachment(s) 4/12/22. Your complaints and attachments were reviewed for VE by our ACHD Air Quality group and discussed with Metalico while onsite, Thursday 4/14/22. ACHD had representatives on Neville Island and at the ACCAN camera location in Emsworth, Wednesday 4/13/22, and Thursday 4/14/22. Our ACHD Air Quality representatives continue to monitor the Metalico facility, in person, from both sides of the river each week. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

April 11, 2022 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy and consistent emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H310318-041422)

Description: Throughout the morning and afternoon there were consistent heavy opaque emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico. Bursts occur over a dozen times through the morning hours and at least ten times in the afternoon hours until the shredder stops operating at 3:00 p.m. The day was overcast and many times the emissions cross Metalico’s property line and blow into residential communities. Below is one example of emissions from 11:50 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA. We received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera, ACHD reviewed the time stamps on the attachments, complaint H310318-041422, received 4/14/22, attachment(s) 4/11/22, and complaint H310326-041422, received 4/14/22, attachment(s) 4/12/22. Your complaints and attachments were reviewed for VE by our ACHD Air Quality group and discussed with Metalico while onsite, Thursday 4/14/22. ACHD had representatives on Neville Island and at the ACCAN camera location in Emsworth, Wednesday 4/13/22, and Thursday 4/14/22. Our ACHD Air Quality representatives continue to monitor the Metalico facility, in person, from both sides of the river each week. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

April 11, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:30 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Heavy emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico and hot plastic odor

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H309776-041122)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident, “Heavy cream-colored emissions belching from the shredder consistently for the past hour. (Started observing it at 11:30am) A lot of smog/haze hanging in the air around the site and the usual odor of hot plastics/rubber in the air.

April 11, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:35 - 9:55 a.m.

Observation: In-person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive, opaque, smoke emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico and an odor of burning plastic and rubber.

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H309839-041122)

Description: I observed Metalico in-person from across the river in Emsworth from 9:35 - 9:55 a.m.  During that time the shredding was operating and producing opaque smoke emissions as shown in the photos below and it was also producing an odor of burning plastic and rubber.  The opacity of the emissions varied; however, during most of the time emissions were enough to produce a haze over the site.

ACHD Response:  Angelo, thank you for using GovQA, your seven (7) photographs of the Metalico operations taken yesterday morning while you were onsite in Emsworth, 4/11/22, were reviewed for VE and discussed with our ACHD Air Quality group as well shared with Metalico today. Thank you again for using GovQA and for the real-time photographs taken from the Emsworth side of the river, ACHD Air Quality.

April 1, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:35 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy burst of opaque emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H309358-040722)

Description: A burst of heavy opaque emissions comes from the shredder at Metalico and seems to blow into residential areas, such as Emsworth, across the river from the industrial site.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA. We received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera, ACHD reviewed the time stamps on the attachment, complaint H309358-040722, received 4/07/22, attachment was dated 4/01/22. Your complaint and attachments were reviewed for VE by our ACHD Air Quality group and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

March 31, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 2:10 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Smoke emissions coming from the structures at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H309357-040722)

Description: In the early two o’clock hour smoke was billowing and blowing from the main structures at Metalico. The emissions seem to blow across the Ohio River and into residential areas. Below is camera evidence of the polluting event.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA. We received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera, ACHD reviewed the time stamps on the attachment, complaint H309357-040722, received 4/07/22, attachment was dated 3/31/22. Your complaint and attachment were reviewed by our ACHD Air Quality group and discussed, it was inconclusive of what we were looking at. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

March 31, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:15 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy burst of opaque emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H309353-040722)

Description: When the shredder is started at Metalico at approximately 7:15 a.m. there is a burst of opaque emissions that can be seen via camera evidence. Though it is rainy, a plume of opaque emissions can be seen rising from the shredder on site.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA. We received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera, ACHD reviewed the time stamps on the attachment, complaint H309353-040722, received 4/07/22, attachment was dated 3/31/22. Your complaint and attachment were reviewed by our ACHD Air Quality group, due to the time of day, the rain and camera lens, it was inconclusive of what we were looking at. ACHD had representatives monitoring both sides of the river Thursday morning, March 31, 2022. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

March 29, 2022 - Complaint #3

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:20 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Heavy emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico and an odor of hot/burnt rubber, metal and plastic

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H307862-032922)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident, “Extremely heavy emissions coming from the shredder continuously for over 5 min. My neighbor and I thought for sure there was another fire starting. Odor of burnt/hot plastic, rubber, metal.” Below are images taken in Emsworth across the river from Metalico.

March 29, 2022 - Complaint #2

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:45 p.m. -1:30 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy burst of opaque emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H309349-040722)

Description: During the early afternoon hours there were several bursts of emissions from the shredder at Metalico, several of which cross Metalico’s property line and blow into residential areas, such as Emsworth. Below are two examples from 12:43 p.m. and 1:17 p.m.  

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA. We received your two attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera, ACHD reviewed the time stamps on the attachments, complaint H309349-040722, received 4/07/22, attachments were dated 3/29/22. Your complaint and attachments were reviewed for VE by our ACHD Air Quality group and discussed with Metalico. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

March 29, 2022 - Complaint #1

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:45 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds at Metalico due to lack of watering down the scrap pile during activity on site

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H309346-040422)

Description: Between 10:43 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. there were bursts of dust clouds that occurred at Metalico that were the result of activity on site, such as loading the barge, and the scrap pile not being watered down. This activity continued through the day and there was no evidence of watering down the pile. Below is camera evidence showing the dust bursts being pushed across the river into residential areas.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA. We received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera, ACHD reviewed the time stamps on the attachment, complaint H309346-040422, received 4/07/22, attachment was dated 3/29/22. Your complaint and attachment were reviewed for FE (dust) by our ACHD Air Quality group and discussed with Metalico. ACHD had representatives monitoring both sides of the river Tuesday morning, March 29, 2022. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

March 25, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:30 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy burst of opaque emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H307926-032922)

Description: At approximately 8:30 a.m. a burst of heavy opaque emissions came from the shredder at Metalico. As can be seen on the video below, it was an overcast day. Similar emissions occurred through the morning hours including when the shredder began operation at 7:08 a.m.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA. We received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera, ACHD reviewed the time stamps on the attachments, complaint H306936-032322, received 3/23/22, attachment(s) 3/21/22, complaint H307926-032922, received 3/29/22, attachment(s) 3/25/22 and complaint H307925-032922, received 3/29/22, attachment(s) 3/22/22. Your complaints and attachments were reviewed for VE by our ACHD Air Quality group and discussed with Metalico. ACHD had representatives on Neville Island and at the ACCAN camera location in Emsworth, Monday 3/21/22, Tuesday 3/29/22, Thursday 3/31/22 and Monday 4/04/22. Our ACHD Air Quality representatives continue to monitor the Metalico facility, in person, from both sides of the river each week. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.


March 22, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy visible opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H307925-032922)

Description: Through the morning hours, beginning at 7:15 a.m., there were heavy opaque emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico. Some of the emissions shown on video cross Metalico’s property line. The morning hours were overcast and the bursts of heavy emissions occurred between 7:40 to 7:50 a.m., 7:55 to 8:00 a.m., 8:14 to 8:24 a.m., 8:38 to 8:48 a.m., 10:25 to 10:35 a.m., and 10:50 to 11:00 a.m, several of which can be seen below.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA. We received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera, ACHD reviewed the time stamps on the attachments, complaint H306936-032322, received 3/23/22, attachment(s) 3/21/22, complaint H307926-032922, received 3/29/22, attachment(s) 3/25/22 and complaint H307925-032922, received 3/29/22, attachment(s) 3/22/22. Your complaints and attachments were reviewed for VE by our ACHD Air Quality group and discussed with Metalico. ACHD had representatives on Neville Island and at the ACCAN camera location in Emsworth, Monday 3/21/22, Tuesday 3/29/22, Thursday 3/31/22 and Monday 4/04/22. Our ACHD Air Quality representatives continue to monitor the Metalico facility, in person, from both sides of the river each week. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

March 21, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:30 a.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Heavy visible opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H306936-032322)

Description: Through the morning, beginning at 7:30 a.m., there were consistent heavy opaque emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico, examples of which can be seen in the camera footage below. Similar heavy emissions came from the shredder in the afternoon between approximately 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA. We received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera, ACHD reviewed the time stamps on the attachments, complaint H306936-032322, received 3/23/22, attachment(s) 3/21/22, complaint H307926-032922, received 3/29/22, attachment(s) 3/25/22 and complaint H307925-032922, received 3/29/22, attachment(s) 3/22/22. Your complaints and attachments were reviewed for VE by our ACHD Air Quality group and discussed with Metalico. ACHD had representatives on Neville Island and at the ACCAN camera location in Emsworth, Monday 3/21/22, Tuesday 3/29/22, Thursday 3/31/22 and Monday 4/04/22. Our ACHD Air Quality representatives continue to monitor the Metalico facility, in person, from both sides of the river each week. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

March 4, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Observation: On video from camera across the river in Emsworth at

Type of Complaint: Visible opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H305384-031422)

Description: Throughout the hour from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and once again from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. there were consistent heavy opaque emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico. There were frequent bursts from the shredder during these times that can be seen via camera footage.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA. Monday 3/14/22 we received your attachments from the Emsworth ACCAN camera dated 3/04/22, ACHD reviewed the time stamps of the four attachments dated for Friday 3/04/22. Your attachments were reviewed for VE by our ACHD Air Quality group and discussed with Metalico. ACHD had representatives on Neville Island and at the ACCAN camera location in Emsworth Friday 3/04/22, it was a clear sunny day, winds 2 MPH with 4 MPH wind gusts. Our ACHD Air Quality representatives continue to monitor the Metalico facility, in person, from both sides of the river each week. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

March 1, 2022 (Complaint #2)

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 9:34 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth and on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: An apparent explosion from the shredder and heavy odor of hot plastic/rubber/metal

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H303021-030122)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident, “One of the biggest explosions I’ve ever heard/felt at the shredder. It shook my entire home to the point where plaster pieces/dust from a crack in my ceiling fell onto the floor. My windows rattled so hard that I thought for sure they were busted.

There has been a really heavy odor all morning since they started up the shredder of hot plastic/rubber/metal. The wind is blowing the emissions directly across the river into my neighborhood.”

March 1, 2022 (Complaint #1)

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:15 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Visible opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H303329-030222)

Description: I viewed Metalico on video at and noticed excessive visible opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder at approximately 7:15 a.m.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA. Wednesday 3/02/22 we received your attachment from the Emsworth ACCAN camera dated 3/01/22, the camera time stamp began at 07:10 AM Tuesday morning. Your attachment was reviewed for VE by our ACHD Air Quality group and discussed with Metalico. Our ACHD Air Quality representatives continue to monitor the Metalico facility, in person, from both sides of the river each week. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

February 21, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:56 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Sporadic heavy emissions and heavy odors of burnt plastic/metal

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H301818-022122)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident, “Sporadic heavy emissions coming from the shredder since 9am. along with heavy odors of burnt plastic/metal. At times the odor is so strong that I can smell it in my car as I’m pulling up to my house. Metalico’s shredder operation has been minimal for the past month and the air has been relatively breathable.  It’s interesting that once they started ramping up shredder operations to full day, the smell returned.”

February 15, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:42 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth and on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Visible opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico from an apparent explosion

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H300719-021522)

Description: In the words of the Emsworth resident, “MASSIVE explosion at the shredder. It shook the entire house and scared the hell out of me. Thick emissions over the shredder after the explosion.”

January 14, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 1:40 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Visible opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H296651-012022)

Description: I viewed Metalico on video from and noticed excessive visible opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder at several points during the day, including the video example shown below beginning at approximately 1:40 p.m., which blew across Metalico’s eastern property line.

ACHD Response: “... thank you for using GovQA, your condensed ACCAN camera video and still shot taken from the condensed video the afternoon of 1/14/22 was reviewed for VE, our ACHD Air Quality group did not determine much of anything from the condensed version of the video attached to the complaint. Your review of the ACCAN camera dated 1/14/22 was not submitted as a complaint until 1/20/22 which is six days after the fact. Air Quality representatives continue to monitor the Metalico facility, in person, from both sides of the river each week. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

Explore this view

January 6, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day:  11:30 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Visible opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H294866-010722)

Description: I viewed Metalico on video from and noticed excessive emissions coming from the shredder beginning at 11:25 a.m. which blew across Metalico’s eastern property line.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, your condensed ACCAN camera video from the morning of 1/06/22 was reviewed for VE, our ACHD Air Quality group did not determine much of anything from the condensed version of the video attached to the complaint. Our Air Quality representatives continue to monitor the Metalico facility, in person, from both sides of the river each week. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

January 5, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:40 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Visible opaque smoke emissions coming from an explosion from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H294693-010622)

Description: I viewed Metalico on video at and noticed an apparent explosion that occurred just after 11:40 a.m. with excessive smoke emissions blowing directly into the residential area of Emsworth and across Metalico’s property line.

ACHD Response: “... thank you for using GovQA, your 10-minute ACCAN camera video from the morning of 1/05/22 was reviewed for VE. It was noticed by our ACHD Air Quality group and by Metalico, that the video was zoomed in and sped up to condense 10 minutes into 20 seconds and the condensed version of the  video does not accurately show the shredder in operation, Metalico did not have a pressure release or fire as mentioned in the complaint. Our ACHD Air Quality representatives continue to monitor the Metalico facility, in person, from both sides of the river each week. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.”

January 3, 2022

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 12:55 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Visible opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes (Reference Number: H294321-010422)

Description: I viewed Metalico at and on that day the shredder was producing smoke emissions throughout the day with particularly heavy emissions at certain times, as illustrated in the attached video from 12:55 to 1:05 p.m.

ACHD Response: “...thank you for using GovQA, your 9-minute ACCAN camera video from the afternoon of 01/03/22 was reviewed for VE. Our ACHD Air Quality representatives continue to monitor the Metalico facility, in person, weekly, from both sides of the river. Monday afternoon, January 3, 2022, was not overcast, in the afternoon the view of Metalico should be viewed from the opposite side of the river, not from the ACCAN camera in Emsworth. Thank you again for using GovQA, ACHD Air Quality.

December 29, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 9:50 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Visible opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: I viewed Metalico on video at on December 29, 2021.  On that day, the shredder was operating starting from about 7:30 a.m.  Between approximately 9:50 - 10:00 a.m., the shredder produced especially heavy visible, opaque smoke emissions as shown in the video below. These emissions blew across Metalico’s eastern property line.  

December 27, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 11:35 - 11:45 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Visible opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: I viewed Metalico on video at on December 27, 2021.  On that day, the shredder was operating from about 7:20 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  Between approximately 11:35 - 11:45 a.m., the shredder produced especially heavy visible, opaque smoke emissions as shown in the video below. These emissions blew across the river into Emsworth and across Metalico’s western property line.  An example of these emissions is shown in the video below.

December 22, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:   2:40 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Fire in scrap pile next to shredder

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  (In the words of the Emsworth resident):  Another fire (THIS IS THE THIRD ONE THIS YEAR!) at the pile of metal next to the shredder. Thick heavy, at times gray/dark smoke was coming from this area for well over 20 minutes. … the wind was blowing the smoke away from my community.

I do not understand why the Health Department, (that had twice previously cited Metalico), has now for the past year turned a blind eye to the exact same violations. Constant emissions, explosions, foul air, and now a THIRD fire with no action, none whatsoever, being taken against Metalico. No action for the April 14 fire. No action for the May 22 fire. It’s suspicious and it’s not right.

Will ANYTHING be done for this fire? What about the uptick in explosions that have been occurring again? Why is this company being allowed to continually trample all over my community’s rights?  What is the purpose of having an “air quality” dept. if they do NOTHING to punish these companies for constant/continual violations? It’s been THREE years since my community reached out for help and nothing has changed. We are still being forced to breathe in foul and toxic air and to have our homes slowly destroyed by the shocks from explosions.

December 21, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  All morning with an explosion around 12:40 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Explosion at the shredder and heavy odors of burning/melting plastic

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  (In the words of the Emsworth resident):  Explosion at the shredder on Tuesday December 21st around 12:35pm.  All morning there were heavy odors of burning/melting plastic.

December 20, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 7:20 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Visible opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: I viewed Metalico on video at on December 20, 2021.  On that day, the shredder was operating from about 7:20 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  During that time,. there were periods when frequent bursts of visible, opaque smoke emissions were produced by the shredder.  At other times the shredder produced continuous visible, opaque smoke emissions. At times, these emissions blew across the river into Emsworth.  An example of these emissions is shown in the video below.

December 20, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:   11:00 a.m. - ongoing for hours

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Extremely heavy opaque emissions and incredibly strong odors of melting plastic/metal/rubber

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  (In the words of the Emsworth resident): Extremely heavy opaque emissions and incredibly strong odors of melting plastic/metal/rubber coming from the shredder at Metalico all morning long. The odor was so strong that I could smell it in my home and all the way to the end of my parking pad.

The wind was blowing all the smoke directly across the river into my neighborhood which can clearly be seen in the video below.

December 16, 2021 - Complaint #3

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:   2:52pm (ongoing since 11am)

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth and from

Type of Complaint:  Heavy odor of burnt melting plastics/rubber/metal

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  (In the words of the Emsworth resident):  “The odor of burnt melting plastics/rubber/metal has only continued to get worse and heavier. It’s almost impossible to walk outside without gagging or having your chest tighten up from the fumes.

There’s a lot more visible emissions as well coming from the shredder and they are torching something in the open building. I can see sparks and smoke coming out of the building but am unable to capture it in photos. The photos below with the circle show where they are doing the torching.”

(See videos and photos below)

December 16, 2021 - Complaint #2

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  11:00 a.m. and ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth and from

Type of Complaint:  Extremely heavy/thick odor of hot/melting plastics

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  (In the words of the Emsworth resident):  “Extremely heavy/thick odor of hot/melting plastics /rubber and metal that has been continuous for the past hour. The wind is very strong today and it’s blowing emissions from Metalico’s shredder directly across the river into my neighborhood.

 Being outside for more than a few minutes, is causing a headache and leaves a weird metalic taste in your nose and mouth. My Mom was supposed to visit this afternoon but I will now have to cancel because she was sickened (migraine, tightness in chest) by this same odor over the summer and will not visit when it smells bad. So, yet again, Metalico’s pollution is causing negative physical symptoms, forcing me and my neighbors to alter/cancel plans and generally destroying any rights we have to a decent quality of life where we’re not being forced to breathe in polluted toxins. “

The video below illustrates that the shredder was emitting bursts of visible opaque smoke emissions during this time; however, the odor persisted whether there were visible emissions or not.

December 16, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 9:20 - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: Viewed in person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Visible opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico accompanied by odor  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: I observed Metalico in person from about 9:20 - 10:00 a.m. from across the river in Emsworth.  While  I was observing, there were times when the shredder was emitting visible, opaque smoke emissions.  The video and photos below show the emissions around 9:30 a.m.  At that time, the sky was overcast.  In addition, during the entire time I was observing Metalico, even when there weren't visible emissions, a strong odor of burning plastic and rubber was blowing across the river from Metalico to the extent that I experienced irritation in my mouth and throat.

December 14, 2021 - Complaint #2

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 12:30 - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Visible opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: While viewing Metalico on video at, I observed frequent bursts of visible, opaque smoke emissions being produced by the shredder, sometimes blowing across the river into Emsworth.  An example of these bursts is shown in the video below.

December 14, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 7:15 - 12:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Explosion and visible opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: While viewing Metalico on video at, I observed frequent bursts of visible, opaque smoke emissions being produced by the shredder.  An example of these bursts is shown in the video below.

December 9, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 8:20 - 8:30 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Visible opaque smoke emissions coming from unidentified sources adjacent to Metalico’s shredder  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: I observed Metalico on   I have been watching Metalico for several years now.        I sometimes see emissions from unfamiliar sources on Metalico's site.  The video below is from on December 9, 2021 from 8:20 to 8:30 a.m.  That is part of the time period during which I saw emissions coming from at least three sources adjacent to Metalico's shredder - one to the left of the shredder, one in front of the shredder and one to the right of the shredder.  In my complaint to the Health Department I asked them to identify these sources.

December 2, 2021

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 7:30 - 7:35 a.m. (explosion at 7:33 a.m.)

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth and from

Type of Complaint: Visible smoke emissions coming from an explosion at the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: (In the words of the Emsworth resident): Massive explosion at the shredder followed by an enormous release of smoke and emissions. The percussion of the explosion shook my windows and released dust from a crack in my plaster wall

December 1, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 7:00 - 9:00 a.m. 

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Visible opaque smoke emissions coming from open burning at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: While watching Metalico on video at, I observed smoke emissions coming from open burning at Metalico.  An example of this is shown in the video below.  It may have been from an accidental fire that was getting out of control.  They appeared to be trying to put it out.

November 30, 2021

Entered By: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 11:00 - 11:15 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive visible opaque smoke emissions from Metalico shredder

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: While watching Metalico on video from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at, I observed frequent bursts of smoke emissions coming from Metalico.  The emissions changed direction from east to west through the day as the wind direction changed, flowing across the property line. An example is shown below.

November 24, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 8:17 - 8:34 a.m. 

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:   Excessive, visible opaque smoke emissions rising from the Grand Avenue side of Metalico   

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While watching video of Metalico at, I observed excessive, visible smoke emissions rising from the Grand Avenue side of Metalico and blowing over their western property line.   I submitted a complaint  (#H285787-111321) for emissions  that I observed on November 9, 2021 that were coming from the same location.  In both cases, the emissions didn’t appear to be coming from a vehicle.

November 24, 2021

Entered By: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:00 - 10:05 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive, visible opaque smoke emissions from Metalico shredder

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: While watching Metalico on video at from 7:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., I observed several incidents of excessive visible opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico blowing both west and north across the property line and into residential areas of Emsworth. One example is shown in the video below.

November 22, 2021

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 10:50 - 11:00 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Excessive, visible opaque smoke emissions from Metalico shredder

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: While watching Metalico on video at from 7:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., I observed frequent excessive, visible opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico blowing east toward residential areas in the north boroughs. One example is shown in the video below.

November 12, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 11:20 -11:25 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Excessive, visible opaque smoke emissions from Metalico shredder  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While watching Metalico on video at, I observed excessive, visible opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder and blowing across Metalico’s northern property line into the residential area in Emsworth.

November 11, 2021

Entered by: Cecilia Muzika-Minteer

Time of Day: 8:50 - 9:00 a.m.

Observation: Viewed in-person by Angelo Taranto and from

Type of Complaint:  Excessive, visible opaque smoke emissions from Metalico shredder

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: (In the words of in-person viewer): I observed Metalico in person from across the river in Emsworth from about 8:45 - 9:20 a.m.  During some of that time, the shredder was producing opaque, visible smoke emissions that were being blown toward Metalico's western property line.  The attached photos show these smoke emissions.

November 9, 2021 - Third Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 10:56 - 10:59 a.m. 

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Excessive, visible opaque smoke emissions coming from vehicle at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: While watching video of Metalico at, I observed a vehicle on the site producing excessive, visible smoke emissions as shown in the video below.  The same issue was reported in a complaint and blog post on October 13, 2021.

November 9, 2021- Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 10:56 - 10:59 a.m. 

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Excessive, visible opaque smoke emissions rising from the Grand Avenue side of Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: While watching video of Metalico at, I observed excessive, visible smoke emissions rising from the Grand Avenue side of Metalico and blowing over their western property line.  

November 9, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 7:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Excessive, visible opaque smoke emissions from Metalico shredder  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: While watching Metalico on video at, I observed excessive, visible opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder and blowing across Metalico’s western property line. This was happening all day while the shredder was operating. An example of this is shown in the video below.

November 4, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 11:50-11:55 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Excessive  smoke emission from Metalico  shredder 

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: While observing video of Metalico on, I viewed excessive, opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder, as shown on the video below.  Also included below is a screenshot of air monitor readings that are shown on  Those readings are from a RAMP and VOC monitor in Emsworth at the location of the camera.  These readings show that PM2.5, CO and tVOC were dramatically elevated at the time I observed the excessive smoke emissions from Metalico's shredder.

October 25, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  12:45 - 1:45 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth and from

Type of Complaint:  Extremely heavy emissions and heavy odor of burning rubber, plastic and motor oil Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  (In the words of the Emsworth resident):  Extremely heavy odor of hot/melting plastics, rubber, paper, and metal but also, at times, a rotten egg smell or rotting garbage mixed in.  I first noticed the odor INSIDE my home because it’s that strong. The wind is blowing pretty strong today and pushing the emissions from the shredder across the river. It leaves a weird Metalic taste on your lips and in your nose. I  can see the clouds of smog blow over their dock but it’s hard to capture the cloud in a photo.

October 20, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 2:20 - 3:10 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust blowing from the site across the river. 

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While observing Metalico on video, I observed dust blowing from different places on the Metalico site over the river, as seen in the video below.

October 20, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth and from

Type of Complaint:  Extremely heavy emissions and heavy odor of burning rubber, plastic and motor oil Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  (In the words of the Emsworth resident):  Extremely Heavy emissions coming from the shredder all morning long but particularly heavy from 1-2:15pm. Clouds of smog are rolling across the river but it’s hard to capture in photos.

Also extremely heavy odor of burning rubber, plastic , motor oil. It’s so bad today that the odor clings to your lips and leaves a nasty film/taste in the mouth /nose after breathing it for more than a minute.

The Airviz tVOC monitor on site in Emsworth captured the pollution event. See screenshot from


(Photos are taken by the Emsworth resident and the video is from

October 13, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions from a vehicle on the Metalico site

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes

Description:  While observing Metalico in person, I saw opaque smoke emissions produced by a vehicle on the site.  The video below shows those emissions.

October 13, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust clouds raised by activity on Metalico site 

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description: While observing Metalico in person,  I saw activity which raised dust clouds.  Two pieces of equipment  were handling material that was in piles.  One was loading a barge and one was transferring material from one pile to the other.  Dust clouds were being raised because only one of the piles was being watered.  The video below shows an example of this.


October 4, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 2:15 - 3:15 p.m.

Observation: In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke and odor that smelled like burning rubber and plastics. 

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:   ACCAN member, Barbara Pace, was observing Metalico in person from across the river in Emsworth.  Acrid taste and burning in her throat, accompanied the stench from Metalico on Neville Island. The odor smelled like burning rubber and plastic.

October 4, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Frequent bursts of opaque smoke emissions and strong odor from shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  I observed Metalico from across the river in Emsworth from about 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.  During that time, there were frequent bursts of opaque smoke emissions and strong odors of burning plastic and rubber coming from Metalico’s shredder.  An example of these bursts is shown in the video below.  At times the emissions hung in the air creating a haze.

September 28, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 7:07 - 8:25 a.m. when weather was overcast

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Frequent bursts of opaque smoke emissions from shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  I observed Metalico on video starting at 7:07 a.m. The weather was overcast.  During the entire time I observed Metalico its shredder was operating and producing frequent bursts of opaque smoke emissions  that blew off the site.   An example of these bursts is shown in the video below.  During the hour between 7:25 - 8:25 a.m. there were at least 14 bursts of opaque smoke emissions.

September 27, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.  

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust clouds generated from activity on the Metalico site  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While watching video of Metalico, I observed dust clouds generated by activity on the Metalico site.  The dust clouds blew over and into the river and into Emsworth.  An example of this is shown in the video below.   This is something that we frequently see on the Metalico site.

September 24, 2021 - 2nd Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 12:45 - 2:15 p.m.  

Observation: Viewed by Ken Holmes, an ACCAN member, in person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Frequent bursts of opaque smoke emissions from shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  Ken’s complaint emailed to the Health Department read:  “ I took this video yesterday of the egregious practices of Metallico. What you see is the norm every day: open burning and dust clouds from trucks on the property both a violation of state environmental rules.  Can’t understand why nothing is being done regarding enforcement by the county.”

September 24, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 7:15 - 11:40 a.m.  

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Frequent bursts of opaque smoke emissions from shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  I observed Metalico on video from 7:15 - 11:40 a.m..  During that entire time Metalico’s shredder was operating and producing frequent bursts of opaque smoke emissions  that blew off the site, often across the river into Emsworth.   An example of these bursts is shown in the videos below (one video from the morning and one from the afternoon) .  There was an average of at least 10 bursts per hour.  I also observed Metalico in person from about 1:00 - 2:15 p.m.  During that time the shredder continued to operate as it had been operating in the morning, i.e., producing frequent bursts of opaque smoke emissions that blew off the site, often across the river into Emsworth.

September 15, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  The weather was overcast that entire time.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Frequent bursts of opaque smoke emissions from shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While watching Metalico on video at, I saw that the shredder was operating  from about 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  During that entire time,  I observed that there were frequent bursts of opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder.  An example of these bursts is shown in the video below.

September 14, 2021 - 2nd Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 7:20 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Bursts of opaque smoke emissions from shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While watching Metalico on video at from about 7:20 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.,  I observed frequent bursts of opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico.  An example of these bursts is shown in the video below.

September 14, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  9:00 a.m. and ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:   Multiple explosions and super heavy/thick emissions of cream colored smoke all morning long and heavy odor of melting plastics/rubber/metal.

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  (In the words of the Emsworth resident)  Multiple explosions at the shredder, one at 10:21 am and one at 11:01am.  Could feel the explosion as well as hear it.

Super heavy/thick emissions of cream colored smoke all morning long and heavy odor of melting plastics/rubber/metal. The wind is strong today and is blowing the smoke /odor from the shredder directly across the river into my neighborhood. There’s a smog cloud over this area of the island.

 My neighbor’s brother and his wife are visiting from Florida. They had to retreat inside from lunch on their deck because the odor was so overwhelming.  I’ve had to close all of my windows because the odor is seeping in causing a headache and burning throat.  It’s not right that residents in a non-industrial zoned town (Emsworth) can’t enjoy their own backyards and porches and are being forced indoors due to the pollution Metalico is creating in Neville township.

The smoke/odors/ explosions have steadily been getting worse over the past year.

The video and photos are of shredder at time of explosion(s) as well as periods of heavy emissions.

September 8, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  9:30 a.m. and ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:   HEAVY and thick odor of melting plastics/rubber/metal coming from the Metalico shredder

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  HEAVY and thick odor of melting plastics/rubber/metal coming from the shredder.  It smells like someone lit a dumpster full of electronics on fire.

-The wind has been blowing Metalico’s emissions directly across the river into their neighborhood.

-They first noticed the odor INSIDE their house and they were then forced to close all of their windows.

-Breathing it in for more than a few minutes caused a headache and burning throat.

While odors from Metalico are almost always associated with the operation of the shredder, they are not always associated with large plumes of smoke from the shredder.  The video below show emissions from the shredder during part of the time covered by this complaint.

September 3, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Large bursts of opaque smoke emissions from shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:   While watching the operation of Metalico’s shredder, I observed frequent large bursts of opaque smoke emissions produced by the shredder.   These occurred throughout the day, sometimes more frequently than others.  Examples of these are included in the videos below.

August 31, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  From 7:30 - 11:55 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico with periods of heavy odors  

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description:  Heavy smoke emissions all morning long with periods of heavy odors of melting plastic, rubber, hot motor oil.   The smog (not steam) lingers in the air long after it comes out of the shredder but it’s difficult to capture that in video and photos.  The video below shows an example of the heavy smoke emissions.

August 30, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  All day long.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions and extremely strong odor coming from the shredder,  explosion at the shredder and unbearable, explosive noise.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description:  Heavy, HEAVY, emissions coming from the shredder all day since 7:30am as well as extremely strong odor of melting plastic/burning car parts throughout the day.  An example of this is shown in the video below.  There was also a muffled explosion at the shredder at 8:32am.

They were also loading a barge with scrap; dumping heavy pieces of metal, the equivalent height of a 3-4 story building, into a metal barge on the river.  They drop metal every few seconds and the explosive sound of the metal scrap smashing into the metal barge regularly registers above 86-94 decibels.There eardrums were literally ringing from simply being outside for 5 minutes. Ears ringing from excessive industrial noise IS a health dept. issue.

They’re assuming the machine operators at Metalico are required to wear ear protection when they load barges? The sound from the dropped metal is amplified as it hits the cliff of their neighborhood making the noise even louder and explosive to their ears yet they’re supposed to endure this same noise with zero protection? They don’t have air conditioning; They can’t close their windows and they are forced to listen to it as they work.


August 27, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  10:54 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Massive explosion at the shredder at Metalico accompanied by large plume of opaque smoke emissions

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description: Massive explosion at the shredder that shook their entire house with such force that they thought their windows were going to blow out. Their neighbor called them because she felt/heard it as well. It was extremely jarring.  Video of the explosion and the plume released by it are shown in the video below.

August 26, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day:  9:32 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: In person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Bursts of opaque smoke emissions from shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While observing Metalico in person today from across the river in Emsworth I observed frequent bursts of opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico.  The video below (which I captured from video at, shows an example of these bursts of smoke emissions.  The bursts were so frequent that they left an almost continuous haze hanging over the Metalico site while I was there in Emsworth.

August 25, 2021 - Third Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  2:08 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Explosion, heavy smoke emissions and odor from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description: Heard /felt another muffled explosion followed by the usual puff of cream colored smoke that ALWAYS comes out of the shredder after an explosion (see first two photos below). Again, this happens at least once per day but more often it’s multiple muffled explosions per day.

These explosions have been happening for YEARS and all that’s been accomplished is that they’ve somehow managed to muffle them so our homes don’t shake as much. They are absolutely disgusted by the lack of inaction by ACHD to stop this company from polluting their community and that, since they’ve started filing complaints in 2018, the pollution, odors and noise pollution has only gotten worse. They’re now operating on Saturdays and Sundays so their neighborhood can’t even enjoy one clean air day!

The pollution they're emitting today is OUTRAGEOUS!  The remaining photos are emissions that happened after the explosion..

It’s not right that they have to escape their OWN HOME in order to breathe decent air.

It’s not right that they have to look at more effective health departments across the U.S. to actually get any information on exactly what kind of toxins they’re emitting! It’s also disheartening to see how other health depts. are taking MUCH STRONGER actions against companies like this while ours does the minimal possible.

It’s a sad reflection on Allegheny County.  Who wants to live here when this kind of pollution is allowed to happen?

August 25, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  1:33 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Explosion, heavy smoke emissions and odor from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description:  Heard/felt a muffled explosion at the shredder. You can see in the photos below the emissions it caused. THIS HAPPENS AT LEAST ONCE A DAY!  

August 25, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  1:20 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions and odor from shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description:  Heavy emissions on and off all day long. Very opaque, not steam. There’s a haze over Metalico on the island. Air smells like melting, hot plastic. Not sure how they’re allowed to operate like this on a code orange air quality day when the air around here is already very bad. Examples of emissions are shown in the photos below.

August 23, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  1:52 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions at Metalico - possibly an explosion and fire.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description:  Emsworth resident observed smoke emissions at Metalico that appeared as though there could be a fire there.  They heard a muffled sound that sounded like an explosion coming from the shredder.  There was a lot of noise and muffled thuds coming from Metalico.  The photos below show what they saw.

August  20, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Bursts of opaque smoke emissions from shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  Available footage of video at showed the shredder at Metalico operating from about 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  During that entire time, the shredder emitted frequent bursts of opaque smoke emissions.  During one, one hour period from about 1:00 - 2:00 p.m., there were at least 9 bursts of emissions.  Examples of bursts during two time periods are shown in the videos below.

August 19, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:35  - 10:00 a.m

Observation: Viewed in person from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Bursts of smoke emissions from shredder at Metalico 

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While viewing Metalico in  person, I observed that the shredder was periodically emitting bursts of opaque smoke emissions.  An example of this is shown in the video below.

August 9, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 7:14 - 7:35 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Open burning on Metalico site 

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While observing video at of Metalico for August 9th, I observed open burning at the same location of the fire at Metalico on May 22, 2021.  The burning was taking place at least from 7:14 - 7:35 a.m.  Video of a portion of that time is included below.

August 2, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of  Day: 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Bursts of opaque smoke emissions from the operation of the shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While watching Metalico on video at,  I observed bursts of opaque smoke emissions coming from the operation of the shredder, which was operating from about 7:10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.   The video below shows an example of the emissions.

July 30, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 2:30 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust clouds raised by equipment operating at Metalico 

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While observing Metalico on video on July 30, 2021, I observed dust clouds being raised by equipment operating at Metalico. Included in this activity was the loading of material into a barge.  This activity raising dust clouds continued for some time.  An example is shown in the video below.  Also included below is a screenshot of readings from the RAMP monitor that is at the camera site in Emsworth.   The screenshot shows a spike in PM at the same time that the dust clouds were being raised on Metalico’s site.

July 30, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 7:15 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Bursts of opaque smoke emissions from the operation of the shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While observing Metalico on video on July 30, 2021, I observed that the shredder was operating from about 7:20 a.m. to at least 2:50 p.m.  During most of that time, the shredder frequently emitted bursts of opaque smoke emissions.  An example of this is shown in the video below.

July 26, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 7:20 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Burst of opaque smoke emissions from the operation of the shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While observing Metalico on video on July 26, 2021, I observed that the shredder was operating from about 7:20 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  During most of that time, the shredder frequently emitted bursts of opaque smoke emissions.  An example of this is shown in the video below.

July 17, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  12:32 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Explosion at shredder with lots of emissions.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description: Heard and witnessed a muffled, (but loud enough), explosion at the shredder. Lots of emissions.  They have been noticing more of these muffled explosions within the past few months but was not able to capture one until today.  

July 17, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  9:30 a.m. - ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy emissions and overwhelming acrid odor coming from the operation of Metalico’s shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description: Metalico is operating the shredder on a SATURDAY, creating heavy emissions and filling the air with a THICK AND OVERWHELMINGLY ACRID odor of melting plastic /rubber /metal. They are also creating huge amounts of noise with the operation of the shredder and by dumping/moving heavy scrap.

Their neighborhood is forced to deal with Metalico’s foul odors and extreme 80+ decibel noise pollution that regularly crosses their property line into their RESIDENTIALLY ZONED neighborhood every single day of the week.

Not only does this activity force their neighborhood to alter their daily lives Monday-Friday, but now they can’t even have 2 weekend days that are relatively quiet and not filled with foul air.  (And the odor IS coming from Metalico because they normally don’t operate the shredder on a Saturday.)

The neighborhood kids can’t play outside, ON A SATURDAY, when the odor gets this bad. Do you understand what a gut-punch it is to tell a 7yr. old that they can’t play in their own back yard because the company across the river is making the air smell bad?!

They and their neighbors can’t work outside or even have friends/ family over to enjoy a day on their own back porches/yards because of the overwhelming smell!  It literally causes headaches, nausea, burns their throat, and leaves an odd metallic taste in their mouth after breathing it in for a few minutes.


Metalico should not be allowed to freely destroy the quality of life, and potentially the health, of a neighboring RESIDENTIALLY-ZONED community!

June 29, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:18 p.m and ongoing.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust clouds raised from activity on Metalico site  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While watching video of Metalico at, I observed huge dust clouds being raised by activity on the Metalico site starting at around 9:18 p.m. and continuing for at least an hour, as shown in the video below.

June 29, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 10:00 a.m. and ongoing.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust clouds raised from activity on Metalico site  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While watching video of the Metalico site, I observed dust clouds raised from activity on different parts of the site.  The video below shows dust clouds being raised from a spot next to the large pile.

June 28, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 2:00 p.m and ongoing.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust clouds raised from activity on Metalico site  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While viewing video at, I observed dust clouds being raised and blowing across the river from the Metalico site, as shown on the video below.

June 28, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  10:30 a.m. - ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy odor coming from the operation of Metalico’s shredder and deafening noise coming from the loading of metal into a barge

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description:  Heavy odor, and sometimes heavy emissions, coming from the shredder. It smells like melting plastic, rubber, gasoline and hot motor oil.

Metalico is also using two machines to load a barge with scrap and the noise is deafening. Every time one of those machines flings a pile of scrap into the barge, it sounds like a gunshot and explosion rolled into one. One explosive noise after the other every few seconds for hours on end. (Well past 80 decibels). It pierces your eardrums and causes a high-pitched hum in your ear after experiencing it for a few minutes.

Two of their neighbors were working outside but had to stop what they were doing this morning when the loading started because the noise was so loud. They can’t work on their porch repairs today because of the noise.

June 26, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  9:25 a.m. -time of complaint/shredder operating from 7:15 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy odor of melting plastic and rubber coming from the operation of Metalico’s shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description:  Metalico was operating the shredder on a SATURDAY, creating heavy, thick odors of melting plastic and rubber.  They are also creating huge amounts of noise by dumping heavy scrap and moving scrap piles.

Their neighborhood doesn’t usually experience this strength of odor on the weekends but then Metalico normally doesn’t operate the shredder on weekends either.

Not only do they have to alter their lives during the week due to the activity of this nuisance company but now they can’t even have 2 weekend days that are relatively quiet and less smelly.  During the week, they can’t invite friends/family over because of the smell and noise. They can’t let the neighborhood kids play outside when the odor gets bad. They can’t even mow our lawns or work in their own gardens because of the smell from Metalico and its shredder. It literally causes headaches, nausea, and burns their throat after breathing it in for a few minutes.

June 25, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 5:40 - 6:30 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust clouds raised from activity on Metalico site  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:   While observing video on, I observed dust clouds raised by activity on the Metalico site, as illustrated in the video below.

June 25, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 1:40 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Burst of opaque smoke emission coming from the shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While viewing video of Metalico at,  I observed periodic bursts of opaque smoke emissions from Metalico. During an approximately one hour period from 1:40 - 2:40 p.m., there were at least eight to ten such bursts. The video below shows an example of these bursts.  It seems that the controls Metalico is using for its shredder don’t consistently work to prevent these smoke emissions.

June 24, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 8:15 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust clouds raised from activity on Metalico site  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:   While observing video on, I observed dust clouds raised by activity on the Metalico site, as illustrated in the video below.

June 23, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  12:45 p.m. - Ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy, opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder and dust clouds generated when scrap piles are moved around

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description:  Heavy, opaque emissions coming from the shredder that linger in the air.  This has been happening all morning. An example of this is shown in the video below

A lot of dust is being kicked up and blowing across the river from the green vehicle with the magnetic arm. It’s moving scrap piles inside the open building and NO ONE is wetting the material.  Metalico seems to have altogether stopped wetting ANY materials when working in the open building. They’ve witnessed, on four separate occasions in the past few weeks, excavators loading dump trucks with scrap.  Huge dust clouds are created inside the building which then spill out across the river. No wetting at all being done.  An example of this is shown in the second video below.

June 21, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 12:30 p.m. and on going

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust clouds raised from activity on Metalico site  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While viewing Metalico on the camera at, I viewed dust clouds generated by activity on the Metalico site.

June 21, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  8:30 a.m. - Ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Smoke emissions and heavy odor of melting plastic coming from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description:  Heavy odor of melting plastics was coming from the shredder since 8:30am in the morning. The odor became extremely heavy at 8:40 a.m., 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to the point that they could smell it walking a block away from their house and breathing it in caused throat irritation and a massive headache. The interior of their home was polluted with the odor as well.

June 14, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 7:20 - 8:20 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Opaque smoke emissions from shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While viewing video at, I saw opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico, as illustrated in the video below.

June 9, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 6:00 p.m. and ongoing

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust clouds raised at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While viewing video at, I saw dust clouds being raised by some type of activity at Metalico, as shown in the video below.

June 8, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 5:15 p.m. and ongoing

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust clouds raised at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  While viewing video at, I saw dust clouds being raised at Metalico, as shown in the video below.  The screenshot below shows that the RAMP monitor registered a PM 2.5 spike during the same time period.

June 3, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  10:15 a.m. and 1:55 pm  

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Heavy & opaque smoke emissions and heavy/thick odor

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description: Heavy/thick odors of hot melting plastic and rubber. Strong enough for them to notice it while sitting inside their home with one window open. Also strong enough today to cause them to have a headache. It was like standing inside a burning auto garage and breathing in all the fumes.

-At times, heavy and opaque emissions lingering in the air above the shredder.

June 3, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 8:50 to 9:30 a.m.

Observation: Observed Metalico IN PERSON from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Excessive, opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes..

Description: I observed Metalico in person from 8:50 - 9:30 a.m.  During that time the shredder frequently produced excessive, opaque smoke emissions to the extent that the emissions hung in the air over the site.  An example of this is included in the video below.

June 1, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  10:02 pm - Ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Noise late at night

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description:  Metalico has been operating heavy equipment, (after hours), since 8pm and it continued as they wrote their email complaint.  This activity has been increasing and lasting longer for the past few months. Interestingly, they turn off the floodlights near the river when this activity occurs.

-They are using huge metal front loaders to scrape /push debris (?) on the concrete which can be heard and vibrations felt throughout their home. The loaders are making back up noises every few seconds and a large truck is beeping its horn every few minutes.

They could also hear large piles of metal either being pushed or dumped on the property as well as what sounds like a dump truck being loaded with debris and what sounds like heavy diesel engine exhaust pipes.

This is crazy! They violate Emsworth’s noise ordinance throughout the daytime and make them sick with their emissions and now they have to deal with this noise late at night when people and kids are trying to sleep??  This company is a public nuisance and it’s activity is only increasing and getting worse.

May 27, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:15 to 10:00 a.m.

Observation: Observed Metalico IN PERSON from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Excessive, opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes..

Description: I observed Metalico from 9:15 - 10:00 a.m. in person.  During that period, Metalico’’s shredder, at times, produced excessive,  opaque smoke emissions.  An example of this is illustrated in the video below.

May 26, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 2:10 - 2:15 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust clouds raised by equipment at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD: Yes

Description:  Dust clouds were created by equipment driving around on Metalico’s site.  An example of this is shown in the video below; however, these dust clouds were created throughout the day.

May 25, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  2:00 pm  - Ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Smoke emissions, blowing dust and noise

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description: Metalico is again loading a barge with scrap metal, this time they are dumping it from the open building. ResidentI can literally feel the vibrations of the metal hitting the barge in their home.  It sounds like cars crashing at high speeds right next to their window or a 3-story high shelving unit filled with giant pots and pans being knocked over.   There is also a large amount of dust blowing around the area of the new dock and at times, heavy emissions that linger. (Not steam).

May 24, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  On and off for most of  the  day

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Smoke emissions,

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description: Smoke emissions on and off for most of the day.

May 22,2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  11:25 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Fire at Metalico.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description: ANOTHER FIRE!! Something was burning on the property near the mountain of cars. It smells terrible.  This time, unlike the April 14th fire, the wind was not  blowing directly at my home.

If Metalico cannot operate in a way that doesn’t produce excessive air pollution that blows into their community, they believe that the Health Department NEEDs TO SHUT THIS PLACE DOWN!!  They are poisoning their neighborhood with their fumes.

May 22, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From about 9:50 - 11:30 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Fire at Metalico producing a cloud of thick smoke emissions that turned black for about 10 minutes. 

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes

Description:  A fire started at around 9:50 a.m. in a location away from the shredder.  On 12/15/20, 3/2/21 and 3/3/21,  I observed smoke emissions rising from that same location.  On those occasions it was clearly a case of open burning, so I submitted complaints to the Health Department.  I received a response from ACHD on only one of those occasions (after the 12/15/20 occurrence). I was told that enforcement staff would discuss it with Metalico. Since I submitted two more complaints, they should have taken further action to require Metalico to stop open burning there.  If they had, it would have prevented the fire that occurred on 5/22/21.

The smoke emissions from the fire started at around 9:50 a.m. and gradually grew into a thicker and larger plume. By 10:45 the plume got very large and at around 10:50 it became thick and black for about 10 minutes.  The plume of heavy smoke emissions continued until around 11:30 a.m.  

May 21, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  10:00 a.m.  - ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Heavy opaque emissions and very strong odor

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes  

Description: Overwhelmingly strong odor of melted plastic, rubber, and oil/gas.  The fumes are so strong that it gave them a headache and made them nauseous.  They first noticed it INSIDE their home and subsequently had to close all of their windows on three separate instances since 10am to keep the odor out.  (They do not have air conditioning and have to open their windows.)

There are also, at times, extremely heavy, opaque emissions coming from the shredder. Not steam.

May 18 & 19, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  On May 18, 8:00 am-4:00 pm/on May 19, 8:00 am - ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Extreme noise at Metalico during loading of metal into barge.

Submitted to ACHD:  No.  ACHD doesn’t regulate noise.  Complaint was sent to Emsworth Borough officials, Ohio Township police department, State Representative Anita Kulik and Neville Township..  

Description: Metalico was dropping heavy pieces of junk metal into a metal barge on the river from the equivalent of a 3-story building.  The noise generated by the metal hitting the barge reaches well past 85 decibels and this was going on, non-stop, all day on the 18th and constant since 8am on the 19th.

The noise is extremely loud and jarring and can be easily heard throughout their home even with all windows closed.

May 6, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  7:42 - 8:34pm and ongoing

Observation: In Person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Dust clouds generated by heavy machinery moving scrap around.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.  

Description: Dust clouds generated when a front loader was scraping the areas around the shredding pile. This loader was scraping /creating dust for over an hour. No water was used to mitigate dust. In addition a claw-grabbing machine moving scrap onto the shredding pile was also creating large dust clouds. No water was used to mitigate dust. This is a regular occurrence where Metalico operates, either extremely early (5am-6am) or late at night (past 11pm) and does not mitigate the dust they create.

The video and photos below illustrate this activity.

May 3, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 7:15 - 7:20 a.m..

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Excessive, opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD:  No

Description:  While watching Metalico on video at, I observed the shredder produce excessive, opaque smoke emissions.

April 29, 2021 - Third Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  Started at 7:20am -still ongoing as of 2pm

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Emissions and very heavy odor coming from Metalico’s shredder along with extremely loud noise.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.  

Description: Heavy odor of melted plastic/metal/rubber coming from the shredder and thick, opaque emissions (not steam) coming from the shredder. The wind is blowing the pollution/foul odor across the river directly into Their neighborhood.

Metalico is still dumping heavy scrap metal into a metal barge. They did this all day yesterday and have been doing it today, continuously since 7:20am this morning. They are flinging scrap metal the size of cars into a metal barge that is the equivalent of a 3-story drop. It sounds like cars are crashing/crushing every ten seconds and their nerves are completely shot.  It’s the most jarring, nerve shattering noise that makes their ears ring and their whole body tense up with every explosive drop. They can’t escape the noise nor can they do any work IN THEIR OWN HOME!  THEY’RE beyond disgusted and fed up.  PLEASE DO SOMETHING TO STOP THIS!!!

April 29, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:40 to 10:04 a.m.

Observation: Observed Metalico IN PERSON from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Excessive, opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes..

Description:  I observed Metalico in person from 9:40 to 10:04 a.m.  It was overcast at that time.  While observing Metalico in person  the shredder was operating and producing heavy,opaque smoke emissions, to the extent that it was creating a haze over the site.  Examples of the emissions are shown in the video below.

April 29, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  7:15 a.m. ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Emissions and very heavy odor coming from Metalico’s shredder along with extremely loud noise.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.  

Description: Heavy odor of melted plastic/metal/rubber coming from the shredder that started as soon as it began operating.  Opaque emissions (not steam) coming from the shredder.

Again, for the second day in a row, Metalico is  dumping heavy scrap metal into a metal barge.  The explosive noise woke them up at 7:20am. It was non-stop and continuous after that. Again, this noise makes it extremely difficult to work/make calls from their home because it can be heard, loudly, inside.

Metalico has been increasing this activity from once every few months to every month, and now 2-4 times a month. It’s so extreme that it’s forcing them and their neighbors to leave their OWN homes to get away from it.  And when they can’t leave their homes, they are forced to rearrange their work schedules, their school schedules, and

even the guests who are visiting their  homes to try to mitigate the explosive noises that last all day long.  They can’t even have their 86 yr. old mother come to spend the day with them because the noise level is so alarmingly loud.

If they made anything close to that level of noise in their neighborhood, they would be arrested and fined. METALICO’S IS 1,330 FT. (LESS THAN 1/4 MILE) AWAY FROM THEIR FRONT DOORS! HOW IS THIS LEGAL?? The noise they create is regularly well beyond 85 decibels and this is constant, all day long. They are a public nuisance that is harming their health, their hearing, and their basic rights as a residential community member.

April 28, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  8:30 a.m. ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Opaque emissions and very heavy odor coming from Metalico’s shredder along with extremely loud noise.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.  

Description:Extremely heavy odor of melted plastic/metal/rubber and burnt motor oil(?)

The shredder is operating and the wind is blowing the odor directly across the river into their home to the point where they can’t have their windows open nor can they work in their yard outside because the smell is so acrid.

-At times, heavy, opaque emissions coming from the shredder and lingering in the air. (It’s not steam)

-Ear drum shattering noise from Metalico dumping scrap metal into a metal barge, non-stop, since 8:30am. It sounds like explosive high speed car crashes every 10 seconds right next to their home. Standing outside, for a even a few minutes, listening to the noise causes their ears to ring, similar to how they’ve felt at a concert when standing too close to an amplifier. How is that not a “Health” Department issue?

April 27, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 9:32 - 9:37 a.m..

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Excessive, opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico  

Submitted to ACHD:  No

Description: While watching Metalico on video at, I observed the shredder produce excessive, opaque smoke emissions.

April 20, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  7:15 a.m. ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Emissions and very heavy odor coming from Metalico’s shredder along with extremely loud noise.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.  

Description: The shredder was operating and there was, at times, a HEAVY odor of burning plastic/metal.

-They were also loading scrap into a barge which sounds like cars being dropped off a 3 story building into a metal dumpster.

-Not only is their neighborhood dealing with the fumes today and the loading noise, they are also creating ear drum-shattering noises with the metal they’re adding to the loading dock. The vibrations from this are literally shaking their windows.


They are OUTRAGED that they are allowed to operate so soon after the April 14th fire. They are OUTRAGED that they and a number of their neighbors had to stay in a hotel that night in order to get away from the fumes. For hours, the wind was blowing the smoke directly across the river in clouds so thick it was hard to see their neighbors home.  It infiltrated every floor of their home making it impossible to stay.

They are OUTRAGED that when they returned home the next day, it still smelled so bad that theyI had to open all the windows in cold weather to air it out. TheyI found a layer of gray dust COVERING every surface in their home, and the exterior of their home.

They are most OUTRAGED and most disgusted by the fact that the Health department did NOTHING to protect or warn their community about what they were breathing in, how toxic was it, and what we should do. The Health department left families with infants, little kids, pets and people w/compromised immune systems hanging, not knowing what to do and in real fear for their health. Their lungs were congested for three days from whatever it was we were breathing in.

This is unacceptable and extremely discouraging.

April 14, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  4:10 p.m. ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Fire at Metalico producing thick smoke that is blowing directly at them across the river

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.  

Description: Metalico was apparently on fire. They first smelled it and saw smoke at 4:10 p.m..  They noticed smoke coming from the shredder area as well as the mountain of wrecked cars next to it. The smoke and the smell was beyond explanation. The smoke is blowing directly across the river into Emsworth.  
They and their neighbors were experiencing burning throats, burning eyes, and it was difficult to breathe.  The fire and smoke lasted into the night and they had to leave their homes and stay somewhere else overnight.

The fire lasted into the night.  Fire companies were working on it until after 10:00 p.m. The videos below show the fire at different points during the day and evening.

Also included below is a screenshot of readings from air monitors in Emsworth directly across the river from Metalico .The peak of VOC readings was approximately 5,680 PPB of totalVOC and continued between 4:30pm-8:30pm. RAMP Carbon Monoxide reached 1,011 PPM  and RAMP PM2.5 reached 835 micrograms/cubic meter with the same general time of high readings.

April 9, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  11:30 a.m. - ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Opaque smoke emission and strong odors coming from Metalico’s shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.  

Description: Opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder and a strong overwhelming odor of burnt plastic and motor oil?? They were only outside for a few minutes but the odor was so strong it instantly gave me a headache.  In addition to a video of the shredder emissions also included below are two screenshots that show that, at the time of their complaint, the Emsworth RAMP recorded a spike in PM2.5 and the Emsworth VOC monitor showed a spike in total VOCS.  This seems to corroborate that the emissions from Metalico's shredder at that time may be the source of the overwhelmingly strong odor that instantly gave them a headache.  The first screenshot is from the “Live Camera” page at  The second screenshot is from

April 6, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  5:19 - 5:40 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Extreme noise at Metalico during loading metal into barge.

Submitted to ACHD:  No.  ACHD doesn’t regulate noise.  Complaint was sent to Emsworth Borough officials, Ohio Township police department, State Representative Anita Kulik and Neville Township..  

Description: Metalico was moving heavy scrap metal inside the open building with a large excavator. This started after the metal was dumped onto the floor by a truck.  The noise was so loud that it jolted/woke up everyone in their household.

March 31, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  7:30 - 8:00 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Heavy, opaque emissions coming out of shredder along with melted plastic/rubber odor.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes

Description: Heavy, opaque emissions coming out of the shredder and lingering/spreading across the island. It has been consistently heavy and hazy since 7:15am and is happening now at the time of this email being sent (8:00 a.m.). Typical odor of melted plastic/rubber can be smelled with varying intensity.

March 30, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  8:00 a.m. -  2:00 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Extreme noise at Metalico during loading metal into barge.

Submitted to ACHD:  No.  ACHD doesn’t regulate noise.  Complaint was sent to Emsworth Borough officials, Ohio Township police department and State Representative Anita Kulik.  

Description:  Emsworth resident reported that this was the 2nd day in a row that Metalico had been dumping scrap metal into a metal barge on the river. Two SOLID days of non-stop noise that sounds like explosive high-speed car crashes every 30 seconds right next to their home.

The noise level is beyond excessive and can be heard throughout their home to the point that theyI have to wear earplugs and can’t work or make phone calls. It shatters the nerves and is extremely jarring to hear and feel the vibrations from the metal hitting the barge. They and their neighbors, have literally been forced to leave THEIR OWN HOMES in order to work! This is outrageous and it’s occurring more and more frequently.

They do not understand how this nuisance company is allowed to destroy and violate the noise ordinance of a neighboring, residential town. Neville Township needs to be contacted by our council and informed of the situation. It’s intolerable that Neville and Metalico are allowed to freely trample all over the rights of Emsworth residents and their council does absolutely nothing about it.

March 26, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  7:15 a.m. -ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Heavy, thick smell of hot plastic/metal.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.  

Description:  Heavy, thick smell of hot plastic/metal. So bad they could smell it by their car on the opposite side of  their house from Metalico. The odor is always strongest when the shredder is running but you can also smell a weaker version when it’s hot or when the wind is blowing from Metalico across the river. That morning it was strong and, at the time, there were slight emissions and something going-on near the shredder (see video below).

March 25, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:30 to 9:50 a.m.

Observation: Observed Metalico IN PERSON from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Opaque smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes..

Description:  I observed Metalico in person from 9:30 to 9:50 a.m.  It was partially overcast at that time.  While observing Metalico in person  the shredder was operating and producing opaque smoke emissions.  There was also a strong chemical odor in the air.  Examples of the emissions are shown in the video below.

March 24, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 7:36 - 7:40 a.m..

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Huge explosion in the shredder at Metalico accompanied by heavy smoke emissions

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes

Description:  As shown in the video below, there was a huge explosion in the shredder at Metalico at about 7:37 a.m.  The explosion was accompanied by a very large cloud of smoke emissions.  

March 11, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 2:22 - 2:27 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes

Description: The shredder at Metalico was operating from about 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. on March 11th.  During  that time it was frequently producing heavy smoke emissions.  An example of this is shown in the video below.  

March 10, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 12:59 - 1:06 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes

Description: The shredder at Metalico was operating from about 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on March 10th.  During  that time it was frequently producing heavy smoke emissions.  An example of this is shown in the video below.  At the same time that the video was captured, the PM2.5 measurement on the CMU RAMP monitor in Emsworth also spiked. This can be viewed below in the screenshot of  the “Live Camera” page at  The screenshot shows both the spike in PM2.5 and the very excessive smoke emissions coming off the shredder at the same time.  This illustrates that, in some cases when the sun is in the wrong position, the air monitor readings are additional evidence of very excessive smoke emissions.

March 8, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 11:10 - 11:15 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes

Description: The shredder at Metalico was operating from about 8:45 a.m. to 1:50 p.m. on March 8th.  During  that time it was frequently producing heavy smoke emissions.  An example of this is shown in the video below.  At the same time that the video was captured, the VOC monitor in Emsworth spiked and that can be viewed at

March 8, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From at least 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.

Observation: Viewed by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth.

Type of Complaint:  Thick dust clouds being raised behind Metalico 

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes

Description:  Thick dust clouds were being raised on the other side of the island behind Metalico as shown on the video below.  These dust clouds may have been coming from  Neville Terminal Services at 4700 Neville Rd. or Neville Aggregates at 3501 Neville Rd.

March 5, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 7:24 - 7:29 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes

Description: The shredder at Metalico was operating from about 7:20 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on March 5th.  During  that time it was often producing heavy smoke emissions.  An example of this is shown in the video below.

March 3, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 12:30. - 3:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes

Description: The shredder at Metalico was operating from about 12:30  to 3:00 p.m. on March 3rd.  During most of that time it was producing heavy smoke emissions.  An example of this is shown in the video below.

March 3, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 9:05 - 9:10 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions from apparent open burning at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes

Description: I observed smoke emissions from what appeared to be open burning at Metalico, as is shown in the video below.

March 2, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 7:12 - 7:17 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions from apparent open burning at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.

Description: I observed smoke emissions from what appeared to be open burning at Metalico at various times during the day in the same location.  An example of this is shown in the video below.

March 2, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 7:20 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.

Description: The shredder at Metalico was operating from about 7:20 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on March 2nd.  During most of that time it often produced heavy smoke emissions.  An example of this is shown in the video below.

February 25, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:30 to 9:55 a.m.

Observation: Observed Metalico IN PERSON from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes..

Description:  I observed Metalico in person from 9:30 to 9:55 a.m.  During most of that time the shredder was operating and would sometimes produce heavy smoke emissions as shown in the video below.  Subsequently, I viewed Metalico’s  operation on  The shredder was operating on the 25th from about 8:35 a.m.  to 3:00 p.m. During much of that time, the shredder was producing heavy smoke emissions.

February 24, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  12:30 -ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Heavy emissions and odor and extreme noise levels for second day in a row

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.  Because it is a noise complaint, it was also submitted to Neville Township, Emsworth Borough and State Representative Anita Kulik..

Description:  Today is the second day in a row where there have been extremely heavy, opaque emissions coming from the shredder as well as the usual odor of burnt plastics/materials. These emissions last for hours.

Today is also the second day where there has been constant, (since 7:30am) of machines dumping huge piles of scrap metal into barges. It’s like hearing a high speed car collision every few seconds for hours on end.

The odor, hazy air, and ear-splitting noise have caused severe headache and difficulty breathing while outside on the first nice, warm day in months.

February 23, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  7:30 a.m.-8:45 a.m./Noise all day

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint: Heavy emissions and odor and extreme noise levels

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.  Because it is a noise complaint, it was also submitted to Neville Township, Emsworth Borough, Ohio Township Police and State Representative Anita Kulik..

Description: Extremely heavy, opaque emissions coming from the shredder as well as strong odor of burnt plastics/materials. The emissions were heavy and constant for most of the day.

Metalico was loading barges at 7am with 2 machines simultaneously dropping huge piles of scrap metal into metal barges from the equivalent of a 2-3 story building.  The noise was extremely explosive and nerve-shattering and it happened every few seconds, all day long until 5pm. It’s like hearing a high speed car collision every few seconds for hours on end.

The noise makes it impossible for them to work from home as it can be heard through their computer by other parties. This is the 3rd day this month where the noise was like this.

Metalico continued making extremely loud noises well past 11:30pm with constant bangs from a machine moving metal near the car heap and from a front loader scraping the concrete around the shredder. (This lasted for a couple of hours). They can feel the vibrations in their home every time they scrape.

February 18, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:55 to 10:15 a.m.

Observation: Observed Metalico IN PERSON from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes..

Description:  I observed Metalico in person from 9:55 to 10:15 a.m.  During the entire time the shredder was operating and, for much of that time it was producing heavy smoke emissions.  Subsequently, I viewed Metalico’s  operation on  The shredder was operating on the 18th from about 7:30 to 10:15 a.m. During that entire time, the shredder was producing heavy emissions, as it was when I viewed it in person from 9:55 - 10:15 a.m.

February 12, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 10:38 - 10:43 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.

Description: The shredder at Metalico was operating from about 9:40 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on February 12th.  During that time it often produced heavy smoke emissions.  An example of this is shown in the video below.

February 10, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 1:58 - 2:01 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Burst of heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No.  Sufficient examples of smoke emissions were submitted to ACHD this week.

Description: The shredder at Metalico was operating from about 7:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on February 10th.  During that time it would sometimes produce bursts of heavy smoke emissions.  An example of this is shown in the video below.

February 8, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 9:30 - 9:38 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.

Description: The shredder at Metalico was operating from about 8:20 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on February 8th.  During that time it often produced heavy smoke emissions.  An example of this is shown in the video below.

February 4, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:30 to 9:55 a.m.

Observation: Observed Metalico IN PERSON from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes..

Description:  I observed Metalico in person from 9:30 to 9:55 a.m.  During the entire time the shredder was operating and producing significant, heavy smoke emissions.

February 1, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  11:16 a.m. and ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Extremely loud noise from Metalico loading a barge with metal scrap

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.  Because it is a noise complaint, it was also submitted to Neville Township, Emsworth Borough, Ohio Township Police and State Representative Anita Kulik..

Description:  Metalico was again loading a barge with metal scrap from the open field and the noise is constant, continuous and beyond extreme. It has been non-stop since 11:am and is continuing at the time of complaint, which was 1:12 p.m.  At that time, they were sitting in their home trying to work but the noise and vibrations from dropping metal were making it extremely difficult. They cannot make phone calls to clients because the noise can be heard over their computer and throughout their entire home. They have no where to go to get away from it.

It sounds like high speed cars crashing outside of their home  or bombs exploding every few seconds. This is beyond outrageous and is literally affecting their health and their livelihood.  The sound of crashing and crunching metal is extremely jarring and it’s constant, for hours on end. The questions raised by this are (1) How can this not be a health department issue? And (2)  How is this company allowed to spew their insane levels of noise into a neighboring community with no consequences?  If this resident made noise like this in their neighborhood, they would be arrested. Metalico does this non-stop and it’s clearly going well beyond their property line.

This company is beyond a nuisance, it’s a dangerous menace and is destroying their neighborhood. They want something done about this.

January 30, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  3:36 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Extremely loud noise from Metalico coming in the middle of the night

Submitted to ACHD:  Because it is a noise complaint, it was submitted to Neville Township, Emsworth Borough, Ohio Township Police and State Representative Anita Kulik..

Description: They were woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of numerous trucks dumping metal into the open field and moving it around.  This went on for well over 10min.  - Outrageous!

January 28, 2021 - Fourth Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  10:00 a.m. and ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Extremely loud noise coming from the loading of metal at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.  Also submitted to Neville Township, Emsworth Borough, Ohio Township Police and State Representative Anita Kulik..

Description:  They were now dumping metal into a barge and the noise is comparable to a bomb going off every few seconds right next to their home. They could feel their house vibrate with each dump into the barge.

January 28, 2021 - Third Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  9:30 - 9:45 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  One or two explosions in shredder along with smoke emissions.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.

Description: Explosion(s) at the shredder that shook their entire house, sometime around 9:30-9:45am.


January 28, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:30 to 9:55 a.m.

Observation: Observed Metalico IN PERSON from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes..

Description: Viewed Metalico shredder in person from 9:30 to 9:55 a.m.  During that time it often emitted heavy smoke emissions as illustrated in the video below.

January 28, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  6:00 a.m. and ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Extremely loud noise and dust coming from the loading of metal at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.  Also submitted to Neville Township, Emsworth Borough, Ohio Township Police and State Representative Anita Kulik..

Description:   They started moving metal piles in the open building at 6am. The noise woke them up and when they looked out, they could see huge dust clouds in the headlights of the grabber-machine. (No one was wetting the pile.)  

January 27, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  11:30 am to 1:00 p.m.and ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Extremely loud noise coming from the loading of metal at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No.  ACHD does not regulate noise.  Complaint was sent to Neville Township, Emsworth Borough, Ohio Township Police and State Representative Anita Kulik.

Description: Metalico is loading piles of metal, located in the open building, into a metal barge. It sounds like multiple car crashes every few seconds inside and outside of their home. The vibrations of the dumping can also be felt in their home. This has been ongoing and constant for the past 1.5 hrs.

January 21, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:25 to 9:50 a.m.

Observation: Observed Metalico IN PERSON from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD: Yes..

Description: I viewed Metalico in person from 9:25 to 9:50 a.m.  The shredder was operating that entire time and frequently producing heavy smoke emissions.  Subsequently, viewed video of Metalico at  That video showed that the shredder operated from about 8:15 a.m. to 12:00 noon and frequently produced heavy smoke emissions during that entire time.

January 20, 2021 - Second explosion

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  2:10 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Explosion in shredder along with smoke emissions.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.

Description:  Second explosion today at the shredder that shook their house, accompanied by smoke emissions.

January 20, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  10:50 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Explosion in shredder along with heavy smoke emissions.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.

Description:  A large explosion from the shredder that shook their entire home. There were also heavy smoke emissions coming from the shredder.

January 13, 2021 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 10:50 to 10:55 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.

Description: The shredder at Metalico was operating from about 7:15 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. on January 13th.  During that time it frequently produced heavy smoke emissions.  An example of this is shown in the video below.


January 13, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  9:00 a.m. and ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Opaque smoke emissions and burning plastic/rubber/metal odor from shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


Thick, HEAVY odor of burning plastic/rubber/metal coming from the shredder. Varied in intensity since 9am. Visible opaque smoke emissions that also varied in intensity.

January 12, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From 9:30 to 9:41 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.

Description: The shredder at Metalico was operating from about 7:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on January 12th.  During that time it frequently produced heavy smoke emissions.  An example of this is shown in the video below.

January 8, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 11:26 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.

Description:  The shredder at Metalico was operating from about 7:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  At times it produced heavy smoke emissions as illustrated in the video below.

January 7, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From about 7:10 to 9:30 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description:  The shredder was operating from about 7:10 - 9:30 a.m.  During that time it frequently emitted heavy smoke emissions.  An example of this is shown in the video below.

January 4, 2021

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  In addition to massive explosion at shredder at 7:57 a.m. there were also smoke emissions and strong odors.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions and burning plastic/rubber odor from shredder and massive explosion at shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


-Another massive explosion at the shredder.  It literally shook their entire home , rattled their windows, and scared the hell out of them and their cat.

-Two of their neighbors also heard/felt the explosions and are trying to contact ACHD.

-Also the usual foul odor of burnt plastic/rubber and loads of opaque emissions.

December 30, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From about 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description:  The shredder was operating from about 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. producing heavy smoke emissions at times.  The video below from about 11:55 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. shows an example of these heavy smoke emissions.

December 29, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From about 7:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description:  The shredder was operating from about 7:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. producing heavy smoke emissions at times.  The video below from about 8:54 - 8:59 a.m. shows an example of these heavy smoke emissions.

December 28, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  Odors starting at about 7:42 a.m./Explosion at about 9:50 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions and burning plastic odor from shredder and explosion at shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


-Metalico started operating the shredder at 7:30am and there was a constant odor of burnt plastic/rubber throughout the morning. There were no smells over the holiday when they were shut down

-Metalico is also dumping scrap metal into a metal barge at the open building. It sounds like someone is dropping cars from a high rise building. This has been constant all morning.

-There was also a huge explosion at the shredder at 9:59am

December 18, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  7:30 am and ongoing until about 2:00 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Extremely loud noise starting early in the morning

Submitted to ACHD:  No.  ACHD does not regulate noise.  Complaint was sent to Neville Township, Emsworth Borough, Ohio Township Police and State Representative Anita Kulik.


-Metalico started loading a barge with heavy scrap metal from the open field directly next to the open building.

-They are using two claw-grabber trucks simultaneously to pick up the metal crap and fling it into a metal barge.

-The noise is the worst they have ever experienced. It sounds like a war zone with constant mini explosions happening right next to their home. Imagine giants forcefully dropping  full-size cars from a 3 story building into a metal barge.

- They were shoveling snow but had to stop because their ears started ringing after about 15 minutes of hearing these explosive metal impacts. THIS IS NOT RIGHT! Metalico should not be allowed to harm its neighbors like this.

There is a massive pile of scrap in the open field which means this noise will continue constantly throughout the day. They have to work from home and it’s extremely difficult to do some of their work (phone calls) while this noise is happening. It’s so loud and can be clearly heard in their home.

The noise they create is clearly traveling beyond their fence line and into a residential neighborhood. It negatively affects them and their neighbors on a regular basis

December 15, 2020 - 2nd event

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From about 7:30 a.m. to 7:50 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy fugitive smoke emissions from an unknown source at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description:  Saw some low-lift emissions to the right of the white building with 2 lights and just to the left of the intermittent steam plumes.  The smoke emissions lasted from about 7:30 - 7:50 a.m.    

December 15, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From about 7:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description:  The shredder at Metalico was running from approximately 7:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  During that time, it frequently produced heavy smoke emissions as shown in the video below.

December 10, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:30- 10:00 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Angelo Taranto from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes - submitted via complaint on website

Description:  Heavy smoke emissions from shredder seemed to contribute to haze hanging over Neville Island (see photos below).

December 7, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From about 7:15 a.m. to 2:40 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description:  Shredder was operating from about 7:15 a.m. to 2:40 p.m.  During that time there were frequently heavy smoke emissions.

December 5, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  7:00 am (Start)

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Extremely loud noise early on a Saturday morning

Submitted to ACHD:  No.  ACHD does not regulate noise.  Complaint was sent to Neville Township, Emsworth Borough, Ohio Township Police and State Representative Anita Kulik.


-Metalico is shuffling scrap metal in the yard to the left of the open building. They’re literally grabbing pieces and flinging them onto other piles of metal. It has been continuous and ongoing up to the time of this email being sent. The noise was so loud it woke them up on their day off. It also woke their neighbor’s 2 little girls.  This is obscene behavior. It’s a public nuisance and a health hazard.  Apparently, their neighborhood can’t even get a reprieve from Metalico’s and pollution on a weekend.

-It sounds like large metal shelves filled with large metal objects are collapsing every few seconds.

December 4, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From about 7:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description:  Metalico’s shredder was operating from about 7:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  During that time it frequently produced heavy smoke emissions.

December 3, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:45- 10:05 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Angelo Taranto from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust emissions from the loading of metal into a barge at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes - submitted via complaint on website

Description:  Dust clouds were raised while loading metal into a barge.   This was viewed in-person; however, when the video was checked for today, you can see that the loading operation started at 7:45 a.m. and lasted until 2:00 p.m. and dust clouds were raised during most of that time.

December 2, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  8:50am (Start)

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Extremely loud noise 

Submitted to ACHD:  No.  ACHD does not regulate noise.  Complaint was sent to Neville Township, Emsworth Borough, Ohio Township Police and State Representative Anita Kulik.


-Metalico started loading a barge with scrap metal from the open field at 8:50am this morning. It has been continuous and ongoing up until at least 10:39 a.m.

-EXTREMELY loud. It sounds like head-on collisions are happening every few seconds. directly next to their home.

 -This has been constant, and, based on past incidents, is likely to their home.

-They are working from home and the sound of constant explosive sounds of metal being dropped onto metal can be heard over zoom meetings and phone calls. The jarring noise makes it extremely difficult to concentrate and are causing massive tension headaches.  They should not be forced to leave their home during a pandemic in order to do their work.

November 25, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  2:00 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions and burning plastic odor 

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


-Opaque, cream colored emissions consistent for the past 2 hours.

-At times, strong odor of burning plastic

November 24, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From about 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from shredder 

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description: Shredder was operating from about 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  During that time there were frequently heavy smoke emissions.

November 19, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:27- 10:00 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Angelo Taranto from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust emissions from materials handling at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes - submitted via complaint on website

Description:   While making observations in-person, materials handling at the downriver end of the Metalico property creating substantial dust clouds that blew off of their property, as shown in the photos below.

November 18, 2020 - Second Event

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From about 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Frequent dust clouds raised from the loading of “fluff” into a barge

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description:  At the same time that Metalico was loading metal into a barge (see first entry for November 20th), they were also loading “fluff” into a separate barge.  Despite wetting the fluff pile, they were still generating dust emissions/dust clouds that blew over the river and into the neighborhood.

November 18, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Huge clouds of dust emissions and extremely loud noise.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


Metalico has again, ALL DAY LONG, continuously since 7am, been loading barges with scrap metal. The metal hitting the barge creates huge dust clouds. The noise level is obscene and can be heard and vibrations felt throughout their house. The noise is deafening.

November 16, 2020 - Second Event

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  From 9:00 a.m. until at least around 2:00 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Huge clouds of dust emissions and extremely loud noise.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


-Metalico is dumping heavy scrap metal from the open building into a barge on the river. This is creating huge clouds of dust in the barge which are then blowing across the river into their neighborhood

-The noise from this activity has been constant since 10am and is still continuing at 1:50pm.

-The sound is like having multiple car crashes happen every few seconds right next to your home. Some of the loading dumps are so heavy that they can feel their house vibrate when the metal hits the barge.

November 16, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From about 7:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Frequent heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description: Shredder was operating for most of the day, at times producing heavy smoke emissions.

November 12, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:29 - 10:01 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Angelo Taranto from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust emissions from materials handling at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes - submitted via complaint on website

Description:  While I was observing Metalico in person, some type of materials handling on their property was creating dust cloud emissions for a 10 minute period from about 9:50 - 10:00 a.m.  I could not see clearly the exact source of the emissions, but it was coming from operations on Metalico’s property.

November 9, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From about 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Frequent heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description:  The shredder was running almost continuously from about 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  It produced  heavy smoke emissions for much of the time that it was operating.

November 6, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  1:30 p.m. (Constant since the morning.)

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy opaque emissions and heavy odor from shredder.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


-Heavy cream-colored emissions coming from the shredder. Huge smog cloud over the area and blowing directly across the river into their neighborhood. The smoke has been constant and thick this past week. They’ve never seen it so bad.

-At times, heavy odor of burning plastic and wire. The odor was so bad that they could smell it on Plainfield Avenue while walking a dog through the neighborhood.  Plainfied Avenue is up the hill in Emsworth on the other side of Rt. 65.

November 5, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  2:35 p.m. (It was continuous since 12:30 p.m.)

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy opaque emissions and strong odor from shredder.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


-Really thick and heavy opaque emissions coming from the shredder area and blowing directly across the river into their neighborhood.

-Intermittent periods of hot-plastic/rubber odors. The odor leaves a weird metallic taste in their mouth.

October 28, 2020 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  1:55 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Extremely loud noise and dust emissions.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


The barge loading has been NON-STOP since 6:30am. Every 30 SECONDS for the past 8 HOURS it sounds like multiple cars crashing next to their home. It’s BEYOND extreme today, its unbearable...regularly reaching above 90 decibels with each dump. They don’t understand how that is not a health dept. issue.

They HAVE to work from home but it’s almost impossible to do so with the constant, jarring, nerve-shattering sound of metal being dropped into a metal barge EVERY 30 SECONDS!!! They shouldn’t have to leave their own home  because of this nuisance company. THIS NEEDS TO STOP! Their neighborhood is only 1,200 feet away from Metalico and it’s beyond comprehension that they are allowed to make this kind of noise so close to a residential neighborhood.

October 28, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  6:30 - 10:36 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy emissions with strong odor and extremely loud noise..

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


-2 loading-arm trucks are dumping heavy scrap metal from the yard next to the open building into a barge on the river.

-The metal scrap is being dropped into a metal barge from the equivalent of a 3 story building. It sounds like 2 vehicles head-on colliding every 30 seconds.

-Some of the impacts are so loud that the vibration shakes their house/windows and they can feel the impacts while wearing noise-canceling headphones.

-The loading/noise has been constant for hours and will continue all day until the metal pile is gone.

-The shredder is also operating and there are heavy smoke emissions accompanied by a strong odor burning plastic/oil.

October 23, 2020 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  2:20 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Constant heavy, opaque emissions from Metalico shredder along with

strong odor of burning plastic/metal/rubber.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


Extremely heavy, opaque emissions coming from the shredder. The smell is overwhelming and is permeating their entire home to the point where they don’t think they can stay there while it’s this bad. It’s literally burning their throat, making them lightheaded, nauseous, and it’s leaving a foul, chemical taste in their mouth.

It smells like someone lit a fire in a trash bin filled with plastic containers and all the smoke is being funneled directly into their neighborhood.  IT HAS BEEN LIKE THIS ALL DAY. They and their neighbors have been breathing this in ALL DAY.

They are beyond frustrated and disgusted  as to how the Emsworth council continues to be so grossly negligent with regard to this issue. It’s an absolute disgrace that they are allowing a neighboring town to directly pollute a part of their community, pollution that is potentially toxic and causing residents to become sick.

Metalico’s emissions, odors, dust and noise are clearly crossing their fence line and are clearly traveling into our community. Neville Township should have laws regarding this and our council needs to confront them and demand that these laws be enforced.

If Metalico were to dump a truckload of plastic shavings onto the borough building sidewalk and lit it on fire, they are pretty sure the council would do something about it. This situation is no different. They are dumping their smoke/odor/dust into their backyard.

October 23, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  8:30 a.m. and ongoing to 12:45 p.m..

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Explosion at shredder, smoke emissions and odor from the shredder, dust emissions from the dumping of metal and extreme noise starting early in the morning..

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes.  By email.



-Explosion at the shredder. It was strong enough to shake the house. (See first video below.)

8:30am to 12:45pm:

-Continuous heavy, opaque emissions coming from the shredder. (See second video below.)

-Very strong odor of burning plastic/metal/rubber being blown across the river by the wind.

-Dust clouds from numerous trucks dumping metal in the yard also blowing across the river. (See third video below.)

-The noise, again, from dumping and loading woke them up at 6:30am this morning.

October 22, 2020 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  1:48 p.m. and ongoing.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Constant heavy, opaque emissions that come in bursts from Metalico shredder along with

strong odor of burning plastic/metal/rubber. And extreme noise from loading metal into a barge.            Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


-Constant heavy, opaque emissions coming from the shredder.

-Strong odor of burning plastic/metal/rubber.

-They’re moving metal in the open building and loading it into a barge. The noise level is extreme today and has been constant since 7:30am. (Constant as in dumping metal every few minutes for the past 6 hours). It sounds like dumpster bins filled with heavy pieces of metal are being dropped from a tall building right outside their window.  They can actually feel the impact of the metal hitting the barge while sitting in their home wearing noise-canceling headphones.

October 22, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  7:30 a.m. and ongoing.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Extreme noise starting early in the morning..

Submitted to ACHD:  No.  Noise complaint submitted to Neville Township, Emsworth Borough, Rep. Anita Kulik and Ohio Township police .

Description: Metalico is dumping/moving waste metal inside the open building and also loading it into a barge on the river.  It sounds like dumpster bins filled with heavy pieces of metal are being dumped from great heights right outside their window.  This happens every 30 seconds and has been ongoing and continuous since it woke me up at 7:30am. They also did this all day yesterday but the noise today is extreme.

October 21, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From about 8:00 a.m. onward

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Frequent heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description:  The shredder was running from about 7:30 a.m. onward.  It produced frequent heavy smoke emissions the entire time.

October 14,2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  1:50 p.m.. and ongoing.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy odor and smoke emissions from Metalico shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


-Extremely heavy and thick emissions coming from the shredder all day today accompanied by strong odor of burning plastic/metal/rubber. It’s very opaque, not steam.

October 14, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From about 7:15 a.m. onward

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Frequent heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description:  The shredder was running from about 7:15 a.m. onward.  It produced frequent heavy smoke emissions the entire time. These emissions blew all around including across the river into Emsworth.

October 8, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:14 - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Angelo Taranto from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions from Metalico’s shredder and dust emissions from materials handling in the building on the river.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes - submitted via complaint on website

Description:  Metalico’s shredder was operating the entire time that I was viewing it in person and it produced smoke emissions that were heavy at times.   They were also moving around materials in the building on the river and this materials handling at times produced dust clouds that blew out over the river.

October 7, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  8:00 a.m. and ongoing.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy odor and smoke emissions from Metalico shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


--Constant heavy, opaque emissions coming from the shredder.

-Thick and strong odor of burning plastic/metal/rubber. It’s strong enough where it’s difficult to breathe outside without feeling sick.

October 5, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  10:00 a.m. and ongoing.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy odor and smoke emissions from Metalico shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


-Heavy odor of burnt plastic, rubber, and metal.

-Heavy opaque, cream-colored emissions coming from the shredder

-Causing headache, and leaves a bad taste in the back of the throat.


October 1, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:20 - 10:30 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Angelo Taranto from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions from Metalico’s shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes - submitted via complaint on website

Description:  Metalico’s shredder produced smoke emissions the entire time that I was observing Metalico in person.  It frequently produced clouds of heavy smoke emissions.  From observations of video at later in the day, I could see that the shredder was operating this way from approximately 9:20 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. today.

September 28, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  10:00 a.m. and ongoing.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy odor and smoke emissions from Metalico shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.


-Very strong/heavy odor of burnt plastic, rubber, and metal coming from the shredder. It’s strong enough at times today where they can smell it on the street by the Dog Stop.

-Heavy opaque emissions and smog cloud over the area and wafting across the river to their home.

-Causing headache, and leaves a bad taste in the back of the throat

September 25, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: Much of the afternoon until around 6:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy dust emissions/clouds from materials handling at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description: Heavy dust emissions/clouds from materials handling at Metalico.  These dust clouds were blowing across the river into Emsworth.  

September 24, 2020 - Second Entry

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: From around 4:00 p.m. and into the evening on different parts of the site

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy dust emissions/clouds from materials handling at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description: Heavy dust emissions/clouds from materials handling at Metalico.  These dust clouds were blowing across the river into Emsworth.  

September 24, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:07 - 9:55 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Angelo Taranto from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions from Metalico’s shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes - submitted via complaint on website

Description:  Metalico’s shredder produced smoke emissions the entire time that I was observing Metalico in person.  At times it produced clouds of smoke emissions.  From observations of video at later in the day, I could see that the shredder was operating this way from approximately 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. today.

September 23, 2020 - Second Entry

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 1:45 to 2:15 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy dust emissions/clouds from materials handling at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description: Heavy dust emissions/clouds from materials handling at Metalico near the shredder.  This was happening at the same time that there were heavy smoke emissions coming from the shredder, thus doubling the harm to the community..

September 23, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 7:15 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description: Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico.

September 22, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  10:00 a.m. and ongoing.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy odor and smoke emissions from Metalico shredder and dust clouds and noise from their loading of metal in a barge.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.

Description: -Metalico was dumping scrap metal into a barge on the river and, again, the noise levels are constant and regularly go above 85-90 decibels for each dump.

-The dumping and the noise is constant, happening multiple times per minute. They will do this continually till 4pm.

-Metalico created enormous dust clouds in the barge when they dump the metal and this dust is floating over the river into their neighborhood (see video below).

-They are also operating the shredder which is spewing out regular emissions of opaque smoke and the air smelled like a junkyard on fire (see second video below). It was like a regular dystopian hell on this side of the river.

September 21, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  1:00 p.m. and ongoing.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy odor and smoke emissions from Metalico shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email.

Description: -Heavy, opaque emissions, (not steam), coming from the shredder. There’s been a consistent smoggy haze over this area for the past two hours.

-Strong odor of burnt plastic/rubber and metal.

-Working outside is difficult due to the odor which is causing a headache and tightness/wheezing in the chest.

-Metalico was also operating heavy machines at 3am in the morning, waking them and their neighbors’ entire families.

September 18, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 7:34 a.m. and ongoing

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description: Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico.

September 17, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:12 - 9:55 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Angelo Taranto from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Odor and smoke emissions from Metalico’s shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes - submitted via complaint on website

Description: Odor and constant smoke emissions during the entire time I was observing Metalico in person.  As seen on, the shredder was operating in this same fashion beginning at about 7:20 a.m. and continuing at least until around 11:00 a.m. (camera footage for later in the day is not yet available).  The shredder’s emissions were adding to the heavy haze over Neville Island today.

September 16, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: About 10:49 a.m. and ongoing. (Has been constant and ongoing for 5 hours.)

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy odor and smoke emissions from Metalico shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email..

Description:  Huge smog clouds of opaque emissions coming from the shredder accompanied by the usual odor of burnt plastic/rubber/metal. The shredder was operating since 10:00 am and it started out only emitting clouds of steam. The smell and opaque, cream-colored smog started happening at about 10:49am when they began loading more items into the shredder and it was continuous since that time.  Odor caused a headache and left a bad taste in the mouth.

September 15, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:43 a.m. and ongoing

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy smoke emissions from shredder at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description: Heavy smoke emissions from the shredder at Metalico.  

September 10, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:15 - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Angelo Taranto from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Odor and smoke emissions from Metalico’s shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes - submitted by phone and via complaint on website

Description: Heavy odor and smoke emissions during the entire time I was observing Metalico in person.

September 9, 2020 - Second Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 3:00 p.m.. (Has been constant and ongoing for 5 hours.)

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy odor and smoke emissions from Metalico shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email..

Description: The burning plastic/rubber/metal odor from Metalico has been outrageous today with its strength and duration. The emissions and smog clouds have been present all day long. The fumes are  extremely bad and overpowering to the point where they had to leave their home because they felt light headed and there was a horrible dusty, metalic taste in their mouth.  It was the same feeling you get when you’ve been painting in a room with poor ventilation.

Their neighbor let her daughter, and another child she was watching, outside to play and immediately had to bring them back into the house because of the odor. They have not been outside since. This was outrageous. They were suffocating from these fumes and were being forced to stay inside and to seal up their homes on a hot day.

The resident asks:  “What are we breathing into our lungs!??  Why is this odor burning our throats and causing headaches and dizziness every single time that it happens??!  More importantly, Why is the Health Department doing nothing about it? Where are their inspectors?”

September 9, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 10:0 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Heavy odor and smoke emissions from Metalico shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes, by email..

Description: Heavy odor of melting plastic/rubber/metal coming from the shredder. It’s particularly acrid today and literally smells like someone is burning a trash can filled with plastic bottles in Emsworth resident’s backyard.

-Cream-colored opaque emissions over the area and at times, it was very thick.

-Odor was causing burning throat, headache, and made it impossible to be outside in their own yard. They have to close their windows as well as the odor was seeping into their home.

September 8, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 1:16 p.m. and ongoing

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust emissions from materials handling at Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description: Dust clouds were generated by materials handling at Metalico.  These clouds blew over the river and into Emsworth.

September 8, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 8:40 a.m. and ongoing

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions from Metalico Shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description: Metalico’s shredder was producing heavy smoke emissions all day froml about 7:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

September 4, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:05 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions from Metalico Shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description: Metalico’s shredder was producing heavy smoke emissions most of the day.

September 3, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:20 a.m.

Observation: Viewed on video from camera across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Smoke emissions from Metalico Shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  No. ACHD does not consider viewing air pollution on video as the basis for a complaint.

Description: Metalico’s shredder was producing heavy smoke emissions all day until about 3:00 p.m.

September 2, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 1:51 p.m.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Odor and smoke emissions from Metalico Shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes

Description: Thick odor of burning, melting plastic, rubber, and metal. It was difficult to breath outside. The odor caused a headache, tightness/wheezing in the lungs and left a bad taste in their nose and mouth. This has been ongoing and consistent for the past 4 hours. Periods of thick, opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder and the wind is carrying the smoke and odor across the river.

August 27, 2020 - Second Noise Complaint

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 10:30 a.m. and ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Extreme noise

Submitted to ACHD:  Because it was a noise complaint it was emailed to Neville Township, Ohio Township police, Emsworth Borough and Representative Anita Kulik..

Description:  Within the 5 minute time span of a noise reading, there were 3 separate metal dumps that were beyond 90 decibels, and 6 metal dumps that were above 85.

This is what they and their neighbors have to live with for six hours of the day, multiple days a week. This cannot continue.

August 27, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 6:45 a.m. and ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Extreme noise

Submitted to ACHD:  Because it was a noise complaint it was emailed to Neville Township, Ohio Township police, Emsworth Borough and Representative Anita Kulik..

Description:  They were woken up this morning at 6:45 am to the sound of Metalico dumping large pieces of metal into a metal barge on the river. This is ridiculous. The noise is as bad if not worse than yesterday.

How  are the people of this neighborhood supposed to live like this?!  It has consistently gotten worse and more frequent over the past. A neighboring township is violating the noise ordinance of your borough. Please DO SOMETHING about it.

August 27, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 9:17 - 10:00 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Angelo Taranto from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Dust emissions from materials handling by Metalico

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes - submitted via complaint on website

Description:  Metalico was handling material at several different locations on their site.  This included loading metal into a barge, loading “fluff” into a separate barge and moving material behind the large pile in the vicinity of the shredder.  It seemed that the wetting that they were doing was reducing dust somewhat; however, some of the piles weren’t being wetted.  As illustrated in the video below, the materials handling without the wetting was creating dust clouds.

August 26, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 8:39am-constant for over 4 hours

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Extreme Noise

Submitted to ACHD:  Because it was a noise complaint it was emailed to Neville Township, Ohio Township police, Emsworth Borough and Representative Anita Kulik..

Description: Metalico Recycling was dumping heavy scrap metal into a barge on the river. The noise was ear-shattering and regularly hits above 85 decibels. It sounds like cars, steel beams, and tons of other metal objects  being dropped from a five story building Onto the pavement outside of their window. THIS NOISE HAPPENS EVERY 30 SECONDS AND LAST FOR HOURS!!!

It’s impossible to be outside when this is occurring and makes it extremely difficult to concentrate and work from home. They should not have to choose to leave their home or wear noise-canceling headphones 3 days a week for hours on end.

Not only is this company affecting their neighborhood’s health with its constant pollution and foul odors, it’s now impacting the people who come to their home and forcing delays for needed repairs.  It’s so loud that the contractor who was supposed to work on their porch today decided to reschedule because he couldn’t take the level of noise. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!

They are absolutely disgusted with the ZERO response from the Emsworth council regarding this issue and it’s utter lack of concern about this business’s harmful effects on its residents. This company may be in Neville Township but it’s pollution, odors, and noise are traveling far beyond its zoned area and directly across the river into their home and neighborhood.

August 26, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 8:30am-ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of Complaint:  Odor and smoke emissions from Metalico’s shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes - emailed

Description:  Really strong odor of burnt plastic and opaque smoke emissions coming from the shredder.

August 20, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  9:00 a.m. and was constant for over four hours

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of complaint:  Noise

Submitted to ACHD:   Because it was a noise complaint it was emailed to Neville Township, Ohio Township police, Emsworth Borough and Representative Anita Kulik..

Description: Metalico was dumping heavy scrap metal into a barge on the river (see video below). The noise was deafening and extremely jarring and it was constant. They were also missing the barge when dumping and pieces of metal were being thrown into the river.  

August 13, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  9:14 - 9:55  a.m.

Observation: In-person by Angelo Taranto from across the river in Emsworth

Type of complaint:  Smoke emissions from Metalico’s shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes - submitted via complaint on website

Description: I observe Metalico’s operation from 9:14 - 9:55 a.m.  The shredder was operating the entire time.  While there were times when there were no or low visible emissions, at other times (as documented in the video below) there were clouds of smoke emissions generated by the shredder.  


August 11, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  1:00 p.m. and ongoing

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of complaint:  Odor and smoke emissions from Metalico’s shredder that was making them sick

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes - emailed

Description: Extremely strong odor of burning plastic/metal in the air, strong enough where they could smell it from the street and inside their home.  Constant opaque emissions coming from the shredder, at times very soupy. Smog haze above the facility. All this was causing headache, burning nose/throat, nausea.

August 10, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  1:00 p.m. - Constant since this morning.

Observation: In-person by Emsworth resident from across the river in Emsworth

Type of complaint:  Odor and dust emissions generated from Metalico loading “fluff” into a barge.

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes

Description:  Metalico was loading a barge with fluff debris and the smell was horrible. It smelled like burnt metal and plastics but moldy and wet. It’s like when you’re in the city on a really hot day and you can smell the garbage dumpsters even if you can’t see them.

They’re also occasionally missing the barge and dropping pieces of material into the river.

Metalico was “hosing” the debris pile somewhat but every 3rd. grab of the loader creates a sizable dust cloud. There’s also a heavy layer of smog over that area of the island.

They don’t understand how Metalico is allowed to operate when DEP has issued a code orange air quality alert.  They don’t have air conditioning, so they have to keep their windows open and the air/odor is bad enough where it’s causing a headache, tight chest, and leaves an odd odor in the back of their nose/throat.

August 6, 2020

Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

Time of Day:  9:10. - 9:55 a.m.

Observation: In-person by Angelo Taranto from across the river in Emsworth

Type of complaint:  Emissions from shredder

Submitted to ACHD:  Yes

Description:  Emissions were coming from the shredder for the entire time.  These emissions were heavy at times to the point where they hung over Metalico.

August 3, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

1:15pm  (Ongoing)

-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident emailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting heavy/thick odor of burning/hot plastic and metal and opaque emissions coming from the shredder.

-It varied in intensity but there was a constant odor since 9am this morning. The smell is strong enough that they could smell it coming through their window at the opposite end of their house in their kitchen.

-Causing headache, mild nausea, and it left a foul taste in the back of their throat once it was breathed in.

July 31, 2020

- Entered by:  Angelo Taranto

- Time of Day:  8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

- Observation: From camera video by Angelo Taranto

- Type of complaint:  Dust clouds

- Submitted to ACHD:  No

- Description:  Heavy dust clouds generated while “fluff” was being loaded into a barge. This activity started at around 8:00 a.m. and continued until after 2:00 p.m.  Dust blew into and across the river into Emsworth.

July 30, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

9:13 - 9:50 p.m.

Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

I observed Metalico Recycling, in person, from 9:13 - 9:50 p.m. from across the river in Emsworth.  The shredder was operating and producing heavy emissions during that time.  As  illustrated in the video below, there were three times during this short 37 minute time period when the emissions were particularly heavy.  These emissions continued throughout the day, as shown in camera footage at

July 29, 2020 - Second odor complaint

By Angelo Taranto

-1:15pm  (Ongoing)

-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting a constant odor of burning/hot plastic and metal since the earlier complaint and emissions continue to be opaque and thick. It’s hard to capture on a photo but there is a low hanging area of smog over the area and you can see clouds of pollution rolling across the river.  

-The smell is strong enough that they noticed it in their house.

-Headache and the odor leaves a foul taste in the back of their throat.

July 29, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

11:10am  (Ongoing)

-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsorth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting that they were out working in their yard for the past hour while Metalico had been running the shredder and with little noticeable odor, then they noticed heavy opaque emissions coming from that area around 11:10am followed by the usual heavy smell of burnt/hot plastic and metal.  The odor then continued uninterrupted..

-The odor was causing a headache, burning throat, and forced them to stop working in their yard and go inside.

July 28, 2020

Enter by: Angelo Taranto

Time of Day: 6:30 a.m. - Ongoing

Observation:  In person by Emsworth resident

Type of Complaint: Noise

Submitted to ACHD: No..

Description:  Emsworth resident emailed a complaint to Emsworth Borough, Neville Township and Ohio Township police reporting that Metalico started loading/dumping waste metal into a river barge beginning at 6:30am and has been constant/ continuous for the past 1 1/2 hours-The noise was extremely loud and jarring. It woke them up that morning.

July 27, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

-2pm -Ongoing

-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department, Emsworth Borough and Ohio Township police reporting that every 5-10 seconds for the past 2 hours, Metalico had been dumping metal waste into a barge on the river. It sounds like multiple cars crashing at high speed right outside of their house and it was constant. They were also, at times, missing the barge and dumping pieces of metal waste into the river. This activity was also raising dust clouds.  All of this happens multiple times per week not to mention the constant, overwhelming odor of burning plastic and toxic emissions that come from the shredder when they cut up automobiles.

The resident stated that it is outrageous and dangerous that this is allowed to happen so close to a residential community.

They pay taxes to live in Emsworth, a residential community, and not to Neville Township. Emsworth council has long been aware of this issue from numerous neighbor complaints to the borough secretary as well as a direct complaint by them and fellow neighbors at a borough meeting, yet NOTHING has been done. Emsworth has a noise ordinance; why is Neville Township allowed to violate that with impunity?

July 27, 2020

By Angelo Taranto


-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

- Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting a really heavy odor of burnt/hot plastic and hot rubber/oil coming from the shredder. This was consistent for over 3 hours.

-At certain times, emissions were so thick that you could see clouds of it hanging over the river and in the air.

-They have no air conditioning in their home so windows were open and the smell permeated every part of their house causing a massive headache and nausea.

July 16, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

9:20 - 10:00 a.m.

Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

I observed Metalico in-person from 9:20 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. from the Emsworth side of the river and submitted a complaint to the Health Department using their online system.  I observed equipment moving material around inside the building whose end facing the river is open.  At around 9:45 a.m. large clouds of dust were raised inside the building and blew out of the building and over the river into Emsworth.  Even though I was wearing a mask, my breathing was affected by the dust.

July 15, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

8:00 a.m. - 2:20 p.m.

Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

As I observed on camera video, large dust clouds were raised during the loading of material into a barge.

July 9, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

9:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

I observed Metalico in-person from 9:13 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. from the Emsworth side of the river and submitted a complaint to the Health Department using their online system.  I also observed Metalico’s activities for the rest of the day on  Metalico’s shredder was operating from about 9:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  During much of that time the shredder was producing substantial emissions as evidence in the video below.  Even though I was wearing a mask, there was a discernible odor coming from those emissions.

July 2, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

7:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

As I observed on the camera video, the shredder at Metalico was operating and emitting heavy emissions all morning and into the afternoon at least from 7:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

July 1, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

8:53 - 9:31 a.m.

-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

I observed Metalico in person from the Emsworth side of the river and e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department.  The shredder was running during most of the time I was there, generating significant emissions.  There was a discernible odor and I could taste the emissions from Metalico even though I was wearing a mask..

June 29, 2020

By Angelo Taranto


-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting that, in addition to what was reported in the earlier complaint today, Metalico has been loading barges and every 30 seconds it sounds like a car falling on their house. This has been consistent for the past 2 hours.

As they are flinging material into the barge, they are consistently dumping pieces of it into the Ohio River.

They could see the splash of metal hitting the water. They could  also see pieces floating on top of the water.

They were also creating enormous dust clouds that were wafting across the river into their neighborhood.

June 29, 2020

By Angelo Taranto


-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting really heavy and thick odor of melted plastic/hot metal that started soon after the shredder began operating.

-Periods of heavy emissions coming from the shredder as well. There’s also a lot of smoke hanging in the air directly above the open building.

-Smell is so bad it’s making it difficult to work in their yard. (Burning throat, headache).

June 25, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

9:05 - 9:52 a.m.

-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

I observed Metalico in person from the Emsworth side of the river and phoned in a complaint to the Health Department at about 9:20 a.m.  The shredder was running all morning, including during the time I was there, generating heavy emissions.  There was a discernible odor and my mouth and throat were irritated from the emissions coming from Metalico.

During that same period, Metalico was loading scrap metal onto a barge on the upriver side of the open building.  This process kicked up a significant amount of dust and made a huge amount of noise.

Also this morning, an Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting that from 10:00 a.m. on they were subjected to a heavy odor of burnt plastic/metal coming from the shredder as well as thick, opaque emissions.  Metalico was also dropping heavy scrap into a barge and the noise level was deafening. Every 30 seconds it sounds like a car is being dropped from a 3-story building into a metal dumpster right next to their house. This was going on consistently for over two hours.  They said that it’s outrageous that this business is allowed to operate like this right next to a residential neighborhood. It’s literally like hearing 2 cars crashing at high speeds.

June 17, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

8:47 - 9:23 a.m.

-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

While I was observing Metalico in-person from the Emsworth side of the river, they were moving around "fluff" and loading it onto a barge.  A front loader was taking the fluff from a large pile and transferring it to a smaller pile closer to the river.  A crane was then picking up the fluff and dumping it into the barge.  As you can see, they were wetting down part of the large pile with a thin stream of water. They were not wetting down the small pile at all.

Despite the wetting that they were doing on the large pile, dust was becoming airborne particularly when the front loader dumped its load onto the small pile and when the crane picked up and dumped a load into the barge.

While standing for about 35 minutes on the Emsworth side of the river, my mouth and throat became irritated from the airborne dust from these activities.  I phoned a complaint about all of these activities into the Health Department.

June 12, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

8:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.

As observed on the camera, the shredder was operating and emitting heavy emissions for most of the day.

June 4, 2020

By Angelo Taranto


-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting a heavy odor of burnt plastic/metals and opaque emissions coming from the shredder. The odor was strong enough to permeate the inside of their house and made it impossible to be outside. It caused a headache, burning throat, heavy chest.

May 28, 2020


-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident e-mailed a second complaint on May 28th to the Health Department reporting that the odor from the shredder has grown so thick that they can actually taste it in their mouth and the back of their throat is burning. They have to work outside today and the odor has caused them to use their inhaler twice so far which is 2 times more than they have had to use in the past 3 months.

-There are heavy emissions coming from the shredder and the wind is blowing clouds of it directly across the river.

May 28, 2020


-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting that Metalico had been operating the shredder for the past 2 hours but it wasn’t until 11:05am that they noticed the smell. Really heavy/thick odor of burning plastic/metal. They weren’t even outside to smell it; it came through their kitchen window. The winds were extremely high and it was blowing the odor throughout their house. There were also periods of heavy visible emissions coming from the shredder as well.

May 13, 2020

By Angelo Taranto


-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting that Metalico was loading a barge with the material from the  “fluff“ piles and it was creating enormous dust clouds that were crossing the river into their neighborhood. It smelled like moldy, burnt plastic.  The dust is so thick and widely dispersed that it’s falling into the Ohio River and leaving a very visible coating of pollution on top of the water around the barge and near the shoreline.  This activity went on for hours.

The “fluff” pile is compiled of shredded, non-Metalic material from car interiors and whatever else they are cutting up at the time.  This is extremely disturbing and outrageous.

May 7, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

1:00 pm

Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting a heavy odor of burnt plastic/metals and opaque emissions coming from the shredder. Odor is causing wheezing, headache and has forced them and their neighbors indoors.


May 5, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

1:00 p.m. and ongoing

-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting that Metalico has been moving and cutting up large construction dumpsters. They were literally picking them up with the loader vehicle and banging them on the ground to break them up. They’ve been doing this most days for the past few weeks but on this day the noise was extremely jarring and the vibrations of the dumpster hitting the ground shook their house and rattling their windows. This was going on consistently for over an hour.

They were also creating huge clouds of dust as they smashed and cut the dumpster which wafted over the river into their home.

April 29, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

1:00 pm

-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting an extremely strong odor of burning plastic/metal coming from the shredder at Metalico.

-Some observations they made over the past few weeks while in quarantine:

1. The heavy odor is strongest the first few hours the shredder starts to operate. There is still a consistent smell all day but it’s heaviest at the start.

2. There is an odor every time one of their front loaders and “claw” machines move, dig, and load onto barges the pile of fluff. This odor is the same as the burnt plastics/materials odor but with a stale or damp smell to it.

3. The fluff pile creates huge clouds of dust when it’s disturbed.

4. Pieces from the fluff pile and the dust fall into the river when they are loading the barges. It’s too small to see on the camera but they can see the ripples in the water and a cloudy film on top of the water.  They’ve sent this information to Steve Hepler at DEP but have heard no response.

March 31, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

Emsworth resident phoned in a complaint to DEP (7:20am to 7:25am on the camera).  They witnessed a green excavator moving portions of the “fluff” pile. “Fluff” debris continuously fell into the river as the excavator worked. Ripples could be seen as the debris hits the water.

March 26, 2020

By Angelo Taranto


-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department about the heavy odor of burnt plastic/metals and opaque emissions coming from the shredder. The odor and smog varied in intensity since 8am in the morning, but it was really pungent at this time. Odor is causing wheezing, headache and has forced them and their neighbors indoors.

March 10, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

- 9am—Ongoing

-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department.  The shredder was operating generating continuous emissions with varying degrees of opacity. The wind is heavily carrying the smoke across the river.

There is an extremely strong odor of burning plastic/rubber/metal.  The odor is bad enough where they can’t be outside.

March 9, 2020

By Angelo Taranto


-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department.   The shredder was operating and emitting opaque smoke and there was a heavy odor of burnt plastic/metal/rubber in the air.

March 2, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

7:30 am-ONGOING

-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting heavy and thick smoke coming from the shredder. The emissions have been consistently thick.  The wind is blowing it towards Emsworth.

-Strong odor of burnt plastic/burnt metal

-Noise level from dumping metal is extremely high.

Resident e-mailed a second complaint to the Health Department at 8:00 a.m., because of the heavy odor of burnt plastics. The odor was constant for the past 1 1/2 hours and had steadily gotten heavier with the wind blowing it directly across the river into Emsworth.

-ResidentI was trying to work on their car but it was difficult to be outside and breathe the odor for more than a minute; causing a headache and their asthma to flare up. Their throat was burning and it left a weird taste in their mouth.

February 24, 2020

By Angelo Taranto


-Neville Island near Metalico

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department about a very strong odor that they had never smelled before; chemical-paint remover-plastics sort of smell that stays in your nose. It’s literally left a bad taste in their mouth. There was also a weird mechanical noise, (sort of like a pressure washer motor), coming from one of the businesses near Metalico.  It was really bad.

(Since this was at night, it was not possible to capture anything on video.)

February 21, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

-8:30am / 11:19 am -ongoing

Emsworth resident sent in a complaint to the Health Department about heavy, opaque, cream-colored smoke coming from the Metalico’s shredder and heavy odor of burning/hot plastic coming from Metalico. The opaque emissions have been consistent all morning.

February 17, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

9:00 a.m. and ongoing

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting a very heavy and thick odor of burning/hot plastic and other burnt odors coming from the shredder at Metalico.  The fog has been keeping the smog low and it’s consistently smelled for hours, enough to cause their throat to burn after a few minutes of exposure. They also reported that the noise level is ridiculous today.

January 15, 2020

By Angelo Taranto


Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint that there was a strong chemical odor, similar to turpentine, that was thick in the air of Emsworth. The air was clear earlier in the morning, but there was now a thick layer of smog hanging over the industrial area of Neville Island near Metalico (see second video below).  Metalico seems to have been contributing to this smog with heavy emissions from the shredder which was running from about 7:20 - 10:00 a.m. (see first video below).


January 14, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

-1:08pm explosion at Metalico Recycling on Neville Island

One Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint and two other Emsworth residents called in complaints about a big explosion at the shredder at Metalico Recycling on Neville Island. There were visible flames and black smoke.

January 13, 2020

By Angelo Taranto

11:56 am explosion

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting a large and jarring explosion at the shredder at Metalico Recycling on Neville Island.  The explosion was accompanied by thick, opaque smoke and the odor of burnt materials.

December 29, 2019

By William Doran

Emsworth e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting:


-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

"Thick, overwhelming chemical odor similar to turpentine. It’s bad enough that my throat started burning within minutes of breathing the air and is causing my asthma to flare up."

Too dark and foggy for camera footage.

December 18, 2019

By William Doran

7:25 am - 3:10 pm

Debris yard becomes active starting at 4:00 am as the lights come on. Continuous shredder emissions through the day up to 3:10 pm.

December 17, 2019

By William Doran

8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Major emissions from shredder starting at 8:00 am and are continuous through the entire day up to 3:30 pm. Dust clouds from piles and vehilles seen from approx. 8:00 am - 3:00 pm.

December 13, 2019

By William Doran

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting:


-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

-Very thick odor of stale, burnt plastic. (Almost as if you were smelling an ash pile after it was done burning.)

-A lot of dust being thrown around into the air and river when the blue grabber is flinging the material into the barge.

-They’ve  also been operating around 2-3am for the past two nights waking me and my family out of deep sleep. A lot of metal banging and dumping noises.

After watching the video, can confirm that there is vehicle movement in yard starting at approx. 1:08 am. A lot of dust kicked up as vehicles come and go.


Cranes seen starting at 5:11 am and the left yard is active from 6:15 am to 3:00 PM. Dust clouds from dumping and vehicle movement throughout this time.

At 7:20 am, there seems to be a burn barrel that is left unattended and spills out of the barrel at 7:28 am. Flames are extinguished at approximately 7:43 am. Smoke emissions are continuous during this time.

Dust clouds seen around barge area starting at 7:59 am. Crane seen dumping from pile into barge and emitting dust clouds into river starting at 8:11 am to 10:06 am.

Smoke emissions from machinery/shredder area from 10:22 am to approximately 2:30 pm.

December 9, 2019

By William Doran

7:14 am - 4:40 pm

Multiple sources of thick opaque emissions. Primary emissions seen from the shredder with two secondary emissions near the shredder. Primary opaque emissions cease at approximately 8:40 am then return from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Secondary emissions can still be detected until the rain dampers visibility at 4:40 pm.


December 5, 2019

By William Doran

7:30 am - 3:00 pm

Continuous thick, opaque emissions from the shredder through the entire morning and into the afternoon.

December 4, 2019

By William Doran


Emsworth e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting:

“Strong smoky-industrial odor of burnt plastic and burnt materials. There’s a lot of smoke coming from the shredder but the snow flurries are making a photo difficult.”

November 26, 2019

By Angelo Taranto


Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting an incredibly strong odor of burning plastic and burnt metal in the air. It’s so bad that their throat started burning after just a few minutes . It was hard to breathe while standing outside. There were also a lot of emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico.

November 25, 2019 - Second Complaint

By Angelo Taranto


Emsworth e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting:

- Very thick, acrid  odor of burnt plastic/rubber in the air.

-Visible emissions coming from the shredder causing a soupy haze to hover over that area of the island.

-The moving/dropping of large pieces of metal, the noise and echo of which was extremely jarring. It could be heard and felt throughout their house. It was ongoing for over an hour.

November 25, 2019

By Angelo Taranto


Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting a medium-sized explosion and a lot of opaque smoke coming from the shredder.

November 15, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

- 2:40pm

Emsworth e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting  that there were visible emissions coming from Metalico’s shredder. The whole area of the island around Metalico was covered in a thick haze.  There was an odor of industrial burnt materials that varies in strength at different times.

November 11, 2019

By Angelo Taranto


Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Department reporting that they had been outside raking leaves since 3pm and did not notice any smoke from Metalico nor did they smell anything until 3:55pm. At 3:55pm, there was a thick and heavy odor of burning plastic/metal, so strong that they could smell it all the way out by rt. 65. The smell persisted for a long time. There was also smoke coming out of the building with no wall (the Bay 3 building). There was a plume of smoke coming out of that building near the roof line.

November 6, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. and reported the following from Metalico from about 2:00 p.m. onward.

-Again a strong odor of burning rubber/tar and burnt plastic that seems to be stronger when the shredder is started up.

-Thick, opaque emissions coming out of the shredder as well as the big open building.

November 5, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. and reported the following from Metalico from about 1:00 p.m. onward.

-Super strong odor of burning rubber?? as well as burnt plastic and metal. It’s really bad.

-Thick, opaque emissions coming out of the shredder

-There May have been an explosion between 12:50pm to 12:56pm. The house shook but I was unable to capture a photo.

November 4, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. and reported the following at Metalico from about 8:00 a.m. onward.:

-Strong odor of burning plastic/metals that varies in intensity

-Thick, opaque emissions coming out of the building (Bay 4 building) to the right of the open one.

- Metalico cutting metal and the torch fire can be seen in the same building.

October 25, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Dust clouds generated from the loading of material onto a barge.

October 23, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Emissions coming through the holes in the roof of the Bay 4 building.

October 18, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Shredder operating and generating significant emissions.

October 2, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. and reported that from 12pm and ongoing there was a heavy odor of active burning coming from Metalico.  It smells like burnt plastic, metal, car parts... The odor is all through their home and causing a burning throat. At times, thick emissions coming from the shredder. It’s hanging in the air creating a soupy haze over the island.

Listen to the audio from October 2, approximately 10am.

Video for October 2, 2019 from 12:20 - 12:25 p.m.


September 30, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that from 8:30am on there was an active, (smoky) odor of burnt/heated plastics, metal, and car parts. Some emissions were coming from the shredder and the odor was pretty thick and flaring up their asthma in a bad way today.

   from 8:30 - 8:35 a.m.

September 26, 2019 (second complaint)

By Angelo Taranto

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that from about 1:00 pm on the wind was blowing an odor over from Neville Island.  It was a pretty bad chemical odor, like turpentine. It was so strong at 1pm that they could smell it driving as they were turning onto their street from Route 65.

At that time, there were also visible emissions coming from Metalico’s shredder and the Bay #4 building.

  from 1:12 - 1:17 p.m.

September 26, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

While observing Metalico in person today from the Emsworth side of the river at about 11:20 a.m., I saw visible emissions coming from their shredder.  

  from 11:19 - 11:24 a.m.

September 23, 2019 (second complaint)

By Angelo Taranto

Video from 2:48 - 2:53 p.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that at 2:55 p.m.there was still a lot of heavy, opaque smoke, (not steam), coming out of the shredder and there was still a heavy odor of active burning plastic/metal. But there was also a smell of burning oil and rubber. There was also smoke coming out of the roof of the Bay 4 building to the right of the large open one. The smell was pretty bad and they had to close  their windows due to it infiltrating their home. It caused a pretty severe headache and made them a bit nauseous as well as the usual burning nose/throat.

September 23, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Video from 11:06 - 11:11 a.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting about activity at 11:10 a.m. at Metalico Recycling that had been like this since 9am and is ongoing.

There was thick, heavy smoke,(sometimes cream in color) being emitted from the shredder. It was definitely not steam and is hanging in the air and making a thick haze over the area. The wind is blowing the smoke across the river directly into their home in Emsworth.  There was also a very strong odor burnt plastic/metal but this is more of an “active” smoky odor as opposed the odor from yesterday (September 22nd).

Listen 1 minute sample clip of audio starting at 11:18am

September 22, 2019 (second complaint)

By Angelo Taranto

Video from 7:43 - 748 p.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that at 7:45 p.m.there was a sickly sweet chemical smell in the air, almost like turpentine. They often notice this smell in the evenings and in the early morning and it’s a very distinct smell from what Metalico puts out.  They were sitting outside with a family member and had to retreat inside/close the windows  because the odor started to burn their nose and throat. The wind is blowing across the island towards Emsworth.

September 22, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Video from 12:58-1:03 p.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that, at 1:00 p.m. and ongoing, in the area near Metalico Recycling on Neville Island, there was a very noticeable odor of burning plastic/metal/stuff. The wind was blowing across Neville Island into Emsworth and there as a definite haze over that part of the island, although it’s not showing up well in the photos/video. The odor is much stronger when the wind picks up.

September 18, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

We were on the Emsworth side of the river in person with a group of Point Park journalism students to view Metalico.  While we were there, around 11:00 a.m., the shredder was operating and emissions were visible coming from the shredder.  After being there for about 20-30 minutes, my throat was irritated from breathing in those emissions.  Others in the group were also affected by the emissions.

  from 11:18 - 11:23 a.m.

September 12, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Video from 12:12 - 12:17 p.m.

I observed  Metalico in person today from across the river in Emsworth from about 12:00 noon - 12:30 p.m.  The shredder was running the entire time and there were visible emissions the entire time.   I also noticed an odor while I was there that I assumed was coming from Metalico.

September 11, 2019

By Angelo Taranto


Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that in the Metalico Recycling “area” of Neville Island:

-This was the 2nd night where it smells as bad and as strong as it does during the day. (This is not a normal occurrence).

- Bad as in it’s seeping into their home and is  causing burning nose/throat/wheezing for them.

-Bad as in this smell is so frighteningly similar to what the resident smelled in NYC on the days/months after 9/11: burnt/charred metal, plastics, insulation, paper...This day is (always) hard for them but having to also smell an odor that reminds them of it has made it truly awful.

This odor/pollution is causing very real physical health issues.  It’s not normal for an odor to cause one’s nose/throat to burn or for asthma symptoms to flare up the minute it’s breathed into the lungs. Their neighborhood is breathing in this garbage on a daily basis. What exactly are they breathing in?!!  It’s outrageous that this has been allowed to occur for so long so close to densely populated areas.

It was nighttime and the only activity on the Metalico site that the camera picked up was one or more vehicles moving around on the site.

September 11, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Video from 1:09 - 1:14 p.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting the following coming from Metalico.

-Odor of burnt plastic,metal,rubber  

-Opaque smoke being emitted from the shredder as well as smoke coming from the Bay 4 building.  There’s a smog that’s hovering over the area.

- Both the smoke and smell have been varying in intensity throughout the day

September 10, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

-9pm —to well past 11:30pm

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting Super Thick, Industrial burning Odor in the Metalico area of Neville Island (see entry for the night of September 11th).

September 10, 2019

By WIlliam Doran

Local resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting a strong odor of burnt plastic, metal, and rubber coming from the shredder. There were large amounts of opaque smoke emitted from the shredder as well as smoke/dust coming from the open building. Both the smoke and smell varied in intensity throughout the day.

September 5, 2019

By William Doran

Emissions seen from the roof of the building directly adjacent to the shredder..

August 29, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Video from 9:17 - 9:22 a.m.

Shredder is operating and generating a significant amount of emissions.

August 27, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Video from 9:17 - 9:22 a.m.

Shredder was operating and generating a significant amount of emissions from about 7:15 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on this day.

August 21, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Video from 7:55 - 8:00 a.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting a very strong odor of burnt plastic and burnt materials coming from the shredder machine. It was pretty clear that the odor was coming from Metalico because the smell wasn’t noticeable until about 5 minutes after the shredder started operating.around 7:16 a.m.

The shredder was generating heavy emissions.  You can also see emissions coming through the roofs of the buildings to the left of the shredder.

August 16, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Video from 8:05 - 8:10 a.m.

Shredder was operating and generating a significant amount of emissions from around 7:55 a.m. - noon.

August 15, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

In person observation from 11:24 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Video from 11:35 - 11:40 a.m.

I observed Metalico from the Emsworth side of the river.  The shredder was operating during the entire time that I was observing.  There were continuous emissions coming from the shredder with frequent periods of heavy emissions.

August 8, 2019

By William Doran

Dust from trucks dumping sands from 7:13 a.m. to 1:37 p.m. Shredder active from from 7:21 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. with various degrees of emissions. Footage cuts out from 1:37 p.m. Clouds of airborne emissions blowing across the river from 6:27 p.m. from to 7:51 p.m. Emissions are sourced from machines and trucks directly adjacent to the shredder, though it would appear the shredder is not active.  

August 5, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

While observing Metalico in person from the Emsworth side of the Ohio River from about 1:00 - 1:45 p.m., the shredder was operating and producing heavy emissions and associated odors.   During this time, the wind was often blowing the emissions across the river to our location.   I and some of the people with me got sick from those emissions.

The video from the camera during this time is not available; therefore, I have included below four photos taken by an Emsworth resident during this same period of time..

July 25, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

IN PERSON observation from 11:27 - 11:55 a.m.

Video from 11:30 - 11:35 a.m.

Varying levels of emissions were coming off of the shredder all of the time that I was observing.  Additionally, a machine was loading material into a barge during most of this time.  Instead of lowering the material into the barge, they were tossing/flinging the material into the barge.  This created dust clouds that blew over the river.  During part of the time, a front loader was also moving the material around and that created dust clouds.

July 23, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Video from 3:56 a.m. to 4:01 a.m.

Emsworth resident who lives directly across the river from Metalico Recycling e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting being abruptly and repeatedly woken up at the following times  - 12:30am, 2:37am, 2:59am, 4:00am  -   by Metalico’s operation of heavy equipment. They observed them moving and dumping large pieces of metal on their property. It sounded as if metal dumpsters were being dropped onto the ground right outside their window and it occurred repeatedly throughout the night. Since it was night time, the video does not record much detail, but the video included below does show equipment moving in the open-faced building at around 4:00 a.m. The video also showed  some equipment movement at Metalico at the other times identified by the resident.

This was a week night and like most of Emsworth’s residents, this resident had to work in the morning. They were utterly exhausted from a lack of sleep. It’s outrageous that this company, located in Neville Township, can be allowed to have such a severe and negative impact on the residents of Emsworth.

July 19, 2019

By William Doran

12:30 p.m. - 12:35 p.m.

-HEAVY odor of burnt plastic and burnt metal coming from the shredding machine.

-Thick, opaque smoke being emitted from the shredder as well.

The shredder released emissions from approximately 10:35 a.m. until approximately 3:00 p.m. Winds consistently carried emissions across the river while the shredder was operating.

One resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting the odor being so strong that they noticed it while sitting in their living room. It filled their entire house and gave them a headache/ burning throat. This is especially concerning given the heat advisory of 95°F+ this weekend, for not all residents in the area can afford air conditioning and  keep their windows open to cool their homes. 

Video for July 19, 2019

smoke from metallico seen coming across the river toward Emsworth

July 18, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

11:55 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

IN PERSON observation from 11:55 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.  During that time, the shredder was running from about 11:55 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.  While it was running, emissions were visible.

As seen on the camera, the shredder was running intermittently from about 7:55 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.  Whenever it was running, emissions were visible.

July 16, 2019

By William Doran

Emissions were relatively light from the shredder as it only operated from 7:10 a.m. to 8:25 a.m. Most of the surrounding air particulates were dust from vehicle movement and excavated sand and debris. Much of the dust was blowing across the river.

July 15, 2019

By William Doran

8:08 a.m. - 8:13 a.m.

Emissions came from the shredder while it was operating from approximately 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The smoke emissions were especially opaque from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. After that, emissions varied in intensity but continued during the entire time the shredder was operating. The shredder briefly restarted emissions at 5:25 p.m. and more consistently from 6:45 p.m. to 7:40 p.m. The last emissions for the day occurred at approximately 9:00 p.m. There was also consistent dust coming from backhoes loading sands and pilings into the trucks throughout the day.

July 11, 2019

By William Doran

8:06 a.m. - 8:10 a.m.

Emissions came from the shredder while it was operating from approximately 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Emissions varied in intensity and continued during the entire time the shredder was operating.

July 8, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

10:10 - 10:15  a.m.

Emissions came from the shredder while it was operating from about 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  While emissions varied in intensity,  they continued during the entire time that the shredder was operating.

June 17, 2019

11:58 a.m. - 12:03 p.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting HEAVY and thick odor of burnt plastic and burnt metal coming from the shredder machine. The odor is so thick that it stays in your nose and throat and feels heavy in your lungs.

-Large amounts of opaque smoke being emitted from the shredder

June 4, 2019

9:55 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that Metalico has been moving and dumping large piles of heavy metal for the majority of the morning and afternoon. It sounded like someone was dumping and smashing large metal trash cans right outside their window. It was incredibly jarring and could be heard through closed windows

June 3, 2019

Video from 7:20 - 7:25 a.m.

For most of the day, emissions could be seen coming from Metalico, often heavy emissions.  They appeared to be coming from the holes in the roof of the building to the left of the open building.

May 30, 2019

11:30 - 11:35 a.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting:

-HEAVY odor of burnt plastic and burnt metal coming from the shredder machine.

-Consistent, opaque smoke being emitted from the shredder as well.

-Dust clouds coming from metal scrap being loaded onto barge.

-Opaque smoke coming out of the large open building.

May 17, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

This is one of the exceedance dates cited by the Health Department in the July 19, 2019 Enforcement Order against Metalico.  During a 60 minute period an ACHD inspector observed over seven minutes that equaled or exceeded 20% opacity and made three visible observations that equaled or exceeded 60% opacity.

May 1, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

12:00 p.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting:

-HEAVY odor of burnt plastic and burning wires(?) blowing directly on the wind over  from Metalico. (There is a strong wind today).

-A lot of consistent, opaque smoke coming from the shredder.

-It’s the first nice day in quite awhile and they can’t sit on their back patio to enjoy it because the odor is so thick. It leaves a metallic-like odor/aftertaste in the nose and mouth even after going back into their home.

(No camera video available.  See photo below.))

April 23, 2019

By Angelo Taranto


Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting:

-Very strong odor of burnt plastic and maybe rubber and oil?  There’s a lot of opaque smoke coming out of one of the holes in the roof. The wind is also really strong today and it’s blowing the stench  directly from Metalico towards Emsworth.

(No camera video available.  See photo below.)

April 22, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

7:14 - 7:19 a.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting a massive explosion at the shredder and a very strong odor of industrial burning. They literally felt their entire house shake and saw plaster dust blow out of one of the cracks in their wall.

April 16, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

9:08 - 9:13 a.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting heavy, thick, opaque smoke coming out of the shredder and blowing directly across the river towards Emsworth.

-Super-strong odor of burning plastic and other industrial burning. The smell is so strong that it started to burn her throat and has forced her neighbor and her to stop working in their yards and to retreat inside.

April 4, 2019

Video from 12:28- 12:33 p.m.

This was one of the dates cited in the Health Department’s July 19, 2019 Metalico Enforcement Order.  On this date, during a one hour period,  an ACHD inspector observed twenty-one minutes when opacity equalled or exceeded 20% and made 29 observations that equaled or exceeded 60% opacity.

For much of the day, the shredder was operating and generating significant emissions.

April 3, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

7:28 - 7:33 a.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting strong industrial odor of burning plastic mixed with turpentine. The smell is so bad that the back of her throat started to burn after standing outside for 5 min. and the smell stays in your nostrils well after leaving the area.  

-Heavy emissions and smog over Metalico blowing towards the city.  Those emissions and smog started to be visible from Metalico buildings around 7:00 a.m.  The operation of the shredder, which started operating around 7:20 a.m., added to those emissions.

April 2, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

11:46-11:51 p.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting:

-Periodic thick/opaque smoke coming from the shredder that continued from this time forward.

-Heavy odor that smells like burning plastic. It intensifies/dissipates over the past few hours.

-While walking a friend’s dog, they could smell it all the way up in the hills of Emsworth near Plainfield/Allison.

March 28, 2019

8:38 - 8:43 a.m. and ongoing

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting very strong industrial odor that smells like burning plastic and opaque smoke, not steam, coming from the shredder.

March 14, 2019

8:25 - 8:30 a.m. and ongoing

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept reporting thick, opaque smoke, not steam, coming from the shredder and an odor of industrial burning.

March 13, 2019

8:20 - 8:25a.m. and all day

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting thick, opaque smoke, not steam, coming from the shredder and an odor of industrial burning throughout the entirety of the day.

February 28, 2019

12:00 - 12:05 pm

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting thick, opaque smoke, (not steam), coming from the shredder and a strong odor of burning plastic. This has been consistent for the  past 2 hours and has created a layer of smog over the island towards the direction of the city.

February 26, 2019

7:47 -7:55 am

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting a massive explosion at the shredder at 7:48 a.m. that shook all of the windows in their home and was extremely jarring. Odor of industrial burning.

February 26, 2019

7:35 - 7:40 am

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting a consistent amount of thick, opaque smoke, (not steam), being emitted from the shredder.

February 25, 2019

8:20am to 8:30am

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting:

--Metalico was loading a barge, (green grab-loader truck), with processed materials from the shredder. Sometimes the truck “flung” the material into the barge creating a large dust cloud. The wind then blows it all over the place, including across the river towards Emsworth.  What is in those processed materials that is being spread around?

- The noise of the material falling at great distance into a metal barge is loud, constant, and jarring. This noise echos off the far hillside in Emsworth which amplifies the sound, making it worse for those residents.

February 21, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

12:44 - 12:49 pm


Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting a strong industrial odor of burning plastic and a lot of opaque smoke being emitted from the shredder at about 12:45 p.m.. The wind was blowing all of it across the river towards Emsworth.  The camera shows that this was happening all morning.

February 11, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

9:39 - 9:45 am

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting a medium explosion/cream-colored smoke coming from the shredder around 9:39 a.m.

February 4, 2019

By Angelo Taranto


-Metalico Recycling, Neville Island

-A lot of opaque smoke blowing across the river,(See last photo), with an odor of burning plastic coming from the shredder. This has been continuous for the past hour.

February 3, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

10:00 - 11:30 p.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that:

-Wind was blowing in from Neville Island direction.

-Incredibly overpowering smell of natural gas outside. Both she and her sister smelled it and physically became light-headed. They immediately called Columbia Gas because they thought it was a gas leak. (It smelled exactly like natural gas).

-An emergency tech came out but he found no evidence of a gas leak near her home or in the neighborhood. He also smelled the odor and informed her that he could smell it as far back as Sewickley. (He was driving south on Rt. 65 towards her home).

- After the smell dissipated both she and her sister had nasty headaches and were extremely concerned.

Because this was after dark,  the video doesn’t appear to show any evidence that this odor came from Metalico.

January 29, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that there was a large explosion at the shredder at around 1:44 p.m.  She said that it shook the windows in her house.  The camera was out from about 12:10 p.m. - 3:10 p.m., so there is no video of the event.

January 23, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that there was a heavy smog cloud over Metalico and that area of Neville Island. Thick smoke was coming from Metalico and from the business with the large, white, round tanks.  There was a really strong chemical-smell in the air (overly sweet smell?) mixed with a burnt plastic smell. The smell was burning her throat.  The Emsworth side of the river was filling up with smoke.

Explore this view

January 23, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

10:23- 10:28 a.m.

Second large explosion at the shredder accompanied by a lot of thick, cream-colored smoke.

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January 23, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

8:32 - 8:37 a.m.

Large explosion at the shredder accompanied by a lot of thick, cream-colored smoke. An Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that it shook the windows of her house.

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January 18, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

8:45 - 8:50 a.m.

An Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that there was a continuous stream of thick, cream-colored smoke coming from an area near the shredder. It started around 7:30 a.m.

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January 9, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

1:28 - 1:33 p.m.

Massive explosion at the shredder with a lot of thick smoke.  It shook all of the windows of an Emsworth resident’s house. They e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. to report on this explosion.

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January 2, 2019

By Angelo Taranto

8:30 - 8:35 a.m.

A lot of emissions coming from the open building at Metalico.  This video is an example of the emissions throughout most of the day .

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December 20, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

2:40 - 2:45 p.m. (video)

 An Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. at 3:00 p.m.reporting that there had been a strong and consistent odor of burning plastic for over an hour. There was a lot of cream-colored smoke and smog hovering over the island.

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December 17, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

9:34 - 9:39 a.m.

Apparent explosion in the shredder at around 9:36 a.m.  Heavy emissions coming from the shredder all morning.

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December 10, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

11:33 - 11:38 a.m.

3rd. explosion at the shredder at Metalico at around 11:35 a.m.. A lot of cream-colored smoke and smog.

This was one of the exceedance dates cited by the Health Department in their July 19, 2019 Enforcement Order.  On this date, an ACHD inspector, during a one-hour period, observed a total of five minutes when the opacity equaled or exceeded 20%.

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December 10, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

11:08 - 11:11 a.m.

Large, 2nd explosion at the shredder at Metalico at around 11:09 a.m.  A lot of cream-colored smoke and smog

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December 10, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

11:03 - 11:06 a.m.

Very Large explosion at the shredder at Metalico at about 11:06 a.m.   A lot of cream-colored smoke and smog. Odor, (all morning), of burning plastic.

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December 10, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

8:25 - 8:30 a.m.

An Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that there was an odor all morning of burning plastic. Early in the morning,  they were again open burning in the building directly to the left of the shredder.

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December 7,  2018

By Angelo Taranto

4:03 - 4:08 p.m.

An Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting a lot of thick cream-colored smoke coming out of the holes in the roof of a building that’s located directly to the left of the shredder during the period starting at 4:00 p.m. It was making a thick haze over the area and could be seen visually blowing over the river. There was a strong odor of burning plastic in the air.

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                    * From Pittsburgh Ramp Network  (

Side by side:

An Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting a lot of thick cream-colored smoke coming out of the holes in the roof of a building that’s located directly to the left of the shredder during the period starting at 4:00 p.m. It was making a thick haze over the area and could be seen visually blowing over the river. There was a strong odor of burning plastic in the air.

November 29, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

8:43 - 8:47 a.m.

An Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that around 8: 45 a.m. there was a lot of thick cream colored smoke coming out of the shredder that made a thick haze over the area. There was also a bad odor of burning plastic/burning rubber in the air.

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November 27, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

2:24-2:29 p.m.

At 2:25 p.m. there was a third large explosion that had a very large fireball at the shredder at Metalico. The explosion was followed by a long stream of cream-colored smoke coming from the shredder.

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November 27, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

2:20 - 2:25 p.m.

At 2:23 p.m., there was a second, even larger explosion at the shredder at Metalico. It shook the entire house of an Emsworth resident. Following the explosion there was a lot of cream colored smoke. The resident reported the explosion to the Health Dept. by sending them an e-mail.

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November 27, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

9:28 - 9:33 a.m.

At 9:31 a.m., there was a large explosion at the shredder that shook the entire house of an Emsworth resident.  The explosion was followed by a lot of cream colored smoke.    The resident reported the explosion through an e-mailed complaint to the Health Dept.

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November 20, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

1:06 - 1:11 p.m.

Large explosion at the shredder at 1:08 p.m. accompanied with thick, cream-colored smoke. Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that the explosion shook her entire house.

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November 15, 2018

The Allegheny County Health Department issued an enforcement order on Metalico for explosions and visible emissions.   The enforcement order included a fine of $6,900.

November 12, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

3:55 - 4:00 p.m.

Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that there was a lot of burning/torching going on in the building to the left of the shredder between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m.  Smoke was pouring out of the top of the building and it smelled strongly of burning plastic.   She was outside raking leaves at the time and the emissions and odor gave her a bad headache.

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October 31, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

8:01- 8:06 a.m.

- Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that there was lots of cream colored smoke coming from the shredder for a period of time,  including around 8:02 a.m.  It hung in the air for a long time.

- She also reported that there was a really bad odor of burning plastic coming from the shredder throughout the day. She could smell it all the way up on the hills in Emsworth when she was walking that day.

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October 29, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

8:56 - 9:01 a.m.

An Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting a really bad, thick odor of burning plastic in the air and a lot of smoke/smog around the shredder.

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October 29, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

8:45 - 9:00 a.m.

An Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. to report a big explosion at about 8:46 a.m. at the shredder that shook her house.  It was accompanied by a lot of smoke.

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October 24, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

2:09 - 2:15 p.m.

An Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting a big explosion at the shredder and to the right of the shredder around 2:09 p.m.  Also saw flames. Lots of smoke and a strong odor of burning plastic.

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October 23, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

8:05 - 8:10 a.m.

The GIF captures some of what an Emsworth resident was seeing from 7:30am continuing to 9:15am.  Smoke and emissions coming from Neville Galvanizing, which is out of view to the left of the camera view, and from the shredder at  Metalico.  Both together were mixing to create a thick smoggy haze over that section of the island.

It was accompanied by a bad odor of burning plastic and some other strange odors.  The resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. to report all of this.

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October 22, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

1:43 - 1:48 p.m.

An Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept.  reporting that there was still a very heavy odor of burning plastic coming from the shredder at 1:46 p.m.. There was a lot of smoke and a smoggy haze hanging over Metalico. She was up in the hills of Emsworth (across from her house) earlier in the day  and she could smell it all way up there.

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October 22, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

10:32 - 10:37 a.m.

Heavy smoke and emissions coming from shredder and buildings to the left of the shredder most of the day and particularly heavy in the morning. An Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. at 10:37 a.m. reporting that there was a very heavy odor of burning plastic and some smoke coming from the shredder.  She said it comes in waves of severity and was super strong at that time.

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October 18, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

11:54 - 11:56 a.m.

While watching Metalico in person, I saw a truck moving left to right, to the left of the open building.  The truck was moving slowly (the video makes it appear as though it was going faster), yet it still raised a large dust cloud.

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October 18, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

Observed in person from 11:58 - 12:03 p.m.

I observed heavy emissions that hung over the river.  I noticed that after the shredder seemed to stop operating the emissions continued.  It looked as though their source was from further back from the river, maybe from somewhere else on Metalico's property or on another site.  I have seen dust clouds that came from Neville Aggregates behind Metalico and this did not look like that.  The emissions were hanging over the river. I could not pinpoint the source even after driving over to Metalico on Neville Island.

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October 15, 2018

9:14 - 9:16 a.m.

An Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting that from about 9:25 a.m. to 12:55 p.m.:

-Strong odor of burning plastic/industrial

-The odor has been consistent for over 3 hours, sometimes getting very heavy.

-There’s also been a consistent smoggy haze over the area with periods of thick creamy smoke. The wind is blowing directly across from Metalico towards my home.

-I’m trying to do some outside work on my back porch but the odor is burning my throat and causing a headache making me have to stop and go inside.

October 11, 2018

By Angelo Taranto and other ACCAN members

9:57 - 10:02 a.m.

An Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting a lot of thick smoke and emissions coming from the shredder and a fireball and large explosion at around 9:59 a.m.  It shook the house and windows.  There was an odor of burning plastic/tar wafting over for at least an hour preceding and including the time of the explosion.

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October 10, 2018

By Angelo Taranto and other ACCAN members

2:52-2:57 p.m.

Heavy odor of burning plastic and a lot of cream-colored smoke coming from the shredder. Smoke can also be seen coming from the large open building directly to the left of the shredder.


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October 8, 2018

By Angelo Taranto and other ACCAN members

8:03 - 8:08 p.m.

Strong odor of burning plastic coming from Metalico on Neville Island. The shredder is not operating but there is a lot of noise coming from a front loader moving metal at one of the pits.  It is our understanding that Metalico is only supposed to be doing cleaning operations after 5:30 p.m.  The video shows equipment movement.

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October 5, 2018

By Angelo Taranto and other ACCAN members

9:44 - 9:48 p.m.

Loud noise coming from Metalico, sometimes as loud as their daytime operation.  Noise sometimes lasts all night until dawn.  Video shows equipment operating on the site.

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October 4, 2018

By Angelo Taranto and other ACCAN members

10:05 - 10:10 p.m.

Loud noise coming from Metalico during a time when they are not supposed to be operating.  Video shows equipment operating on the site.

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October 4, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

Heavy smoke and emissions coming off Metalico’s shredder almost continually from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., which includes the 2:40 p.m. time when an Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. about a strong odor of burning plastic coming from Metalico. Bad enough to where they had to close their windows.  This GIF covers the time between 2:40-2:45 p.m.

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October 4, 2018

By Angelo Taranto

Watched Metalico in person from about 11:18 - 11:35 a.m..  During that time there was heavy smoke and emissions coming off of the shredder.  There was also a constant haze that hung over Metalico’s buildings.  In  addition at 11:24 a.m. there was a large fireball and explosion in the shredder.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

By Angelo Taranto and other ACCAN members

There was thick smoke and emissions coming off Metalico's shredder on Neville Island all morning starting at around 7:00 a.m.  This included the time around 11:05 a.m. when an Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting a strong odor of burning plastic and smoke coming from the shredder that she could smell inside her house.

The short video here records what was happening at Metallico at around 11:05 a.m.


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Friday, September 28, 2018

By Angelo Taranto and other ACCAN members

Strong odor of burning plastic and smoke coming from Metalico’s shredder and there was smoky haze hovering over Metalico.  The video runs from 2:32 - 2:37 p.m.; however, these conditions were present for hours.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

By Angelo Taranto, ACCAN member

This GIF runs from 8:30 to 8:35 a.m.  Emsworth resident e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting a large explosion at Metalico that shook her house and windows  at 8:33 a.m.  At that time you see a fireball and a burst of smoke and emissions coming from the shredder at Metalico.

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Friday, September 21, 2018

By ACCAN member

This is one example of dust being kicked up in Metalico’s yards, either by wind or the movement of equipment.  This happened frequently throughout the day.

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Friday, September 21, 2018

By ACCAN member

They didn’t seem to be running the shredder today, but every once in a while there would be a burst of smoke from a spot that seemed to be to the right of the shredder.

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Friday, September 21, 2018

By ACCAN member

Emissions coming out of Metalico’s buildings.  These emissions occurred throughout the day.

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Thursday, September 6, 2018

By ACCAN Members

There was continual activity at Metalico all during the early morning hours when they weren’t supposed to be operating. Very loud noises were heard throughout Emsworth.  The mayor of Emsworth complained about the noise that she had heard.  This particular GIF shows dust rising in the open building at around 1:07 a.m.  That was accompanied by very loud noise.

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Thursday, September 6, 2018

By ACCAN members

Later on that same morning, around 5:26 a.m., more loud noises from Metalico with activity in the open building and then a vehicle seems to be pushing something into the river.

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Thursday, September 6, 2018

By ACCAN members

Then about 6:00 a.m. more loud noises and you can see what seems to be burning in the building to the right of the open building.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

By ACCAN members

A lot of dust kicked up in yard that is in front of the shredder.

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Thursday, August 30, 2018

By ACCAN members

ACCAN member who lives in Emsworth e-mailed a complaint to the Health Dept. reporting a massive explosion at around 10:50 a.m. that shook her house and other houses in the neighborhood.  The evidence of the explosion is a sudden burst of smoke and emissions from the shredder and a wave that moves across the river toward Emsworth and then bounces off the bank and ricochets back to Neville Island..  She and two other residents called in complaints to the Health Department.  She also reported it on SmellPGH.

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Friday, August 24, 2018

By ACCAN member

Smoke coming from open building and maybe other adjacent buildings at Metalico.  Last for around a half hour.

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Monday August 6, 2018

By J. Pachuta and ACCAN Member

Explosion seen on August 1 around noon

Smoke blowing from Metallco lasted almost 20 minutes.

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Monday Aug 6, 2018 #2

By J. Pachuta and ACCAN Member

Large Explosion at the shredder accompanied by thick smoke. Heavy odor of burning plastic has been consistent since 9am.

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